Archive for December, 2007

The Triumph Return of the Cry of Fascism

Monday, December 31st, 2007

Item #1, from the paleo-conservative hunch of Pat Buchanan’s magazine…:

… I should probably quit referencing the magazine as Pat Buchanan’s beast, since he no longer edit the thing — stepped down a bit in terms of power and oversight.  But this gets tricky here.  Starting with the fact that this was Buchanan’s idea, and moving on through his politics and place within Holocaust Revisionism, and a Paleo-Conservative / Neo-Conservative fight for the blurring of lines between Authoritarianism and Fascism becomes a bit uncomfortable.

Item #2, important for me to record this and note this for the historical record.

Ron Paul cites Sinclair Lewis, and it goes like this:

“It reminds me of what Sinclair Lewis once said. He says, ‘when fascism comes to this country, it will be wrapped in the flag, carrying a cross.’ Now I don’t know whether that’s a fair assessment or not, but you wonder about using a cross, like he is the only Christian or implying that subtly. So, I don’t think I would ever use anything like that.”

And this is the Libertarian (maybe we can say “Market Conservative?” — or is his “Gold Standard” thrust too off target?) Ron Paul citing a famous Socialist in reference against the actions of what I guess we will call a Theo-Conservative.  It’s all very weird.

Benazir Bhutto

Saturday, December 29th, 2007

… And so we take a fresh look at this.

… And we remember that she told Wolf Blitzer this.

… And we laugh at the Pakistani government’s explanation for her death, which strikes me as, in conspiranoia terms, this classic job of Gratuitous mocking.

All of this is, of course, irresponsible on my part.  Probably even more irresponsible than if I were to come out and actuallyexplicate something instead of inferring something.

Wait.  John Bolton.  What say you? 

Storm Front

Friday, December 28th, 2007


Some larouchies are recruiting and pitching their stuff in front of the mall over this Holiday season, others apparently see an opening, um, elsewhere.

Forget about “God”–I don’t care if you “believe in God,” and neither does Mr. LaRouche. Forget about your “politics.” All that matters are the ideas, here. Belief in the white race, we have in spades; keep that in your back pocket at all times. Religion is private. Faith, however, and, more importantly, here, Ideas are public. Find “God” on your own time–but, for Christ’s sake–for Europa’s sake, if nothing else–I highly, nearly stridently, urge you to work through this book, or, at least, the first section,

Back in March, Steve told me to forget about the positions and pay attention to the Ideas.  Anyway, ideas, apparently, belief in the White Race, they have in spades.  Apparently.  For the good of Europa…

… and not Ibero-America.

Mental note: look back on the history of the poster.   I seem to recall him posting, seemingly appropo of nothing, a quotation from the cult leader which amounted to “Time to crack a few skulls”, anywhere between a year and 2 years ago.



That wacky Oregonian

Friday, December 28th, 2007

I hate the Oregonian.

Yesterday the eye-catching USA Today-esque front page featured a picture of a Lion, I suppose the one that attacked from the San Francisco Zoo, with the question “Can It Happen Here?”

Today the front page reports “Big Cat Attack Oregon Zoo; 1970”, answering the question asked yesterday, I suppose.  Could that research have been done for yesterday’s edition?  And saved for somewhere beyond the front page.
By the way, I can predict tomorrow’s front page.  Some combination of the Emerald Bowl with OSU score and the Portland Trailblazers score, taking up all of the top half of the front page.  What’s happening in Pakistan, turn to page A11… or thereabouts.

2007 in Review, itemizing a few items

Monday, December 24th, 2007

I knew who Larry Craig was in the year 2006.  I also knew, or at least believed I knew from one of the authentic sounding Internet rumor-mongering, that he was a closeted homosexual.  What I associated him with in 2006, however, was an attack on parts of the Patriot Act he gave on Rush Limbaugh where he gave the “Imagine if Hillary had these powers” line, along with a “And I remember Ruby Ridge”.  I did not know about his wide stance.

I did not know that Britney Spears had a younger sister.  I kind of resent the fact that I now know she does, never mind that this is pretty funny.

I’m sure it was an eventful year.  After a while I close my eyes and ask, though, “In the year 3027… what event the year 2007 will be worth noting?”  The above two items won’t be the answer.  Time Magazine’s choice of Putin for “Person of the Year” is as good a bet of people that will be remembered in 3027 as anyone.  Better than last year’s choice… I, the winner of that title, will not be remembered.

Has Fred Thompson done a damned thing since he committed?

Saturday, December 22nd, 2007

Mitt Romney has gotten his foot stuck in a quick-sand of explanations and explications for the explanations starting with a defense of the racist past of Mormonism as practiced by his family with his father having Marched with Martin Luther King, Jr. — and having seen it, on to the definition of “saw” — made moot seeing as George Romney never marched with Martin Luther King, Jr. except that everyone post fact marched with King — referencing “saw” as being the same as having seen, say, The Patriots winning the World Series.

