A Historical View of our Nation’s History, in Historic Context

A bit of a post-script:

I listened to some of your friend and mine, Michael Savage, on the radio trotting out a piece of writing from Booker T Washington — asking us all to move on and attacking those negroes who continue on with their grievances, and the race hustlers who make a career out of negro anger.  (To paraphrase, contemporanious terms used regarding Booker T Washington.)

I sort of view these shots from Booker T Washington as being attacks on WEB Du Bois, but that is as much an over simplification and a personification of various strains of argument we have had for all of our nation’s history.  The problem with Washington’s line of thought, of course, is that at this time attitudes toward blacks from the white populace was actually moving backward, which makes Washington’s demand to acknowledge improvements for black Americans a little queasy.

In this context, WEB Du Bois radicalized, his anger sharpening, and he lost much goodwill he previously had toward Booker T Washington.  Just around the corner, Marcus Garvey would walk into the picture, founding the organization now lead by Louis Farrahkhan, and challenge Du Bois from a completely different perspective.  Surely there are antecedents to Garvey’s Black Nationalism (even within the popular nineteenth century idea that the solution to the “Peculiar Institution” was to ship all the slaves back to Africa), but this is roughly the spiritual grandfather of your Jeremiah Wright.

So the voice of Michael Savage cried out that this was 40 years after the Civil War, and still nothing has changed a century later.  He ends the monolouge by suggesting that Booker T Washington is a man not known in the black community, which is a lie — and how many elementary schools in predominantly and historically black areas are named after Washington? — or at least an untruth.  He is widely dismissed as something of an “Uncle Tom”, and that tends to be how he is slotted in our Universities.  I respect that train of thought, though quite confidentally have a high regard for the man, limitations allowed — inbedded in cringing as the most right wing of prominent right wing talk show hosts find him desirable as an example.  He will pop up in Black politicians’ lists of historical heroes, which can be viewed as either a cynical message that they are the “Right Type of African American” and won’t suddenly demand reparations, but then I give your Condelleza Rices more credit — a conservative black will find a great deal to recommend out of a conservative black leader, and pull yourself up by the boot-straps even as everyone is pushing your face down toward your boot-straps.

5 Responses to “A Historical View of our Nation’s History, in Historic Context”

  1. revenire Says:

    i think booker t washington was a great man and a great american and a great world citizen…

    he’s just great PERIOD

  2. Justin Says:

    I suppose. More or less. I understand where he comes from, but it is simply tricky, and even within the confines of “Cast(ting) down your Bucket where you are”, someone still has to point out the inequality.

    And this tends to cause some historical problems: “In all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress.”

    But, generally I am not terribly interested in ranking historic figures. No one has ever had all the answers, and everyone tends to end up being problematic.

  3. revenire Says:

    oh well

    name me someone perfect

    u r some kind of blog-geek

    moderate that

  4. Justin Says:

    Did you change computers on me, or have some other break in routine? It is not my fault that your last three comments did not show up immediately and had to be “approve”d, or “moderate”d.

  5. revenire Says:

    i am at the station on the moon at the moment so there is some latency involved…

    keep me posted

    i have the cameras outside and so far not one martian has appeared — we are ready though

    green lantern assures me that he can hold them off until super-larouche arrives with superman, ultra-boy (he’s coming from the future) and mon-el (fresh out of the phantom zone with the help of brainiac 5)

    the martians don’t stand a chance

    i am protecting earth today so i can’t blog with you as much as i would like

    i hope u understand but someone has to save you helpless ones — the jumper brigade deserves to be saved like everyone else on the planet and by golly we shall do it!


    In brightest day, in blackest night,
    No evil shall escape my sight
    Let those who worship evil’s might,
    Beware my power… Green Lantern’s light!

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