Send your bread to Leesburg.
A milestone has passed. Larouche predicted that the dollar would be worth ZERO yesterday. It is not. The latest in a long line of predictions on apocalyptic happenings — wandering into a Depression Greater than the Great Depression, and into a new Dark Ages which rivals the second Dark Ages interval of… um…
Anyways, bread will be arriving at Cult Headquarters, apparently. Feel free to send your own loaf of breads their way. Just go ahead and send it to the EIR address, relatively easily found online I assume.
I’m told by my fellow Talking Heads fan, who also happens to be a member of the cult, that this is no big deal, because look at Bush and Greenspan.
In other news, Larouche’s Bankruptcy plan is, same as it ever was, essentially to bankrupt the banks for, you know, his control… and so…
Anyone reading this who doesn’t right off recognize the enormity of that is either a brainwashed LaRouche cult follower, or someone ignorant of banking. You, see, banks, like all other companies, have assets and liabilitities. In healthy companies, your assets exceed your liabilities, and you have positive net worth. If your liabilities comes to exceed your assets, you are technically insolvent, and need to correct that condition before it leads to collapse. If it starts leading to collapse, such companies can petition for bankruptcy, and if granted a Chapter 11, most of the liabilities are marked down to cents on the dollar, to where the assets again exceed liabilities. Hopefully, also, there is a business plan to prevent the problems from recurring. But the main service that bankruptcy does, for individuals as well as companies, is wipe out all, or a major portion, of your liabilities, typically in the form of debts.
So, if banks are put into bankruptcy, presumably a large portion of their liabilities will be cancelled, paid off on cents to the dollar. If that sounds OK to you, it will cease doing so the moment you realize that a bank’s liabilities are its checking accounts, savings accounts, CDs and money market accounts–basically, all the money that depositors have deposited in the banks. So, by putting the banks into forced bankruptcy, LaRouche is arbitrarily wiping out at one stroke trillions in the value of people’s checking and savings accounts. WHAT A GENIUS! WHAT A MARVELOUS SOLUTION! Boy, will this really sock it to the speculators and wipe out the overhang of “gambling debts” that LaRouche rambled on at length about this afternoon while dodging a number of very good questions the Hapless Debbie the Dunce was stupid enough to pass on to him.
And get this: if Congress fails to enact this bill, from first unveiling it in committee to passage in both houses and the president signing it into law, in about 2 hours from first hint to the public of what it proposes, it will be even more needed, as every depositor in the country will withdraw, or try to withdraw, their deposits and savings from the banks before the bill passes, in hopes of rescuing their entire savings, such that by the time the bill passes, every bank will in fact be totally bankrupt, destroyed by a universal bank run that will bankrupt every bank in the country simultaneously. Lyn, you have outdone yourself. You have had your eyes set on a crash for decades, and by golly, if your bill ever gets introduced in Congress, you’ll have your crash.Â
[…]Â Certainly, future generations would bless his name as the father of a bill that would (1) bankrupt all the banks, (2) destroy all depositors’ savings (as larouchetruth points out), (3) destroy the equity all homeowners have in their homes, and (4) destroy the entire financial system of the country, and then the world.Â
But there really isn’t much point in analyzing a Larouche written bill.
go the LaRouchepac website, start the webcast, and if you don’t have the time, or the stomach, to listen to the whole thing, jump to minute 26 and listen for about five minutes on the banking bill, then jump to around minute 38, where Debbie starts the questions, and listen to his answers to the first four questions.
Some other time.
October 12th, 2007 at 12:19 pm
“I’m told by my fellow Talking Heads fan, who also happens to be a member of the cult, that this is no big deal, because look at Bush and Greenspan.”
Well, to be fair, I like PJ Harvey better than Talking Heads or Byrne’s solo work… just a tidbit.
If someone supports LaRouche’s politics they are in a cult?
I just don’t buy the anti-Semitic slander, the Duggan chain of events, or the Kronberg jumper stuff. That just means someone challenged someone else’s opinion.
Do me a slight favor, if you feel like it (I don’t want to use any ‘cult powers’ to make you do it), but could you post LaRouche’s quote on what was supposed to happen today? You don’t need to post the whole, usually long, writing or speech but if you could post the relevant quote in context I’d like to take a look at it.
Your Cult Buddy
PS – You don’t like Jack Kirby?
