I thought he’d back in April. He’s a month early

Appropo of next to nothing, revenire charged out with this:

Ban me… I know a teeny weeny bit about IP etc. 

Hm.  Perhaps it was a mistake to indulge him and plead for a generic sense of “etiquette”.  An Internet troll will take this as a sense as a weakness for the silly games they play.  Does revenire have anything to say about Wyoming or squares, and the relation between Wyoming and Squares?  No.  He does not seem to.  Hence my problem with him.  I may indeed “do something about that” after all.  Ideally I would reconfigure the comments section of my blog such that revenire’s comments not posted to the Larouche category would go in to the “Approve / Disapprove” channel, to be judged on a simple matter of relevancy — Larouche topics going through automatically.  (Isn’t Larouche fixated on Squares, and makes a Calculus problem with them a matter of Gnostic meaning?)  I don’t think I get that specific, though.  As it is set right now, everyone’s first comment goes through that channel, and I approve them, and their comments go through automatically from then on out.   I will look into it, I suppose.  In the meantime, I plan on posting about my desire to Square off Wyoming again shortly, so Revenire will have another crack at that.

Appropo of… nothing… revenire chimed in with:

Or, better yet, call the cops.

This came out of nowhere.  In this light, I do reserve the right to call the authorities if and when I see revenire engage in illegal activities.  But I have yet to see such a thing, so I’m just left scratching my head at this one.  Not having seen such, I do not know what he is referring to, so I will just have to ask: Is there something in your conscience that is bothering you, revenire?

And appropo of revenire’s state of being, we get… this:

For all I care you can jump off a bridge.

Go ahead, jump… because you’re a nothing and the rest of your soap opera characters are empty husks… dead souls.

Interesting.  This appears to be second nature.  Is this a greeting amongst Larouchies?

“Hey!  Have you killed yourself today?”

“No.  Not yet.  Got a deployment to the college campus.  Have one of those “Renaissances” to ignite.  Hoo Hoo!  Kill me.”

Nay.  revenire is mocking the death of Ken Kronberg, who as we all well know, jumped off a bridge to his death — on the day that the Dcaily Memo mentioned the advisibility of suicide before unleashing a broadside against his Printing Press as the reason for the problems of the organization.  Actually he also may well toss in that he is mocking Jeremiah Duggan here, who I am lax on mentioning so I suppose revenire does a service by reminding me about him.  Anyway, whatever the circumstances that lead to his death — in that remote conference in Germany — German officials did rule it a suicide.  So, he’s mocking two deaths.

Or I could count this as the knife’s edge within that which we call “ego-stripping”.  Not so much a concerted effort here, but a frame of mind, boiling down to a litany of largely incomprehensible insults.  Case in point, his willful reading incomprehension of my innocuous anecdote about confusion over Sputnik and the city of Krasnoyarsk.  I puzzled over his reaction to that, and just threw my hands up in the air and submitted the question of “What is revenire’s problem” to FACTNet.  The answer to the inability to abide by a simple personal anecdote lies in the individuality of such … to be assimilated in the Borg, those concepts of human experiences need to be scuttled.  Mind you, this isn’t a thought through process, just a state of flinging crud.

But revenire:  If your come on during your career as perennial political candidate included “I don’t care if you kill yourself” — no wonder you didn’t much crack a couple percentage points.  Then again, garnering votes is never the purpose of a Larouche themed electoral campaign.  So, if it’s a part of the pitch to join the LYM — no wonder the numbers in that organization are dwindling.

22 Responses to “I thought he’d back in April. He’s a month early”

  1. Rachel Holmes Says:

    Personally, I welcome revenire’s remarks.

    Now, that may seem strange, since I knew/know Ken and Molly Kronberg very well, and was and am very close to both of them.

    HOWEVER, it’s my view that every time revenire opens his/her mouth(s), or sets pen to paper or finger to keyboard, he/she makes a HUGE mistake.

    I mean, Good Lord! Even if you thought all those crazed things, most people would try to hide it and come across as more moral, charitable, etc., than they really are.

    But that’s the great thing about revenire. He/she is like a walking billboard, a proof that LaRouche and his crowd are as nutty as we anti-LaRouche types say.

    It’s the sort of thing Lyn always does. Says something so hair-raising that even the loyal last few make a face, and go get more work.

    (I notice from recent briefings that Lyn has been beating up the NEC for working at “outside” jobs and shirking their duties to him.)

    The thing that strikes me about revenire is that he/she/it/they may be drunk. Because some of that invective is just so UNBELIEVABLY unhinged.

