Flag Pins (feh)
Flag Pin. Dot dot dot. Flag Pin politics.
Just shoot me if I make this topic a habit, okay?
So I see Dearest Charles Krauthammer tredge past it in a list of Cynical Obama… what’s that common vernacular used today?… Political and Positioning Readjustments … And I am hit by the inanity of part of our political dialouge.
Long story short: Obama is now wearing flag pins. After a period of time where he did not wear them. He started wearing flag pins again after being pestered on the topic.  And mind you he started doing so in the primary season when, theoretically, he still had to court those quote-in-quote “moveon.com (or is it org?) crowd” of a-patriotic symbol smashing snubs.
There are a few ways of considering Obama’s flag pin arch. One is that the passion which had aligned blustery nationalism and a blurry loyalty test in 65 to 80 plus Bush America has died down such that the flag’s meaning differs in 2008 from its meaning in 2002 – 2003. Another is the “if it means that much to you” item which is akin to the deference of wearing a tie to one’s job interview — a pander of a type made by everyday citizens in everyday situations. And the other item is the “Who gives a flying rip?”
July 11th, 2008 at 10:22 am
Wearing the flag pin is far more important than protecting and preserving and defending the Constitution.
It is simply a FACT of life, in the media, the politicians, and a large number of “citizens” (sic).
Sad. Brutally sad. Fatal, actually.