Pop Politics
Paris Hilton PONED John McCain.
I should have posted this thought to this Internet thingamajing, and that I did not means that you have no reason to believe me when I write this, but I was thinking that Ms. Hilton ought to post up a video where she outlines, oh so ironically, an intelligent sounding Energy Policy.
In the end the product gives me a queasy feeling. It’s Paris Hilton, who identifies herself as a “Celebrity”. That is her occupation — “Celebrity”. She touches down on her identifying characteristics of a ditzy Valley Girl, and we watch this Vacuous Act. And I still don’t really know why I am aware o f her existence.
More telling the “hybrid” she proposes of the McCain policy of “off-shore drilling” and the Obama “emphasis on renewable technology” is both flawed, and largely the policy Obama has landed on. Except that where Hilton states — meaninglessly for her purposes — that the off-shore drilling will carry us to the renewable technology (tax credits to Detroit for development, referenced just so she can throw in the word “tax credits” — aka another somewhat nuanced policy concept), she is wrong, even if Obama picked that up for some political expediency of where the public opinion has landed. In Obama’s case, it is part of that “post-partisan” language some liberals appear to not have noticed during the primary season, and he knows the “limited drilling” is essentially cosmetic.
I suppose that “Gay Cost Prayer Team” which congregated in front of a gas station and prayed for gas prices to fall believe they are onto something, what with gas prices having fallen down a dime. Apparently Americans have cut back on gas, demands has actually fallen. That and tapping the Federal Oil Reserve — another switcheroo Obama has undertaken, and my basic thought on that is that I don’t have a problem with that so much as I have a problem with it becoming a habit — but if you must lower the price of Oil, that’s where you go. And then there’s that 2008 version of the Carter “Wear a Sweater” seen in the mocked -over “Inflate your tires” gets us.
And so we head over to the next items in the Silly Season. McCain stands before a crowd of Harley enthusiasts and offers up his wife to a raunchy topless beauty contest versus Obama is heckled by a demand to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. It could be worse. John Edwards could be the nominee, and what’s in the National Enquirer would be in the front page of the newspapers. As opposed to Paris Hilton.