Bush and Greeenspan: yes, take a look and if you think they’ve done a good job — during their respective tenures — please tell me so.
October 12th, 2007 at 12:26 pm
I have a slight quibble on the analysis of the proposal LaRouche has put forward for dealing with the economic crisis (and by the way does the crisis exist or is this just the normal ‘business cycle’?).
It is hard to argue a point when you don’t know where the opposite team stands and I don’t see any ‘stands’ put forward here very often.
The italicized analysis is not exactly how I read the proposal and whomever wrote the thing knows they are giving a slightly out of context analysis. I think everyone here knows that. If you don’t I am telling you whomever wrote that just has an ax to grind with old Lyndon.
So, to sum up — provide me a plan for dealing with the foreclosures. Skip the LaRouche mumbo jumbo because you obviously have your agenda. I want to hear your plan rather than a criticism, based on hatred.
October 12th, 2007 at 9:16 pm
I posted several months in your comments section about a friend who was talking to LaRouche people that were campaigning at my school. I don’t know if you remember.
I’m just here to update:
once she finished up her 2nd year at university this last spring, she refused to re-register for fall semester. This past summer she moved across the country, to Boston, with these people, and is staying at a home rented out by Larouche. Six months ago, she didn’t give a damn about politics. Now, she’s moving across the country for the sake of it.
Her family is devastated, as are her friends. She is a very bright girl who had ambitions of entering the field of medicine. She was doing very well in school, was attending a prestigious university, involved in multiple organizations, and had a very promising future.
While she has only just missed one semester at school, and there is a possibility she could always return for the spring, I am deeply worried for her. When I speak to her on the phone, she evades all questions of when she will return.
Fortunately, she is returning “briefly” for a family function in a few weeks. This will be her first return from Boston since June. I only hope she will see what she has left behind, and decide to return permanently.
I mean, alright. I can understand a person’s passion for politics. I understand a person’s need to feel involved in something. What I don’t understand, is how this man, this organization, this whateverthehellitis, can so easily destroy the life, family, and future of a human being.
And for what? I mean, what does their campaigning really accomplish? How can they be there, in Boston, feeling like they really are affecting change in society? How does this man manipulate their eyes in such a way that they fail to see what seems to be glaringly obvious to me –that this LaRouche guy is completely and utterly INSANE?
And I sometimes wonder, from the way she talks about it, maybe they really ARE doing something. Maybe I’m insane for not seeing what is so obvious to her, that LaRouche has got it right. That maybe, as she says, he really is popular in other countries.
But then, all I have to do is try to wade through one of his essays, and I see straight again.
I only hope that once this man dies (he is ancient, isn’t he?), the organization will as well, and it will at last liberate my friend.
October 14th, 2007 at 7:01 am
The web…
One can make up names, stories, lies and replay them over and over and over. Message forums…
“What I don’t understand, is how this man, this organization, this whateverthehellitis, can so easily destroy the life, family, and future of a human being.”
Bebe how do you know that has happened? You don’t know the future anymore than I do.
If you listen to some of the posters here you’d think LaRouche was the Devil himself but these guys don’t know what they are talking about. One guy talks about death threats, kidnapping and then asks me if I am in Leesburg. Another suggests I didn’t know the man I personally knew. In other words: this is the Twilight Zone of LaRouche Rejects. They’re bitter, miserable people with an ax to grind and this forum gives them the space t o do so.
How about you? You interested in politics? You care about the country? You don’t have to join a cult to do good things and affect society.
LaRouche’s organization isn’t a cult. It isn’t anti-Semitic. It is none of the things that are said here. Those are just lies. LaRouche didn’t have this young man Duggan murdered. LaRouche’s political enemies are using the death of Duggan to attack LaRouche thereby attack the policies he is proposing. It’s been going on for over thirty years. Slander is part of politics and LaRouche has been slandered in the US to attempt to curtail any influence he might have on our direction and it has worked to a great degree or you wouldn’t have people who met with him in secret. They’d do it in public.
What’s ironic is LaRouche’s proposals for the Middle East would save Israel yet he’s labeled an anti-Semite. What does the Middle East have in store for it now? War. Spreading war. Deaths. Who started the war? Long story isn’t it? Anyone can read how the Ottoman Empire fell and who stepped in and drew up the current maps of the Middle East? That you should be learning at college. I’d say one should learn that earlier but children don’t.
