Something only a handful of people could give two rips about.

I really ought to key the name “Jeff Steinberg”.  It gets me odd little chestnuts, such as this one:

Transcription form Iranian television, January 8, regarding the Iranian – warship incident.

[Correspondent] Political analysts say the US approach is in line with Washington’s policy of confrontation with Tehran.

[Senior editor, Executive Intelligence Review, Jeff Steinberg] Many people in the US military who oppose military confrontation with Iran are very worried about the possibility of a minor incident in the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf, being the pretext that Cheney and company would use for a confrontation.

[Video shows an archive video of George Bush speaking]

[Correspondent] The incident comes days ahead of US President George Bush‘s visit to the Middle East. The trip analysts say is meant to confront Iran’s growing influence in the region by portraying it as a threat to regional states.

For good or bad, or for good and bad, and whatever merits and detriments this particular bit of Kremlinology holds, I can not help but view a mash of the output of Larouchian crap in terms of some Jeff Steinberg versus Helga Zepp Larouche dichotomy for Secession.  But I come to the conclusion at a certain point, I gather, that Steinberg is just as well looking past Larouche — that the “Political Intelligence” digests that have been popping up in the Larouche rss feed look suspiciously like a product that he can just move out from under the umbrella of Larouche and position into another corner of Political fringedom — see Webster Tarpley on his “9/11 Truth Movement” antics for fun and profit as a model — or Robert Dreyfuss — and read that spot on Iranian television and ask if he needs to be identified with Larouche.

But this game risks that of becoming an endless feedback loop.  Yesterday, flashing before me, I saw an item proclaiming that “Larouche Watchers” were “Stunned” by the appearance of “Helga Zepp” in a French magazine, and directing us all to the usenet forum “Alt. conspiracy-theory-watch”, where we have a string of commenters observing that… Helga Zepp made an appearance in Le Monde… and that shows those Usenet posting Larouche Watchers, don’t it!

Or… score one for the ascension of Helga?

So, I gather Steinberg is in the end counterproductive to post-Lyndon plans, and the need for a continually regenerating group of followers who will continue to chant his name from now through Eternity — but Helga — whatever her role is precisely — is probably essential.  She would at least keep the name “Larouche” center stage, not wandering out of the central fissure of Personality.

The problem, as constructed right now, falls out of the two gambits… #1, best expressed in the continual presidential bid from 1974 through 2004, as well various urgencies to stick him in charge of supposed crises through advisory roles, where his Cult pushes him to to be in charge of Re-Ordering the World.  #2:  He already is conferring with power players, his “proposals” being debated amongst them, thwarted by British and International Jewish Bankers (by as assortment of names), whose order is what he wants to replace with his World Order.  Either way, the fight requires him to be ALIVE.

I guess this means that what Lyndon needs now is to set up something whereby his advocates are promoting and pursuing “Larouche Principals” behind the scenes to World Elites.  This may be the reason behind the sudden spurt of pounding the need to “Get to the Original Source” (and if they simply mean “primary source”, as you learn all through K-12 education, why wouldn’t you just say so?) — beyond the clear requirement to knock down wikipedia.  Actually, this almost seems to be the only driving force for the “Larouche Youth Movement” upon its inception — to learn that principle.

Dennis King, at Factnet, had the more conscientious question of what happens to the Larouche Youth Movement (I gather specifically referring to members) upon Larouche’s death, under the supposition that the Movement itself is dead anyway, whatever Larouche has in mind to set up for after his death is not working out correctly.  Chicken with head cut off, I guess that’s time for a bit of a psychological break (and note that I am not using the word “psychotic”) amongst the… are we down to about a dozen dozen members?

Well, it falls into line with the popular cultural look at Larouche still, so I’m still in the clear.  Perenial nutcase presidential candidate, “Queen of England”, and #1: how does a Personality Cult set itself up to survive the death of its Personality?  and #2: How do the members of the personality cult set themselves up to survive the death of their Personality?

6 Responses to “Something only a handful of people could give two rips about.”

  1. Justin Says:

    Of interest… Dumb de la Dumb.

  2. Rachel Holmes Says:

    I am singling out the following from the link Justin published immediately above:

    Jonathan Wilson Says:

    March 6th, 2008 at 9:24 pm
    I do believe that Mr. Benton is correct in his statements against Dennis King. The materials in question do seem to originate from him and I honestly believe that his meal ticket does not have any more punches left for him to use. Dennis you should be ashamed and I don’t thing you should be bringing Erika Duggan in to this. Own up and deal with it!


    Okay, let’s try to parse what “Jonathan” is saying here.

    1. Materials in question–that is, the April 11, 2007 Morning Briefing which more or less suggested that Ken Kronberg commit suicide–as Ken indeed did do, that same morning. Are you saying it originated with Nick Benton, “Jonathan”? Not with Dennis King, I take it?

    As Justin notes, the documents in question originated with that Document Generator extraordinaire, Lyndon LaRouche and his amanuenses–like Tony Papert, Jeff Steinberg, Babs Boyd, et al.

    2. Whose meal ticket is running out of punches? Nick’s? Dennis’s? Totally unclear because, grammatically speaking, the referent for the pronoun “he” would seem to be Nick Benton, but that doesn’t make perfect sense in the context….

    3. Why should Dennis be ashamed of himself? Although I don’t honestly know how Nick Benton got the materials in question, I can guess. Furthermore, I know how Dennis King got the materials in question, and he got them very early on in this process.

    Nick’s published news story is, however, probably the first publication–although let’s not forget, the Kronberg family memorial website, which (a) put forward original documents, (b) cited both Benton and King, and (c) often links to the King website,

    4. But what I don’t get, “Jonathan,” is–what on earth are you saying? Who should be ashamed of what, and why? And what’s Erica Duggan got to do with all of this?

    5. Where’d you get that great nom de guerre?

  3. revenire Says:

    King is a joke, like this blog. It is comedy for people and for bitter dead-enders (like the Dick Cheney reference to the Iraqis?) it is their daily meal. How many people even read it? 100? 200? 500? 1000? Nope. No one bothers except the same people… I came back today, after months and months, and this clown is still on the same subject: nothing but nonsense.

    Duggan is done. The guy is dead. DOA. Okay?

    King might be trying his hardest to get some mileage out of the kid’s death but it isn’t going to fly if King’s bosses think LaRouche is going to get indicted, or someone else is. It will never happen.

    Who cares about it? He is dead, let the kid rest is peace.

    His mother is just a tool at this point and she’s going mad. Anyone would after losing a child.

  4. revenire Says:

    Kronberg’s “memorial” site is a sick joke. Stew never liked his cousin, everyone knows that. Stew hated LaRouche… so when his brother jumped he was happy. That’s just well known, except apparently to the few who peruse this soap opera site.

  5. revenire Says:

    I meant his cousin, brother in the sense we are all brothers, lol. Mea culpa.

  6. revenire Says:

    I am sure the Iranians care. After all, Cheney wants to kill 100s of 1000s of them in a bombing attack. They don’t want to die. They won’t be “jumpers” either… although they would respond to any attack with suicide bombers I am certain. Imagine a Jew being treated like the Queen of England in Iran… not that she would get in the country mind you but you know what I mean. Jeff was given the red carpet treatment… it was almost as if Cat Power appeared there.

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