More effective than a slew of Cuban Frogmen…
Tuesday, August 7th, 2007Oh, mercy me. Where to begin?
I guess it takes a few days for the machine to kick out its speil. Today the thing is FINALLY filled with the brim with items about infrastructure… For instance, the reason the bridge fell is because… um… we haven’t built rail off of Larouche’s blueprint. I will not be looking through them; I note them because of their predictability.
But I must note the new campaign of attacks against Myspace.
It makes perfect sense. Figure that equation I had just formed, which is, my message to the — um — “Robert Beltran stalker”: We, as part of the conspiracy somehow or other, are successfully accomplishing that which the CIA, KGB, and Cuban Frogmen were never able to accomplish. (Though I guess I have to exclude myself. I wasn’t mentioned in the Daily Briefing. Sigh. COME ON!! Give me something here! What is it going to take to be referenced in the Daily Briefing? If I were to endorse the “Draft Al Gore” campaign, would that help you find a good hook? Or am I going to have to retrofit these things by beginning to promote the economic ideas of John Train to pretend that that’s the reference?) Welcome. To the Internet. The now outdated, somewhat utopian phrase “Information Superhighway”.
To operate a functioning totalitarian (or at least heavily Authoritarian) government, one needs to cut off undesirable material at the pass. China has its filters in place, for instance. But. How does one do that, particularly when your entire production of cult literature dissemination, due to the sliding of your printing press into oblivion, must be delivered online — and Online is ALL ONE GOTS?
From the feed:
In light of Murdoch’s many sex-problems, LaRouchePAC proposes the following acronym for his “MySpace”:
Wait a minute! NOW THAT’s PROJECTION!!
Now, Larouche is tapping into the well of concern that parents have with myspace, and all parents need to get a good grip on such Internet sites, because there is a dark side lurking with the myspaces of the world — and Larouche is exploiting the incidents of sexual abuse of minors that myspace facilitated. In a previous decade, with the cult in different formation, I would assume that the Myspace attack is about jiggling for change from those concerned with these issues, wanting action to keep the children safe.
This comment was left on this blog over the weekend:
It’s funny that LaRouche is supposed to be such a big visionary but he completely missed the boat on the internet. He didn’t predict it; he didn’t control it; and he didn’t even bother trying to predict its destruction. And its clear that his organization knows nothing about it. That’s what happens when you don’t recruit any members between 1973 and 1999. See also Computron.
(Page linking to Larouche site full of the “Daily Myspace Joke”.)
I note that right after he posted that, before this morning, Larouche had stuck up something on his feed which almost seemed as though it was a straight reply to this comment. I hate to link to his pages, but in this case I can’t just snippet an item or two from a piece that simply must be seen and read to be believed: “On MurdochSpace“. Now THAT one’s a doozy. And I say that even as I note that he has reshuffled any number of items I have encountered from previous efforts and placed them awkwardly into this thing. It really does read like this.
So there he is, positing himself as a Great Captain of Industry in the 1950s — he’s a regular Forrest Gump in terms of standing at every historically important event, ain’t he? And so ahead of his time! At all times! On everything! Why — he predicted Myspace back in the late 1950s.
So, taking the summary of facts presented by Charles and Kathy into account, the McGoohan TV series, “The Prisoner,” is to be seen as a computer-age parody of the plot of George Orwell’s “1984.” “MySpace” is to be recognized as “Big Brother” Rupert Murdoch’s electronic “empire.”The object of the operation is to transform young-adult human beings into Orwellian zombies the type sufficiently self-degraded by this processing to become sincere devotees of what the Beaverbrook intelligence empire produced as the intellectual spawn Murdoch represents.
I suppose there might be something to this:
A society which thinks in any form of digital-computerese, is a society of zombies as the living dead strolling, dripping, onto the shore, from out of the sordid muck of a “black lagoon.”
To which I can only respond with: WOOT! Or… something. I have avoided a lot of Internet culture of this sort. I don’t really know much silly Internet lingo besides “woot”. And “LOL”.
