“Radio Free Loudon”
First, I want to acknowledge that in terms of what Larouche believes, no, no there is no “Get Larouche Task Force” — something just brought up by Chip Berlet, brought up by somebody else before hand — with my slightly wacky assertion of what a “Get Larouche Task Force” consists of. There appears to be a “Get Avi Klein Task Force” in the bowels of the Larouche organization, not dissimiliar to the “Get [Fill in the blank] Task Force” of anyone who has ever written anything critical, and by critical I mean neutral, in regards to Lyndon Larouche.
We have arrived at this Whirldwind. As we speak, or type or stare at a computer screen, the LYM — but oddly enough, not their generational forebears, have been given a brand spanking new briefing on the evils of the upcoming Washington Monthly article, and been told rambling nonsensical thoughts in which they ought think about it. I find myself right now, within the narrow straits of this topic, juggling a number of items at this moment. (As well, I may end up receding from this relatively break-neck pace right as the story is arriving at a break-neck pace. That infernal real world, and all that.)
Let’s call Larouche’s slander against Avi Klein what it is — Slander — and Larouche’s use of the word slander to describe any negative or NEUTRAL piece against him represents his acts of projection. But while it is basically crap, and while nobody much takes Larouche’s crap seriously, it is crap placed upon private and personal relations, and it is material the Larouche Camp desires to broadcast from out of their cult (and with their cult, or the most important part of it at least, holding it as gospel) to an outside world. I cannot say that I came to this realization myself. When and if it comes time to publish the latest “Internal Memo”, For the eyes of the LYM — and at this point, seemingly for everybody in the Free and Unfree World’s eyes — I offer only one rule of order: Ellipses are your friend. The corallary is for a step backward, a deep breath, and a quick untangle. Life is too short. Don’t demand a goddanged LYM-purpose Internal Memo. We know the general gist anyways.
And I wander over to the other things I find myself juggling. I suppose someone, somewhere may discover yet writings that “Lyn Marcus” did for the SWP which repeat at an earlier date the seeming life mission statement that he laid out for his Trotskyite splinter groupings in 1965. I refer to this, and take a good, long look over it. Having read Tim Wohlforth’s “The Prophet’s Children”, I can suggest a number of items Larouche plucked out of this mileau, as he embarked on whatever the Heck it is that he embarked on. Trotskyism’s demand for a pure and rarefied ideology has always invited a cultish climatology. As well the idea of a small, determined group with a single-minded purpose shapinig and controlling a larger organism — that which he referred to in earlier incarnations by some other phrase, but now refers to as “infinitisimals”. One more thing is a fetishizing of “Youth Movement”s, or Youth Cadres — which makes sense in the Marxist form of a Revolutionary Vanguard taking out the old Reactionaries.
What is startling with these Trotsky-era writings is it’s almost convincing me that the current moment in Larouche’s history IS THE ENDS to which he has been workign toward for the past four decades. The control of a younger generation under his control toward the older generation under his control, and the attendent “Creative Destruction” that arises. It is a sociopathic idea, one that requires 40 years to achieve to move these two age groupings, and one that would also more or less require that “1974 to 1999” intermission in heavy recruitment.
I cannot for the life of me tell when Larouche thought he was seriously assembling a cadre of supporters for a role as Governing Leader (and he has offered up his suggestion on how he would become president — and more or less dictator — without the framework of a popular democratic vote several times, as well how the powers that be would hand him control over particular levers of power to arrive at much the same effect), and at what points he adapted to a Fantasy Shadow Government. I offer this example, from Ruth Tuttle in “YTTN” as a guide that confuses the matter:
On the streets outside groccery stores, in airports, in Sears parking lots, I learned to hawk the NCLC’s publications, shouting out the daily headlines. “Only two more weeks until nuclear holocaust.” “only one more week…” “one three more days…” When it didn’t happen we deliriously proclaimed the news: “NCLC averts nuclear holocaust!”
I can only suggest that the current “Fantasy Shadow Government” is a bastardized version of his earlier “Fantasy Shadow Government”, every aspect a Potemkin Village for an earlier more impressive Potemkin Village. But I’ve already been through that analysis, in various forms.
The better explanationis to suggest that its been running around in the circles, and the circles have all ended up forming one larger circle. Play with that geometrical model, yahoos!
The sickening washes over me. The challenging thing comes in encountering somebody offering themselves us pondering the ways of Larouche versus that which the less than favorable world is offering us. In actuality, there are not that many of them, but it has been enough to keep the Cult Leader going (in that he’s been happy to wander around in circles.) Their concerns are relatively typical, their conflicts with society at large and culture at large, and I myself do not fully trust somebody who has not had these samd conflicts. This is to suggest I grasp the memes in which the Cult Leader has thrown out there, but just fail to understand how it pulls anyone from Step A to Step Z. I saw Larouche at the age of 12. He looked like a nutcase to me. I had the vaguest idea of who he was, never thinking of him at all, for the next decade, but if asked I’d probably think in terms of benevolence. No, I had not run into a Larouchite at that point in time. When I did, I tended to view them in a “It takes all kinds” manner, people have the free will to hand over whatever part of their free will they want to whomever they want. If forced to consider for a second, though, I would have had to come to the conclusion that very coerceive techniques are at play with these people, had to to get them to the point where they are right now — immersed in a Fantasy World and believing they are propelling the engines of the World, and not even for their benefit.
I have not seen whatever new fangled item the LYM have just recently seen regarding the upcoming Washington Monthly article and attendent subject matter. All I know for sure is that it will be nonsensical, but will be forced to make sense in their minds because it is easier to accept as making sense.  Having read the early offensive — a slander thrown to the journalist of the piece, a tying of a “Get Larouche Task Force” with the “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” of the Clinton era, I can only suggest to the LYM, if any of you are reading this: — he does not think much of your intelligence.
August 16th, 2007 at 5:49 am
This is the newest internal memo in its entirety:
It should now be stated clearly for the information of the members, that Linda de Hoyos and Uwe Friesecke had been conducting operations against Ken Kronberg personally over many years–operations which significantly contributed to the conditions that led to his death.
As Eaglebeak commented on FactNet, this is like the process the Larouchites undertook with Jeremiah Duggan’s death–creating an Alternate Universe in which Duggan’s mother was ultimately blamed for her son’s death.
Here we have LaRouche blaming (1) someone who left the organization in 2000 or thereabouts; (2) someone in Europe who left (was thrown out?) in fall 2006.
Who will he blame next?