You like the war? You like the way this country is going? You like Bush? How about the field of candidates for 2008? Inspire you?
Maybe you should quit college and join your friend. You won’t find any answers here. This is a pack of professional LaRouche-haters. These guys hate the man with a passion. It’s all they talk about.
LaRouche is popular in other countries? Like where? A person could say he gets better press coverage in other countries but popular like a singer or actor? No.
You sound confused.
October 14th, 2007 at 7:57 am
“You sound confused.”
So do you, Sparky.
BTW: There are no LaRoooshh Rejects.
Unless, of course you mean people who:
1. Can think for themselves and/or
2. Refuse to work for 2 to $5 a day (plus one bowel of soup) and/or
3. Come down with a serious medical illness – such people are eliminated faster than those Jews gassed at Nazi Concentration Camps.
Otherwise he is willing to take in just about anyone who will work for free.
LaRoooooosh speaks about humanism but practices Nazi economics.
If you really love your friend, read the entire documentation on Lyndon posted at FactNet. The Rev, above, lies when he talks about rejects.
Essentially EVERY long-time member – those who gave the best years of their life to this cult of personality — ended up leaving the group, either on their own, or through one of the bizarre Stalinist-type purges that LL engages in every 10 to 20 to 30 years (depending on the location).
Most recently, the ENTIRE German organization was purged! These are people who spent 30+ years working for peanuts. Now they are trying to rebuilt their lives.
A univeral theme of these rejects is that they NOW acknowledge that they had WASTED the best years of their life.
Go to the WLYM site. Look at all those Campaigner journals from the 70’s and 80s. Note the authors’ names. Essentially nobody from that period is left. You can confirm this yourself.
LaRooosh is a BUSINESSMAN, who thrives on keeping his labor costs low. This is best done with young kids, attracted to the shiny idealism. But the idealism is a cover — in 35 years of active political work, LaRoooosh’s actual legacy is that he is the most impotent political leader who ever lived (given his resources).
But he does make a good living running a private slave labor camp.
Oh… and the Rev, above, is probably one of the few older people still employed by LAROUCHE. Out of a thousand or so boomers, he is one of small handful left. He gets paid to capture and trap young kids and to prop up the fraud know as Lyndon.
It’s a Living Prison — run for your lives and pray that you don’t suffer the fate of Duggan or Kronberg.
Once you are in, it is hard to get out. LaRoach Motel (of horrors).
October 14th, 2007 at 10:14 am
Bebe the above writer — “Earnest” — asked me if I stabbed Jeremiah Duggan. That’s a sign of this “Earnest” man’s mental health — he’s unbalanced. Poke around this site and you will see some wild charges, backed up by nothing but the blog itself. Go to the Duggan site and read the stuff there. It’s wild conspiracy theories. Realize the German police report, not under the control of LaRouche to my knowledge, and realize the German authorities ruled Duggan’s death a suicide. They don’t like to talk about that here. If there is a new investigation and it is ruled a suicide again that won’t satisfy these professional haters. They hate themselves. It’s obvious.
“Earnest” just makes it up as he goes along. Ask him about his story of kidnapping, death threats, etc. That’s a whopper.
I capture young “kids”? Sounds illegal to me. College age men and women aren’t “kids” are they? I am not a ROTC recruiter nor a LaRouche recruiter.
People are paranoid as hell here. They told me they has pinged my ISP in an attempt to find out where I am (pinging an ISP won’t tell where anyone is BTW) — the guy who runs the site knows my email and knows damn well I am not in Leesburg but these paranoid nuts developed their own conspiracy theory that I am some full time LaRouche organizer who is out — like Renfeld (“content to serve the master, looking for bug to kill and eat now and then”) — recruiting young blood for the head vampire! Dracula!!
It’s been wild. I came upon this place by surfing and decided to have some fun by challenging their lies. I am still having fun.
Yeah, Will Wertz is out of the org. Uh huh. I could make a list of “the handful” but why? It is stupid. “Earnest” doesn’t know what he’s talking about. This is his hobby/cause. Dennis King pays him to watch blogs (joking).
Bebe, drop out of college and join LaRouche. Your friend had guts and cares about humanity, just like LaRouche.