Considering that the World Series is cornered into a collection of 30 baseball teams, 29 from the United States and one from Canada, I don’t see why it would be more presumptuous for a football team to win the thing.

The Tom Tancredo post-drop out endorsement will wipe the controvery out, I’m sure.

Mike Huckabee has been scolded for having a Christmas message anti-political political ad with a subliminal floating cross in the brackground.  The world is organized around 90 degree angles, and such a thing is very doable, I suppose, and very easy to … do on purpose… subliminally.

Ron Paul’s blimp crashed.  Oh the Humanity!  Actually, the first Ron Paul news item that pops up poses the question of what one does with the money of less than savory donations.

Edwards and the Enquirer

Thursday, December 20th, 2007

I am having trouble googling up the famous Grover Cleveland refrain, upon his election despite — or maybe because — of his Bastard child scandal.  It goes a bit like…

Clevland, I Voted Grover Cleveland, and the Kid…  And I’m Glad that I Did. 

Which is a thought that popped in my mind as The National Enquirer looks into some gossip regarding John Edwards.   Assume it to be true for a moment… do you much care?


Found it.

Hooray For Maria!  Hooray For the Kid!

I Voted for Cleveland, and I’m Glad that I did!

… work up a similar ditty for Edwards.

Doctors Are Bastards.

Thursday, December 20th, 2007

Why in the world would somebody place a sign in their car’s back window with the message:

“Doctors Are Bastards”.

I suppose it’s a protest against Doctors, but… Why? I am completely baffled.   I would like to ask the car owner what prompted these strong emotions regarding this class of peoples.

Remembrances of Childhood

Wednesday, December 19th, 2007

Back in Fourth or Fifth grade, I knew a kid named Billy who made the statement that the first time he saw The Wizard of Oz… I don’t quite recall, either he was rooting for the tornado to blow Dorthoy away or he was hoping she would never find her way back to Kansas again.  Something horrible, at any rate.

It is an attitude that surely would have saddened the grade school teacher, likely ascribing this with some deep meaning with Saturday Morning cartoons and Summer blockbusters and video grains draining away flights of whimsy.  Dig slightly ashunder a few years prior, and if I may say how indifferent I was with any number of childhood fare — regularly shown videos at school, and I think it might be shocking if people were forced to recall the percentage of a grade schools’ school year a teacher shows their classroom.  Some of it I’d grant with some cultural or educational importance, but some of it not.  They crammed The Nutcracker Suite down our throats.  Or maybe better to say my throat.  I think I took a nice nap  during the proceedings, until my reguarly scheduled speech therapy session brought me out of class.  The speech therapist asked what we were watching; I answered “Nutcracker Suite”; she nodded approvingly, saying “That’s a good one”.  This wasn’t a generation gap but it was something of a culture clash meted with the personality type that goes into working with children — this case: she has culture; I shun culture.

I have every reason to believe my fourth grade teacher loved the book Roller Skates, as well I believe she was probably disappointed by the class’s almost violent revulsion.  The one thing I will say about the book is I turned in an art project tied to it, one which a few years later my brother insisted I keep, but one which did not garner as much appreciation from my teacher and garnered comments just short of “Come see me after class” — I seemed to have channeled a crude hybrid of Gary Panter and Basil Wolverton.  I was getting snotty at that age.  Maybe the class could not appreciate and just did not want to place oursleves into the quaint depression-era child protaganists.  Maybe, by all rights, we should have — we would have been better people for doing so.  Years later — sometime during high school, in my presence — I happened to be there– a friend of my mother’s expressed her rememberance and love of Roller Skates in my presence.  I told her that we read it in fourth grade, and I didn’t much care for it.  Her response went along the line of “Yeah, it’s more of a girl’s book” — I opted not to mention that the most violent revulsion came from the girls in the class, moreso than the boys, thinking that might break her heart.

Other examples of both childhood classics and items deigned befitting a child’s imagination which fell short of either my or my peers’ imaginations come to my mind.  Part of it is a fronting, a “Too cool for school”, but even this becomes ingrained to the cultural ethos to hold sway.  What strikes me is that if I were to watch The Nutcracker Suite or read Roller Skates, or certainly view or read The Wizard of Oz today, I have no doubt I would appreciate them — even if it’s possible I might not enjoy particular items.  What’s more, the view of childhood intrinsic in some of these things, and the longings they tap into, might also make more sense to me and have better viscareal appeal…

… Now that I am no longer a child.  And because I am no longer a child.  Figure that logic out.