winding down and through

There was a letter in the Oregonian complaining that while racism is being discussed lately with regards to the Democratic primary, sexism is not. It is a fair point, except I had a basic problem with the letter as it swerved to not so much a support for Hillary Clinton as a support of Entitlement for Hillary Clinton — which was something that probably served to doom her campaign. Race has become front and central, stripped away of its spot in the land subtext, with Obama’s troubles in Appalachia. The sexism has always been remarkably and predictably casual, and Obama recently engaged in something his own by referring to a news reporter as “sweetie”.

One of these largely sexist comparisons I have heard a few times through this campaign season is one to the Reese Witherspoon character in the movie Election. Somebody at the blog “” quipped that she wouldn’t like her as a friend, but gosh-darned if she wouldn’t make a good student president — which makes me remember what exactly a student president ever did and what powers s/he had to affect anything in my life in high school. (They planned the pep assemblies I never went to, I think.)

But the Election comparison was more apt to the 2000 election between Bush and Gore. Well, its a movie that plays off certain archtypes.

ANYWAY… We are currently stuck on various characters of the ex-girlfriend who lingers around, which propels me to the question of what less troublesome pop cultural comparisons are there that can be thrown out with the current situation in the campaign?

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