Leesburg pivoting over toward?

I do not have the time right now to dig into the following links, and maybe I will shortly and make some semi-prescent comment or other. Beyond, “Hey Look! The Larouchies are trying to get somebody elected in Texas!” And the my previously stated comment “Um. I don’t think Clinton likes having that name attached to her… anywhere.” (That item I may well go through a list of anti-Obama rumours and try to figure out which ones have some circulation bump from the Larouche universe.) (And for the dailykos item: “Your friend is long gone. Sorry.”) So, here is a link dump.


Tuesday the Larouche website machinery kicked out an item declaring that they had “Won” and succesfully gotten Obama into a stalemate such that he will not be president. Curiously, that very same url was swiftly changed to a longer item about how the British were thrusting Obama on us all, setting us up for McCain. This I found a bit curious, as the “We Win” and “We have thwarted Obama” statement was no more insane or distant than anything else. As a May memo has it:

Suppose the PPP crowd grabs the Democratic Party. Every good Democrat will become a Republican. No one in his right mind will play with PPP people—fascists like Rohatyn and Soros. If they took over the Democratic Party, then people in their right mind would destroy such a Democratic Party, just as they would destroy the Nazi Party. Under those conditions, McCain would be told to do as he is told. Patriotic forces in the U.S. would act to control him, to put diapers on him. To save the nation they would mobilize to destroy the Democratic Party under the control of the PPPs (sic). We must shape the future. This is no time for business as usual.

This is an interesting turn — and not just for the mention of “PPP” even over Royatin.  Through the past decade, the Larouchies have been bouncing about college campuses and gathering a “cadre” of niave new cult members off of anger over the Bush Administration, mostly off the cusp of the Iraq War the now meaning too many things to be a truly useful word “neocons” — “Children of Satan” I, II, and was there a III? Also social security privatization — and herein lies the Larouche version of events:

On Nov. 11, 2004, we launched a defense of Social Security. There would have been no chance for anybody in the U.S. if we had not done that. We have made it this far, due to future-oriented actions based on a dynamic study of the process underway.

Back in the real world, at least for the centrist Democratic New Republic — which ran a fluff piece on Larouche last summer, and the mainline Democratic Washington Monthly — which ran a more substantial piece on Larouche last Autumn: Nancy Pelosi is credited for that. But then again, there is some inconvenient history for Democrats, but even more inconvenient (if they particularly cared to keep their story straight, which they don’t) for Larouche buried about from back to the Clinton Administration, and contradictions anyone?

Today this odd cadre of gradually aging “youth” Larouchies are, evidentally, being turned around one more time to support that same type of neo-conservative for President whom they had been fighting against for the past seven years. The wheel turns 180 degrees. Also, may I add, a Global Warmer believer. It is an item of fascination, and I suppose Larouche (or whoever is in control of that doddering enterprise) can dust off his quasi-support statements for Gerald Ford, cross that name out and replace it with McCain. I suppose he sees that there is no more reason to rhetorically ride the Clinton machine anymore and has reached that dead end, and the next chapter of fiction writing lies elsewhere.

Well. Congratulation, Youths. Prepare your next choral assignments, and… ? It’s Raining McCain?

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