    Revenire, old thing–or maybe young thing, but aging fast: Do you really think ranting and raving about jumping off a bridge is going to have a positive effect? Going to recruit those masses to Lyn?

    Do you really think throwing some LPAC URLs up there makes any difference? I mean, who CARES if Lyn hornswoggled some dignitary into something? Just remember Indira Gandhi: “Never bring that man here again.” As witnessed by people still in the org, my friend.

    I say, have at it! Revenire. Keep impressing us with your Power of Reason. You’re hot, don’t stop now! I mean, from my perspective, there’s a crane flying out of your mouth every time you open it. Know what I mean?

    The gratuitous attacks on the Kronberg cousin whom you call “Stew” were, at first blush, a bit much–but then I thought, Bingo! This revenire guy/gal/gang is NUTS! This is great!

    He/she/it/they doesn’t know Ken’s cousin from a hole in the ground. So let’s have those attacks on Ken’s family keep on coming. They’re so classy. They impress people so much….

    The dumb bile of revenire’s posts is so strong I can hardly decide which one of the idiots still in the org wrote it–or which team of idiots. But when I close my eyes, I can almost see it/them/he/she furrowing his/her/their brow(s) and looking for that perfect psychological zinger that will reduce all us LaRouche-dislikers to jelly.

    What can I say? If revenire didn’t exist, we’d have to invent him….

    Say, d’ya thnk….?

    Nah! Couldn’t be….

    But still….

  2. revenire Says:


    March 13, 2008 (LPAC)–Today, March 13, the Alabama House of Representatives passed HJR213, a Resolution Urging Congress To Enact The Homeowners and Bank Protection Act of 2007.

    yes, the larouche associated folks are all crazy, crazy enough to know how to jump on the only lifeboat available to them, as they did in alabama — where they passed larouche’s act HJR213

    any jumpers ready yet?

    kronberg is dead and all your whining isn’t going to resurrect him — ask benny hinn for help or maybe dennis king — high times writer — to help

    you folks must be frustrated at all the success larouche has

    well, you know the old saying… if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen

    ps – by all means censor me Big Man… it would only prove the fear you and i know you already have of larouche’s influence worldwide

  3. revenire Says:

    rachel you’re close to ken?

    i sure hope not because he is dead… don’t do it > not worth it

    help molly out: she needs help

    or go to duggan’s mother and console her because her son’s “investigation” isn’t going anyplace fast

    i am amazed how many are crazy here

  4. revenire Says:

    no one knows why ken jumped — we do know stew hated larouche though

    how is the duggan affair going?

    i see no new news since nov 2007 and that was hardly news

    no thing except what german authorities already concluded

    a pity

    rachel do you contact the dead? if you do say hi to my dad

  5. revenire Says:

    who released the info on spitzer? when did they have this information? why did they release it now when they knew about it sometime ago?

    those are the questions?

    was it the fbi?




  6. Justin Says:

    Things that are believable and plausible:

    Connections to the RNC to squelch the career of a rising Democrat.

    Connections with large banking firms to squelch, ie: cheers rang out on Wall Street brokerage firms when word came out on his scandal.

    Things that are not believable:

    Someone out to destroy Hillary Clinton’s campaign (this hurts her — How? One awkward question, and then?), or to bring about the rise of Michael Bloomberg (Your Leader is still on him, for some odd reason.)

  7. revenire Says:

    “Yes, the Titanic is sinking, but not all of the passengers are ready to hear that news. Therefore, we must keep them happy until the ship is making the lurch which signals its final plunge, when the situation becomes totally hopeless, when they will then be ready to accept our forewarning.”

    the old man said that

    how does it hurt hillary? spitzer endorsed her… what comes to mind in people’s brains about this? bill clinton and monica lewinski and how “dirty” the clinton camp is… bush can have sex with his dog and no one cares but bill clinton gets a hummer from monica, courtesy of linda tripp, and “oh my gosh” like jfk didn’t do it with monroe etc. new york is a huge state for the presidential election — capiche? do you get it? not yet? need more?

    the timing… who released it… when did they know? etc. that is the importance here and the target was hillary clinton not spitzer (he was a fool but there seem to be so many fools these days)

    watch TV sometime and all the bozos, the talking heads (not the band) blabbing away about how this will hurt clinton

    think i am wrong? check the boob tube, print, and web media again Big Man

  8. revenire Says:

    spitzer scandal hurts clinton – googled those exaxt words

    1,740,000 “stories” and they “ain’t” from the old man either or jeffrey, the heir apparent lol

    so jumper brigade you tell me again this was not an attack on hillary clinton

    this is an old political trick — goes back probably 1000s of years

    of course, if you don’t know any history how would you know that?

    that is why i am here to tell you


  9. Rachel Holmes Says:

    Hey, Rev–

    I’m pretty selective about whom I contact, living or dead. (As to the dead–don’t forget the simultaneity of eternity, young fella. Don’t you know they’re ALL alive in Lyn’s brain? Hideous for them, of course.)