The “secret” to LaRouche’s ability to recruit young men and women to his causes are not so secret: he cares about humanity and his policies would not make the world perfect but it would be a heck of a lot better than it is now. I’ve looked across the political horizon and no one even comes close to the economic programs LaRouche has proposed for over 30 years. His single proposal to save the automotive machine tool capacity would create 100s of 1000s of good jobs rebuilding vital infrastructure and save the jobs lost. I don’t see the current crop of 2008 candidates even proposing anything remotely like it. That is just one of his many proposals. The enemies of LaRouche don’t want a FDR-style mobilization. They want outsourcing, free trade, NAFTA, no regulations, low wages, no health care for our population, etc. They’re the enemy of humanity. This isn’t some kind of hidden secret — these people publish their plans for our economy, for expanded war, for Social Security. I think most Americans are so busy trying to make ends meet they have little time to investigate the causes of the economic mess we’re in. The housing collapse is just a symptom of a larger problem. LaRouche has been dead on the money with his forecasts, despite the posts here. The folks here take LaRouche’s comments out of context.
The banks knew what they were doing when they lent money to people. I am talking about the sub-prime racket. Judges have intervened to stop foreclosures because the scam artists were taking advantage of people.
The thieving brokers and scam artists are now losing their jobs in the 100s of 1000s. 130,000 of them lost their jobs in the first nine months of 2007. One could say, as the old man did, that the market is taking care of the over-supply of brokers etc. It’s a market correction.
Realize I am not even taking into account the home builders, real estate salespeople, etc. It’s a bloodbath.
So, your friend decided it was time to get out of college and do something to help. It’s not for everyone but it isn’t the dead end these jokers proclaim it to be.
None of them have any answer for any of these crises except repeating the word “LaRouche” over and over. LaRouche seems to be the lifeblood of this blog. That’s fine. In the real world this blog amounts to zip. It is amusing but that’s it. It is also pathetic.
You want to know what LaRouche is doing don’t take the word of LaRouche Rejects who couldn’t cut it in or out of his association. They have no morality.
I’ve yet to hear one word about the Iraqi civilians being killed daily by Cheney’s mercenary armies. 1000s and 1000s of Iraqi children have been murdered. What about justice for them? Instead, we are entertained by a fraudulent “justice” campaign that is going to go no place fast — where is the new evidence? It is starting to remind me of the OJ trial.
I think the question boils down to what is one going to do with his/her life? The college age youth ask that of themselves. I did. My son and daughter do. We’re given the gift of life and how we use it is up to us — not some cult leader. Being a doctor is a good thing, obviously. Raising a family is a good thing. Working an honest eight hours is a good thing. Getting an education is a good thing. Joining LaRouche’s causes is also a good thing. Not everyone gets involved in politics and that’s the problem. They don’t have to join LaRouche to be involved either. If more Americans were involved in politics I doubt this country would be in the mess it is — or do you believe everything is Hunky Dory (another great record by Bowie)? Some people actually believe everything is wonderful. I call those folks delusional. They are a minority. So, if you don’t think everything is going great then what, as a citizen, do you do about it? What is your responsibility to me, to mankind? None? If you have any you get involved.
These guys sound like the Romans talking about Christ and saying “He has no impact” and we all know LaRouche is the second coming (joke, bad one but hey it’s my first cup of coffee).
Take a look at this protest in Boston… where your friend is. The crisis is real, this blog is surreal.
Realize the people at the protest are not with LaRouche. They are victims of the scammers on Wall St. If the folks here are so concerned about justice how come they aren’t mentioning any of this? It’s always “LaRouche kidnapped my Milkway Bar” etc.
LaRouche is a statesman. Governments worldwide don’t invite him over for a cup of tea.
Get it?
Investigate on your own but if you get sucked into the dregs of society and their lies you’re going to miss the boat and your friend will have contributed to humanity while you pursue a “degree”…
I am not saying education is bad. I am saying you being a citizen has given you responsibility to act to help make our country better. Being a drop out is not an option if you want to remain human. These guys are drop outs and rejects.
I know brokers that were raking it in and scamming people with mortgages — you know? They ripped off more people than Al Capone ever dreamt of and these clowns talk about justice. Give me a break.
All anyone has to do is open a business page any single day of the week now and it almost reads like New Federalist.
Anyway, take it easy and sorry for rambling.
October 14th, 2007 at 12:57 pm
Another blatant misrepresentation, Revival Man.