It may be telling what I guessed he was getting at when the commenter asked why I had not brought up the “Myspace Joke of the Day” feature. There was this online and passed on joke of “Super Powers You Wish You Had” — one of which the power to get Larouchies to shut up. A simple joke, mind you. But one that makes Larouchies aware they are jokes to society at large.
Myspace has been deemed the weak link in terms of demonization of Internet content — something which allows for a sense of Intellectual Superiority. Maybe there is something problematic with the way myspace works, and its assault on the senses. Get the Larouchie to absorb that, and accounts such as this one will not process.
Back to that infamous Daily Briefing. The one that doesn’t mention me. (SOB). Posted to the FACTNet board, and promised here on this blog, and I realize I am skiddadling past some other important parts of that post to focus on one thing of interest to me:
Second Comment: The target audience for this memo is the “yutes”–the LYM. Not the Baby Boomer members.
1. It was buried in the Operations Bulletin section of the Morning Briefing–Boomer members don’t read this religiously, but LYMers do.
I’ll wager any number of Boomer members missed the “Memo” completely.
2. It targets FactNet–which is also read by (and sometimes posted on by) LYMers. I doubt that any Boomer members post on FactNet, but more of them are reading it these days, as it gets more exciting. Still, FactNet is definitely a yute magnet. (It’s not American Family Foundation, by the way.)
3. It carries on about someone stalking Robert Beltran–not a fact that would interest Boomer members, who don’t give much of a hoot about Beltran. He is strictly a yute-related personage, elevated by LaRouche.
4. The reference to gossip circles who need to be quelled is instructive–because this is after all an internal memo. So we conclude that the gossiping going on is internal, and that some of the leadership is concerned.
I now must explain something about that last Larouche related post of mine. I posted those youtube clips with the same spirit as to the idea that what did in the Soviet Union was The Beatles. In the cloistered world of Larouche, the only item I linked there that was not completely subversive was the Leonard Bernstein peformance of Beethoven… and I wouldn’t be surprised if that were a no-no. Duke Ellington, the various rock bands, the clip of Chris Elliott’s take off on William Shatner’s take off of Elton John’s take off of Ray Bradbury, the earliest Science Fiction movie ever produced? Dangerous stuff.
That something else is whatever last vestige of personal fun or interest a member has which connects him or her to the real world. Thus for older members from the 1960s it was important to denounce the Beatles as a British run operation. For black memebrs especially, any connection to jazz was taken away and attacked. AS you go through the years you will find that whatever struck Lyn’s fancy while watching TV which was popular among THE YUTES HE WANTED had to be attacked as evil and something which if continued to be enjoyed or known about would cause the human race to spiral into the hands of the oligarchy and HELL.
In the LC you begin to develop something like an “approved” list of behaviour based on what Lyn enjoyed. When I would walk through any regional office or the national office it seemed that everyone was smoking a pipe like Lyn did at the time. Since your time was taken 24/7 by the cult, a rare day off had people sneaking off to do something they enjoyed like a movie. Even then you would hear about a movie which was on the approved list based on whether security said it was a movie Lyn enjoyed or revealed the oligarchy.
I am juggling many audiences, trying to figure out how anything I post here might be received by different forces.
The other aspect of the memo:
Ironically, while LaRouche claims that others are exploiting “the tragic death of Ken Kronberg” the ENTIRE purpose of this memo is rip apart Kronberg and threaten those people who are grieving over his death–the same people in the organization who are in turmoil over Ken’s death. Rather than memorialize Ken in a loving way, and respond to the turmoil and grief in a way that a loving person would, with compassion, LaRouche rampages against Ken, essentially saying, “you are idiots if you mourn him, those people writing about him on Factnet and elsewhere, don’t know him, here is the truth, we will prove to you that you and he are losers.” According to LaRouche’s memo, Ken should have fallen on his sword years ago, but instead, according to the memo, Ken looted LaRouche by making the LaRouche PACS pay their bills for printing.Â