Maybe Jennifer Granholm is a Canadian Agent?

One of the Clintonistas has finally come around to explaining to my satisfaction some of the rationalization — satisfaction as in I at least know the logical stream beyond the simple reality of “Situational Ethics” — behind the seemingly insane position of giving Clinton ALL of the Michigan delegates, never mind Obama followed the DNC rules and stripped his name off the ballot, and never mind “Uncommitted” won a sizable chunk of the vote against Clinton.  It is the question of the motivation for Obama (and Edwards).  He took his name off the ballot not so much for the sacred respect toward the DNC rules in ordering the primary calendar, but to court favor in Iowa and New Hampshire.  It puzzles me to the question of “Assuming yes, So what?”  Perhaps his electoral strategy might have been different on this score if this vote was not declared moot and meaningless before it was held.  Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, had the more duplicitous strategy which was to court Iowa and New Hampshire voters by declaring the meaninglessness of the Michigan vote while her name remained on that ballot, and while Governor Granholm came out in favor for Clinton.

Part two in arguing against the Michigan Compromise (such as it was) is the semi-sensible statement that you just cannot deign a motive in a vote, you have to count the “Uncommitted” as what it was, not just move it to Obama.  I suppose the correct answer would be to make these “Uncommitted” delegates functionally “Super-Delegates”.  Otherwise, this line would make some sense and be valid, if it weren’t for the simple fact that it follows the same logic of demanding the Following of the Rules that goes along the lines of “This vote matters not at all.”  That stripping the state of the delegates proved to be an impracticality means the search for a political solution was in bloom — hence Obama gets those Uncommitteds in this crazy half-vote scheme they had to have in penalizing Michigan.

In the end, Florida Republicans helped harm the Democrats’ chances in Florida in sowing this ill-will in bumping that primary up. (Yes, I understand, the minority Democrats were complicit in the process.)  They have a good excuse, though:  they are Republicans and want a Republican president.  What is Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm’s excuse?  Is she secretly a Canadian agent from the Conservative Canadian government?

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