Flow-chart for my reaction to Trent Lott news
Hey. What?
I always wanted to see him with his hair-piece off.
Why would he quit at this insane time?  Oh, that’ s interesting. New Ethics rules comes into effect at the end of that year which force a two year wait between Congress critters and a job as a lobbyist.
… Hm. Does this mean that a Democrat might win a Senate seat in Mississippi, and we can expand the number of Republican senate seats up for re-election to 23?
Oh, damned. Republican Governor appoints replacement. New Quasi-incumbent likely win.
… Hm. Rumor of involvement in Alaskan oil scandal that is dragging down Senator Stevens. Oh, whatever
… Hey, wait! Rumor of Gay Hooker!
Okay now this is getting stupid.
Oh Strom Thurmond, where are you now?