    Anyway–what was I saying? Oh yeah–if you need to talk to your dad, perhaps you should do it yourself. I’m sure I couldn’t begin to sort out whatever it is you need to convey.

  10. Rachel Holmes Says:

    P.S. Want to make sure all readers don’t forget to pursue revenire’s increasingly demento comments as posted below, to the rubbernecking blog.

    You don’t want to miss it. Not to mention his punctuation.

  11. revenire Says:

    Three Steps to Survival

    by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
    March 17, 2008

    As most clearly stated by the voice of Germany’s financial market, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), the Bear Stearns bankruptcy marks the point at which the present world monetary-financial system has entered the terminal, hyperinflationary-collapse phase of that breakdown-crisis which began at the close of the previous July. Now, there are three essential measures which must be taken more or less immediately, before the situation in the U.S.A. and western Europe becomes hopeless. These are the three types of measures which I have presented earlier; those who continue to resist the adoption of these measures now fall promptly into the category of incompetence known as mental cases.

    1. My Housing and Bankers Protection Act of 2007 must be adopted and set into motion immediately. If not, the situation of the U.S. becomes quickly hopeless.
    2. A two-tier credit system, in which a.) U.S. government credit for physical-economic recovery programs is provided at between 1-2%, and b.) other utterances of credit-injections float more or less freely.
    3. The U.S. government must now immediately approach the governments of Russia, China, India, and others for the prompt establishment of an international, emergency fixed-exchange-rate system, ending the presently hopelessly bankrupt floating exchange-rate system.

    Under that latter, proposed agreement, long-term treaty-agreements must be focused on intergovernmental development of capital-intensive types of essential basic economic infrastructure, as in: a.) new construction in power generation (with emphasis on nuclear), b.) fresh-water sources creation (relying largely on high-temperature nuclear reactors), c.) increasing reliance on synthetic fuels, such as high-temperature, nuclear-power-generated power, in place of petrochemical materials used as fuels; d.) high-density systems of globally integrated rail, maglev network developments must replace presently excessive reliance on highway transport; e.) de-emphasis on giant conglomerates and monopolistic practices, in favor of smaller, more closely held productive enterprises dispersed as essential elements of the economy of moderate-sized regions of combined private entrepreneurial industry and agriculture; f.) heavy, and increasing emphasis on development of high-energy-flux-density modes in technological progress of manufactures and other applications.


    The present Trans-Atlantic monetary-financial system is now hopelessly bankrupt; the wild-eyed measures associated with actions by the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve System represent an eruption of lunatic recklessness beyond belief! Those relevant public or private officials who disagree with that assessment, or who continue to oppose the HBPA as I have defined it, now clearly require professional psychiatric care.

    Since efficient, modern production and supporting infrastructure, require emphasis on capital intensive forms of physical capital investments in the order of between a quarter-and a half-century estimated useful life over the course of physical and/or technological attrition, long-term treaty-agreements among trading-partner nations in those orders of magnitude, at interest rates charged to and among governments in the order of 1-2% per annum, will be the required practice if proper human goals for populations, as in Asia and Africa, are to be reached.

    To facilitate this, the pseudo-scientific, neo-Malthusian humbug of so-called global warming, must be brought to a halt; otherwise, a plunge of the planet into a mass-murderous new dark age, one worse than that experienced by mid-Fourteenth-Century Europe, were inevitable for the planet as a whole.

    There are no known, sane alternatives existing at this juncture.

    The success of President Franklin Roosevelt’s reforms of the 1932-1944 interval, is the model of policy-shaping which provides a proven precedent for the policies which must be adopted among sane nations now.


    It should be noted, that the current proposal for privatizing systems of basic economic infrastructure, and the Tower of Babel model which the British Empire has drafted for adoption by a proposed, neo-feudalist form of empire such as the Lisbon Treaty draft, is not only a mimicking of the Biblical Tower of Babel, but, as proposed by New York Mayor Bloomberg et al., is a proposed return to the league of cities monstrosity associated with the Lombard League’s plunge of Europe into a medieval New Dark Age, whose effects included an obliteration of an estimated fifty percent of the parishes of Europe, an estimated collapse of the European population by one-third, and the pollution of Europe by screaming, predatory hordes of those maddened creatures typified by the Flagellants of that time.

