Howdy, revenire
One thing I want to remark on is how utterly vulgar LaRouchism is.
But more–as to the identity of revenire–I still can’t quite shake the feeling that the [a] the individual is drunk, [b] the individual is the misbegotten product of the LaRouche/PsyWar/Beneath the Basement project–that is, LaRouche in his cups directs his faithful Igors in various “psywar” attacks on various enemies, OR [also high probability] this is satire, something I’ve said before about the wildly pro-LaRouche rants that sometimes appear on this board, so overstated as to be hilarious and perhaps intentionally so.
Because as an advertisement for LaRouchean humanism, hylozoic monism, golden souls, etc., revenire is a flop.
make something of yourself, like ken kronberg did with his life
1. This has to be a joke, one in very bad taste. By taking his own life during the week that he was in the legal process of shutting down WorldComp and PMR, the printing operations to which he had devoted nearly 30 years of his life, Ken might reasonably have been supposed to be saying that he felt he had NOT made something of his life.
2. Everything Ken DID feel that he made of his life–in the drama work, the Shakespeare classes, the poetry classes and writing, the Yiddish Renaissance work, the study of Ancient Rome, the work on William Gilbert–all the way back, in other words–he felt was being taken from him or had been taken from him by the intellectual quicksand of the org, and in particular (the Shakespeare work) by the vicious stupidity of Lyn LaRouche and Tony Papert.
How do I know? He told me.
who cares about his wife? did it ever occur to any of you clowns that husbands and wives sometimes don’t get along? they call the end of a marriage d-i-v-o-r-c-e
Please note the complete disjunction between the first and second sentences. The first question that comes to mind: Does this mean that if someone’s divorced we’re not to care about them?
Second, and more serious: The thought here expressed goes to the kernel of LaRouche’s small, hard, sclerotic, piece-of-coal heart: “who cares about his wife?”
Who indeed? In fact, who in the org cares about anyone else–especially if LaRouche has told you NOT to care about him or her? Who cares about Carol or Chris, Nick, Uwe, Gus, Mel, Warren, Webster, Fernando, Robyn, Linda, Christina, Pidge, Dalto, Leif, Nora, Kathy, Laura, Don, Paul, Andy, Steve, Uwe F, Gabriele, Michael, Anno, Elisabeth, Hartmut, Ortrun, Renate, Dino, Cristina, Fiorella, Philip, Hans, Laurent, Lana, Thierry, Mary, Bill, Sander, Joyce, Bobby, Sandy, Margaret?–just to name a few of the leaders and members of the org who have quit over the years.
Revenire doesn’t. Lyn says these are Bad People Doing Bad Things. Why, they may even be Government Agents out to get Lyn!?!
Now, we recall, those of us (fewer than 7) who have been following revenire, that he has told us that he is not a member of the LaRouche org and not based in Leesburg.
If any of that is true, then revenire, of course, didn’t know Ken or Molly or any of these people just listed. Wouldn’t know them if they slapped him silly (there’s a thought….)
(rest of messages in the “comments”)
May 16th, 2008 at 10:47 am
If it’s not true, then revenire as a loyal LaRouche Leesburgian knows that All Those Bad People are not to be cared about any more.
Hell, they weren’t even cared about when they were IN the org.
I mean, forget “who cares about his wife?” Who cared about Ken? No one cared enough to prevent Lyn and Tony Papert from savagely attacking him.
I’ve always wondered what would have happened on the morning of Wednesday, April 11, 2007, if someone–say, Barbara Boyd, or Bruce Director, or Nancy Spannaus, or Dennis Small, or Jeff Steinberg–the key players, as I see it–had called Ken up and said, “gee, forget about what’s in the briefing. We’ll back you up. We’ll fight for you….”
But strangely, no one did. No wonder Nancy Spannaus said when she called Molly the day after Ken died, “I don’t know if you ever want to see my face again.”
A former PMR person once said to me of Ken, “we would have backed him. We would have stood behind him.” Poor thing–she didn’t quite realize the stuff of which the leadership is made….
did it ever occur to any of you clowns that husbands and wives sometimes don’t get along? they call the end of a marriage d-i-v-o-r-c-e
Well, revenire, that they do. They call it divorce. They generally don’t call it suicide, jumping from a very high overpass a mile from the PMR office with PMR I.D. in the car, minutes after reading Lyn’s latest psychotic rant about you and your work.
That’s what they generally don’t call it.
Now, refresh my memory here, but I don’t recall the Kronbergs being divorced. Talking about divorce. Being reported to be contemplating divorce.
No doubt the conventional wisdom in the org now is that Molly drove him to it. I mean, good Lord! We know (we do?) that she had been a Government Agent since at least 1988 (year of the Alexandria trial out of which Lyn emerged as as common criminal). The wonder is, not that Ken killed himself because his wife was a Government Agent, but that he waited 20 years to do it….
But there you see the logical kink in the conventional wisdom of the org. There’s always a kink, a twist, something that doesn’t quite work. The product of a fevered brain, the conventional wisdom always shows the marks of the infection of its origin.
i don’t care what molly says now — ken isn’t here to speak and anyone who comes around and claims to have “known†ken can go jump off a bridge for all i care
First–It’s obvious, revenire, that you don’t care what Molly says now. That’s why you let the whole thing drop months ago, and haven’t referred to it since.
