The Candidates set up shop

The city has tended to puzzle me in certain ways.  It is oft cited as a national Model for how to get a few things done, so any number of people from other cities come down to discover that… it has its good points and its bad, and you can work with that however you may.

The upshoot is that the economy is perpetually soft enough that there are always empty store-fronts around.  I imagine it is a problem which is worse in any number of other cities, and in a sense it may not really be much of a problem at all.  But the thing you can do every year, and particularly every two years, and every four years, is take note of them before the election season comes — because these are the fronts that will be rented out by election campaigns as the temporary offices to be abandoned once the election flies by.

So I pass by the Sho Dozono campaign, a flood of signs with the “For Rent” sign still up.  (Perhaps it should remain so because it will be back for rent by December.)  I know where the two Attorney General candidates are set up.  Also up is Hillary Clinton’s place — signs plastered, but… I have yet to see a single soul linger in there.  Maybe she can just keep it up as a facade for a campaign that is going nowhere (the demographics tip Obama’s way) — who knows?

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