  12. revenire Says:

    take a count at the number of state legislatures that have signed onto larouche’s act… then get back to me

    if you don’t listen to his proposals and act on them and see what happens to your nation

    the one you don’t give a damn about

    i don’t give a damn about the jumper brigade… they’re dead-enders, useless as people — i believe in redemption but you need to prove it to me

    show me you’re human

  13. Justin Says:

    “Spitzer Scandal May Hurt Clinton”.

    Yes. Remember when I mentioned talking heads talking and talking for their own amusement? (Probably not.) That’s roughly what that is.

    Death by a thousand paper cuts. Though this doesn’t even merit the level of “paper cut”.

    And, you know, this gets us to the Evil Ones’ scheme of getting to the nomination of Bloomberg, in the same manner that Kerry was considering Larouche to be his running mate and the same manner that the Larouchies took over the DNC at the Boston Convention in 2004.


  14. Rachel Holmes Says:

    Say, rev–no one is surprised to hear that you don’t give a damn about the group you call the “jumper brigade.”

    Clearly it’s a liberating moment for you to say the “dreadful truths” about how Ken is dead and Duggan is dead and why don’t you LaRouche-haters all jump. But I’ve noticed you need to say it again and again, so I’m guessing the relief doesn’t last long.

    And unless I missed something, it’s not to you that people need to “prove” something when they’re seeking redemption.

    But your core concept, “useless as people,” betrays everything there is to betray about your inner workings. Not so good. In fact, downright bad.

    The thing Lyn hasn’t gotten is that he, Lyn, doesn’t get to decide about redemption, or the “use” of a person.

    By the way, “help Molly” with what? As you insightfully observed, nothing will bring Ken back.

    Otherwise, I’d be happy to help her. And I think I am, in my own small way, by assisting in the general effort to document LaRouche’s small-minded, untutored, corrosively hate-filled substance and its deleterious effects.

    Didja catch that datum Eaglebeak posted on FactNet about in restaurants, Lyn never tipped? Mr. Lower 80%?

    What a guy.

  15. revenire Says:

    liberating? if you think i have that much interest that an emotion like “liberation” comes from your appropriate name — the jumper brigade — being said you think way too much about what i am feeling… i don’t care

    get it?

    i don’t care

  16. revenire Says:

    LaRouche: Bear Stearns Bailout Was Illegal
    18 Mar 2008

    March 18, 2008 (LPAC)–The bailout/takeover of the thoroughly bankrupt brokerage house Bear Stearns was illegal, and represented a case of money laundering, that should be prosecuted, Lyndon LaRouche charged today. LaRouche noted that there is no basis in law for the Federal Reserve to have stepped in and bailed out a brokerage house, which is not a bank, and therefore not covered by any existing laws. The Emergency Banking Act, passed by Congress on March 9, 1933, provided for government assistance to protect vital banking functions, but was restricted to commercial banks. Chartered banks make up a vital part of our overall economy, but brokerage houses like Bear Stearns are strictly part of the speculative apparatus that has looted the economy and the population blind. The idea that the Fed stepped in to provide tens of billions of dollars, or more, to save Bear Stearns, is prima facie criminal. It probably constitutes violations of the existing money-laundering laws.

    “It smells like another filthy Goldman Sachs scheme,” LaRouche added. “I think it is time to increase the social status of our Federal prison population–by sending all those responsible for this abomination to jail.”

  17. revenire Says:

    Highland Park, Michigan Passes A Homeowners and Bank Protection Act Resolution
    19 Mar 2008

    March 19, 2008 (LPAC)–The City Council of Highland Park, Michigan, a heavily depopulated and de-industrialized suburb of Detroit, passed a resolution to Congress calling for the implementation of the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act (HBPA), on Monday night, March 17. One in 15 households in Highland Park is in some stage of foreclosure.

    The passage brings the total number of city councils having passed the LaRouche-initiated HBPA to more than 75.

    The resolution follows:

    – Resolution to Congress –
    – Implement the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act –

    Whereas, the onrushing financial crisis engulfing home mortgages, debt instruments of all types, and the banking system of the United States threatens to set off an economic depression worse than the 1930s; and

    Whereas, millions of American citizens are threatened with foreclosure and loss of their homes over the upcoming months, according to studies released by Realty Trac and Moody’s Economy.com; and

    Whereas, this financial crisis is now threatening the integrity of both state and federally chartered banks, as typified by the run on deposits of Countrywide Financial in California during the month of August; and such a banking collapse would wipe out the life savings of American citizens, and drastically undermine the economic stability of our states and cities; and