Second–Ken isn’t here–or at least, not wherever you are–but there are other ways of speaking. You have no idea what’s “out there.”
Third–Not quite sure about the “anyone who comes around and claims to have ‘known’ ken” part. Are you saying Molly didn’t know Ken? Are you saying the various posters didn’t know him?
I guess what you’re saying is that anyone who claims to have known Ken and says that Ken didn’t want to lick Lyn’s boots any more is giving the org a bad name (as if it could get worse!) and therefore must be silenced.
And, as a final charitable thought, you wish they’d all jump off a bridge, every last nay-sayer.
Well, well, revenire. I must say, you’ve certainly made something of your life.
P.S. Don’t worry, revenire, about my wasting hours poring over your posts and responding to them. I dash these things off in a matter of minutes.
May 16th, 2008 at 10:48 am
There are at least two recent vintage LaRouchie creeps — revenire and howie’s “resident LaRouchie” — who display the sociopathic callousness of an assassin. Their “jumper” namecalling is especially chilling. These are the kinds of criminal mentalities that could have assassinated Jeremiah Duggan without flinching. The thought surprised me because, like most old-timers, when the news of Jeremiah’s death broke, I could not believe that he had been assassinated — the kinds of LC members I had known during my years of membership ruled out the possibility that anyone would be capable of committing murder.
And then come revenire and Howie’s resident LaRouchie with their “jumper” taunts and I think: we ex-members have no idea what the psychological makeup of current members really is. Just as larouchetruth says that current members have no clue of what preceded them in the history of the org, in the same way we ex-members have no clue of what succeeded us.
Therefore, I revise my older naive opinion that LCers “could not have killed” Jeremiah. Revenire et al convince me that such a thing was not only possible but very likely.
I wish there were someone out there with enough legal knowledge to advise us how to proceed with legal action against LaRouche in both the Duggan and the Kronberg case.
May 16th, 2008 at 10:49 am
earnest one:
As a non-member, albeit someone with extensive experience with NCLC-types in Europe and the States, dating back to the late 70s, I’ve had first-hand experience with members who appeared wildly psychotic and capable of virtually anything. I know little about the Carol/Chris White period other than what I’ve read (here and in the news).
But sleep deprivation, the constant pressure of “saving the world from immediate extinction” and like-minded themes can produce madness in almost anyone, even group madness. The NCLC is hardly the first group to have disintegrated under such “leadership”.
In short, while there may be a “higher density” of murderous types in the org now, compared to the golden years, I “sensed” that there were plenty of fringe characters hanging around years ago — wildly spooky types, enthralled with pseudo-threats (if not real threats) and hungry for violence (both psychological AND physical). Moreover, I think LAR controlled these types in an effort to control others.
Note that I stayed at Springwater in the mid-80s, with Dr. Moon, his wife, Robert Mclaughlin (now deceased), the Howards, and Roger M. They were a very fine group of people indeed, but some rather bizarre events transpired there (something to post at a later time, although I simply note that McLaughlin kidded me for years about the so-called assassination attempt on me).
As for the recent topic about LAR’s “decomposition”, pre-Beyond Psycho, I simply point interested people to the fascinating and brilliant study that Freud conducted (from a distance) on Dr. Schreber. Here we find a precise theory, backed by evidence, that paranoia is linked to suppressed homosexuality. The precise mechanisms at work are too complicated to go into now, but anyone with a serious interest in LAR’s psychological makeup and what happened to him post-Chris/Carol White would surely benefit from a careful perusal of this famous piece of “science”.
I posit that this is why it HAD to be Beyond Psyhco, because the existing case histories amply and ably accounted for his troubles. Simply my opinion, albeit carefully considered.
May 25th, 2008 at 6:22 pm
Couple of thoughts for Revenire–
1. You say Ken isn’t around to speak for himself. But it seems to me that his suicide spoke volumes. As noted above, and in many locations, Kronberg committed suicide a mile from the PMR office, within minutes of reading the Papert-LaRouche briefing lead that excoriated the printing office and urged the Boomers to commit suicide. He left his I.D. in the front seat of his car–his PMR business card stapled to a piece of PMR stationery. I’ve seen it–the police gave it to Molly Kronberg.
Hmm–think there was a connection between LaRouche, PMR, and Ken’s suicide?
2. Not sure whether Legacy Theft is illegal, but I think I’ll write my Congressman. The Labor Committee’s year-long Kronberg Legacy Heist is sickening–imagine telling all us jumpers and losers to make something of our lives, the way Ken Kronberg did.
Jeez Louise, wasn’t he the jumper par excellence? Have you changed your line on him? Now he’s your hero? The wind beneath your wings?
Because you used to tell us, “He’s dead, get over it,” and then fulminate about the jumper brigade–somehow I thought that had to do with Kronberg. When I read you commending his life for emulation, you could have knocked me off an overpass with a feather.
What gives, revenire? New executive policy from the warehouse there on Sycolin Road, or the Kiddie Korner in Purcellville?
Or Windy Hill itself?
Because this ain’t like you. I mean, you didn’t give a tinker’s damn about Kronberg till this most recent post….