I asked if you had stuck it to Jeremiah. No mention of knives, long knives, or even the night of the long knives. You act like you are guilty. Of “somethingâ€. Perhaps a public confession is in order…
Look around Bebe. In response to Revival Man’s complete refusal to acknowledge reality, I mentioned an experience of my own in Wiesbaden, circa late 70s. The story is extreme, without question. But if you look closely, similar reports of similar experiences have surfaced, here and there, over the past 35 years. It is trivial to dismiss them all as having no merit. There is an easy explanation: LaRouche’s political opponents are out to get him!
Revival Man thinks my story is fabricated. But what else is he supposed to say? That LaRouche has left a very long trail of broken bodies throughout the world over the last 35 years?
Revival Man believes that a normal, balanced, happy, and extremely gifted young man named Jeremiah Duggan – someone with every reason in the world to live – suddenly, out of the blue, became a suicidal maniac. Nobody did anything to him. It is all a hoax. Does THIS sound plausible?
LaRouche and crew have a real hard time defending their version because their dirty little secret is that these yearly conferences are pressure cookers of the highest order. Here, fresh new recruits and potential recruits are brought in and worked over. The leaders of the various local sections are under enormous pressure to meet quota – to pull in more bodies for the org (i.e. “the businessâ€). They need bodies to man tables on the streets and to sit in chairs making phone calls 16 hours a day, terrorizing people about the latest greatest apocalypse that can only be averted by sending money to BUSINESSMAN LaRouche.
Now, the section leaders and their cohorts only have a few days to pull this off – in those few days the new recruits are usually under 24 hour surveillance. This is how all cults work. They have regular weekend retreats, where the group works on you, “helps†you to improve your life. Total control, including sleep deprivation. Sometimes the retreats last a week. The longer the better (for them). It is all carefully worked out.
Now, of course, if LaRouche was World Leader Supreme – World Dictator – and he had the power to implement some of his proposals, good things might happen, progress might be made. This assumes, of course, that once he obtained The Power Almighty he would actually pursue good things.
But he is not the World’s Dictator. When Revival Man says that if only LaRouche’s ideas were adopted, all would be well (in the Mid East, etc) he neglects reality. The only way these ideas could be adopted is if:
1. Everyone comes to a mutual agreement (no brutal coercion)
2. LaRouche achieves Total Power – he becomes the Dictator of Dictators, worldwide (Military Coup Deluxe).
Look at his track history. Everything he touches, everywhere his people go, tensions mount and chaos breaks out. Note, crucially, that LaRouche has FEWER followers now than what he had 30 years ago.
They all claim to want a mass movement (same talk 30 years ago) but whenever they make progress, LaRouche sabotages everything. Why? He has no interest in progress for humanity. He only wants a group small enough for him to be able to control. He wants total control and, indeed, he exercises this control, in exacting detail. Join up and you and your partner will undergo long brutal sessions with him discussing, in detail, every facet of your sex lives (to help make you a more potent organizer and, thus, better able to save the world!).
So, absent some a military coup, it appears impossible that LaRouche will ever attain any power whatsoever, other than power over his followers.
Luckily, there is now the World Wide Web and followers can read up on the real history of the Labor Committees.
And, luckily, it looks like the ranks are dwindling. The scam is up and the full fraud is now in full view.
October 14th, 2007 at 1:27 pm
1. If Revenire is not a member of the LaRouche org, as he (initially) claimed, why is he advising Bebe to drop out of college and join LaRouche?
Conclusion: He’s a member, a longtime member, a long, long, longtime … yawn.
2. Revenire’s latest reminds me of Odd One, or whatever his name was, who used to appear on FactNet and claimed not to be a member, carrying on about how people had accused LaRouche of the murder of Ken Kronberg. But no one had said a word about murder.
Now Revenire is carrying on about how Earnest One asked him if he stabbed Jeremiah Duggan. Turns out Earnest One asked him if he stuck it to Duggan–nothing about stabbing.
Conclusion: These people are paranoid to the nth degree. They keep thinking they’re being accused of murders. Maybe they know something we don’t know. Is it Cranes of Ibykus time again, Revenire?
3. Did your kids (if they exist) drop out of college to join LaRouche, Revenire? Plenty of Labor Committee members’ kids did, so it’s no disgrace, at least not in the circles you move in. If they’re not college age, tell us–when the time comes, will you send them to college, or to Leesburg? (Or LA?)