    Whereas, in a similar financial crisis in the 1930s, President Franklin D. Roosevelt intervened to protect banks and homeowners; for example in April, 1933 he introduced legislation as a “declaration of national policy… that the braod interests of the Nation require that special safeguards should be thrown around home ownership as a guarantee of social and economic stability…,” and therefore,

    Be it Resolved, that the City of Highland Park hereby endorses the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act of 2007. This crisis is such that it requires emergency action that only the United States Congress has the capability to enact. Congress must move quickly to keep people in their homes and avert social chaos. This act includes the following provisions:

    1. Congress must establish a Federal agency to place the Federal and state charatered banks under protection, freezing all existing home mortgages for a period of however many months or years are required to adjust the values to fair prices, and restructure existing mortgages at appropriate interest rates. Further, this action would also write off all of the speculative debt obligations of mortgage-backed securities, derivatives and other forms of Ponzi Schemes that have brought the banking system to the point of bankruptcy.

    2. During the transiation period, all individual homeowner foreclosures shall be frozen, allowing American families to retain their homes. Monthly payments, the equivalent of rental payments, shall be made to designated banks, which can use the funds as collateral for normal lending prctices, thus recapitalizing the banking system. These affordable monthly payments will be factored into new mortgages, reflecting the deflating of the housing bubble, and the establishment of appropriate property valuations, and reduced fixed mortgage interest rates. This shakeout will take several years to achieve. In the interim period no homeowner shall be evicted from his or her property, and the Federal and state chartered banks shall be protected, so they can resume their traditional functions, serving local communities, and facilitating credit for investment in productive industries, agriculture, infrastructure, etc.

    3. State governors shall assume the administrative responsibilities for implementing the program, including the “rental” assessments to designated banks, with the Federal government providing the necessary credits and guarantees to assure the successful transition.

    And therefore,

    Be it Further Resolved, that a copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to members of Congress from the City of Highland Park, and also be delivered to the President of the United States for immediate implementation.

  18. revenire Says:

    another victory for larouche…

    chew the rug jumper brigade

    tally the count… seems as if the total is well over 50 cities, towns, states, etc. and they all know it is larouche’s act they are passing

    go tell them how they should jump into a lifeboat instead of in front of a car or off a bridge would you?

  19. Rachel Holmes Says:

    Hi there, rev–

    Well, Highland Park, Mich is certainly a coup. I’ll say no more about that, but the LPAC description doesn’t quite capture it.

    What I’m really curious about is, who are the members of the jumper brigade? Because if it’s people who’ve jumped, that would be Ken. Are you talking to Ken in all these posts?

    And if it’s not people who’ve jumped/Ken, could you explain to me the incisive psychological-warfare campaign you’re waging with this at the forefront? Because I don’t get it.

    One thing’s for sure–it’s Beyond Psychoanalysis.

  20. revenire Says:

    jeremiah jumped so add him…


    “German police concluded that Duggan committed suicide by running across a two-lane highway, the Berliner Strasse, and colliding with two private cars in the early hours of March 27th. According to witnesses interviewed by German police, Duggan physically “leapt” into the path of the cars, suffering fatal injuries to the head when he was struck.”

    now THAT’S a jumper

    there are others but you know so much so you already know who’s ready to join the new group formed recently

    you know? the failures… the dead-enders… the losers who couldn’t make anything meaningful out of their lives so they are in the jumper brigade

    are you in it rachel?

    the daily show had a funny bit with a comedian, playing a banker, jumping

    it reminded me of an old, old sign > watch out for falling bankers

    i guess we shall have to change it to “watch out for the jumper brigade” huh?

    am i talking to ken? yeah, i in on one of those TV shows that talk to dead people right now

    poor molly… rachel comfort the woman

    please, she needs help i am told

  21. Rachel Holmes Says:

    Thanks for the answer. So illuminating–if you know what I mean.

    (Somehow, I don’t think you do–but sooner or later, someone will no doubt explain it to you.)

    Meanwhile, can you explain to me why you want to “help” Molly? I mean, Lyn has blamed her for any number of things, the most heinous being his 1988 Alexandria trial, conviction, and imprisonment.

    So why would a follower of LaRouche want to help her? Did you take your loyalty pill today?

    Oh–I get it. You’re being sarcastic….

    Silly me. Or rather, silly you.

  22. Rachel Holmes Says:

    Oh–revenire–one thing I just thought of. If everything is going swimmingly with the HBPA, what was Megan Beets talking about it in that Saturday morning briefing to the National Office when she complained about some operation that was hampering them so much?

    And if LaRouche just keeps winning all the time, why were four briefings out of seven last week vituperative rants against the NEC and the “leadership” for not doing the job, and why did Lyn referred to this mighty org as “battered remnants”?

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