trying to throw away the drift-wood of the silly season
Not to come to John McCain’s defense too much and not that I want this to become a habit, but the gaffe about “electing me in January” strikes me as meaningless and understandable for any regular person and has nothing to do with age. Actually it’s a little more understandable than the Barack Obama puzzle about visiting “57 states” (was that the number?), since I at know where McCain got the January date and I have not a clue where the number of states came from. (Though, here I would have to defend Obama still — I want to say you run around for that long and without saying something bizarre.)
The even more meaningless tempest in a teapot was the mis-identification of “Auschwitz”, which frankly has come to be so much an archtype that mentioning Auschwitz is to Nazi Concentration Camps what Scotch is to clear adhesive tapes.
I suppose I may as well have to write down a rule sheet for what “gaffes” count as significant — it is a matter of maintaining intellectual integrity and avoiding double standards. Basically in this contest, everything McCain has said about the Middle East is telling and worth mentioning and betrays any number of things, not least of which because the man has frequently defended himself for saying those things.
In gaffing terms, with regards to Obama’s “bitter” comment, I would like to point you to Dick Cheney’s latest joke and telling statement that he can say that because he’s not campaigning for anything anymore. Kids say the darnedest thing?