Tell us, so Bebe can evaluate your sincerity.
October 14th, 2007 at 8:26 pm
Thanks for the display of sanity, Rachel.
I remember that guy from FACTNET.
As the record shows, he really did defend against the thought-idea that Kronberg was “murdered” well before ANYONE came close to even hinting that such a thing was possible, let alone likely. He jumped the gun.
Odd people. For them, sincerity never developed, never took hold as a fundamental human value.
Bebe: Run like the wind — and in the proper direction. Grab your friend on the way out.
October 15th, 2007 at 9:25 pm
Actually, I really am curious if you’re sending your kids off to college, revenire.
And you’re right. Maybe she hasn’t destroyed her future by camping out with the other LaRouche kids. There is always teh possibility she will return.
But I still ask: what has she accomplished, then? When I ask her what she has done with her time in Boston, I don’t get an answer.
In what ways has her time been spent saving humanity? Really, I want to know. And how are the LaRouche kids at my school saving humanity by yelling things like, “Do you think Cheney is the new Hitler?” in my face, when all i want to do is get to class SAVING humanity?
October 16th, 2007 at 7:12 am
Bebe ask her. I am not in Boston or in college.
Will I send my kids? Depends on them and what they want to do.
So your friend went to work with LaRouche? So what? There are worse things one could do with their lives.
How can you ask what she’s accomplished when she just started?
It’s the same question on LaRouche or any other historical figure.
History will judge this stuff, not the posters on a blog. The same with Bush, the same with anyone in politics.
These guys can shout “LaRouche is nothing” but I assure you when the Mexican banks were nationalized on LaRouche’s advice he was “something” to the banks because they know the guy… trust me.
Send your bread to starving people. There are plenty of them.
October 16th, 2007 at 3:40 pm
Stop already with this nationalized Mexican banks thing.
Are the Mexican banks nationalized now?
October 16th, 2007 at 6:39 pm
Bebe, your friend has not destroyed her life. The beauty of being human is that we are able to re-invent ourselves at any age. There are hundreds of ex-Larouche followers who have done just that, very successfully. I am not sure what Revenire is trying to prove or to whom. He sounds like a hanger-on who has never been a full-time Larouche “organizer.” If he had experienced the $5 a day stipend [on a good day], the forced abortions, the 18 hour deployments and so on, I doubt he would would wish that on his children. I also don’t understand why Revenire is telling you to drop out of college. Why can’t someone be a political organizer and still go to college? After all, I understand most of the LaRouche organization works at other jobs since the organization is such a failure at fundraising and business it can’t pay stipends any longer. So, if someone can work and organize, why not go to college and organize? Doesn’t the world still need doctors and teachers and engineers etc.? Revenire, do you have a job? Are you still able to organize? And, by the way, did you drop out of college for LaRouche?
October 17th, 2007 at 6:14 am
Why not just drop out and devote your life to a cause? What’s the problem with that?
October 17th, 2007 at 10:00 am
No problem, if it’s a good cause. But it would sure be a shame to drop out and devote your life to the Care and Feeding of Lyndon LaRouche Fund.
I mean, the Cause is no Cause, it is LHL. How do I demonstrate that? Just look at the huge number of conflicting positions he has taken on all sorts of things at all sorts of times. Do they add up to saving the world, feeding children, preserving life and promoting human freedom?
I’d say nope.
Also, it can’t hurt to learn a few things, just so you can be on your toes when LaRouche attributes the line “The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars but in ourselves”–to Hamlet. And similar follies. Eek!
October 19th, 2007 at 6:14 am
I noticed that the LPAC had a press release about Amelia Robinson’s trip to Paris on its website:
Notwitstanding that I think Amelia Robinson is an honorable, coureagous woman, I wonder if she knows that Larouche and company don’t want young people to go to college. She says:
“Just prior to leaving the U.S. for this European trip, she had been to court in Selma to defend a human rights lawyer who was violently yanked out of a courtroom by a policeman, when she argued with the judge that she was not able to defend her client in the five minutes the judge had granted her. In her Radio Nova appearance, Mrs. Robinson promised that this case will go all the way up to the Supreme Court, and that she will be actively involved in supporting. ”
Well, who is going to do that fighting up to the Supreme Court? Uneducated LYMers? And, by the way, who is going to be on the Supreme Court 20 years from now? More uneducated LYM’ers?