Danged it if I didn’t want to wait a few days between postings on this topic.
… but, the cabal in the boiler-room in Loudon won’t let me.
I sense that we have arrived at that point where the creators of the “Daily Briefing” have decided to cut that Gordian Knot and treat their internal daily briefing memos in such a manner to acknowledge the external readers of said.
The latest excretions from such sewers as Dennis King, the American Family Foundation’s FactNet website, a new website run by Star Trek groupie and Robert Beltran stalker Christine Wellman, and other droppings from John Train’s salon
God damned it. I am insignificant after all. The best I can think of where I fall into line in that is that these posts are “dropping from John Train’s salon” — which fits the bill of when I was seemingly obliquely referenced as a “gutter outlet” of “Wall Street Fascist John Train”.
No disrespect for the “Star Trek groupie and Robert Beltran stalker”, but compare technorati stats, the higher the authority the more significant linkings figure, the lower the rank the more viewed the blog:
I’m like Rodney Dangerfield here — Just can’t get no respect. Then again, my numbers inflated off of a London Telegraph posting to a post about John Edwards and a well-traveled sports blog linking to a post about Greg Oden — while “Larouche Watch” has to rely off of the drawing power of Larouche. So I guess I will just have to toss the humbling words of “As far as I am concerned, Skull and Bones is a hero, as in Benton” and “in my view-yes, you are having an effect, and a salutary one” and shake my heads in the eternal infinitisimal of infinitisimals. The Larouchians in the boiler room in Loudon refuse to acknowledge my existence. Oh, why, oh why, do the fates mock me so?
continue the obsessive campaign of LaRouche haters to exploit the tragic death of Ken Kronberg, a man they never knew, and whose life was dedicated to fighting the stupidity they represent.
Let me tell you a story. I do not know when this story begins, or where the best part to join the story would be.
Actually, let me take a moment and just listen to a rock band for a few minutes to clear my head.
Okay. How about some jazz for a short spell?
Okay, fumbling around for a beginning of a story.
There was this blog community or other who was having trouble and getting annoyed by a sudden spurt of Larouchian commenters. He asked the question “WTF?”, at which point somebody provided a link to this blog. At the same time, somebody I used to know, teaching at a University, answered the question of what exactly those Larouche idiot a-holes were by providing a link to this blog. At the same time a college journalist found a comment made at this blog from a recently exited disgruntled ex-Larouchian, and I ended up helping guide her to him for the purposes of a story. I had made it a habit of posting forward comments from ex-Larouchians, thinking it absolved me somewhat for a sin of treating the cult a bit kookily and benevolently (an example of sorts: here), thinking it did the ex-Larouchian good to vent their frustrations, but never quite realizing that the small act of providing a platform for such was a fairly important psychological service for them.
Still, I felt I was cheating the peoples who determined me to be a source for things Larouche. I was not. I decided I would become such a thing, for a short spell, and then move on. Thus, I wandered through streams of old news articles, a few chapters of old books, and pieced together what was something of a substitute wikipedia article, endevoring to splice it together onto a separate page, and let that be — more or less — the end of it. Call me a source, I made myself into a source, of sorts — and that’s all I have to say.
But before I could leave the topic alone, some Larouchians strung me along for a spell, and I was obligated to respond — knowing full well any exchanges were going to be two individuals speaking two different languages. After a while, I simply became weary of the topic, wanted to move the blog back to things electoral and political and sane.
I cannot say I left the topic of Lyndon Larouche alone. And herein lies a key moment in this story, where my concern for some guy I never knew comes into the picture. But first let me take an intermission and listen to some rock band.
Okay. It was during this month that I was leafing through one of those inane Larouche pamphlets, one of those things that Larouchians abandon in bulk at the end of their card-table shrine duties. Understand, I knew Larouche was imparting on his “LYM” hatred of the Baby-Boomer generation. But this was starkly manifested in this odd assortment of “Historic Internet Broadcast Transcripts” and ridiculous articles. What I saw was this strange adulation of the Youth Movement at the same time as heavy-handed baby-boomer bashing, on all fronts. And I noted that the “LYM”ers were being referenced as “leaders” and were mouthing words disparaging of baby-boomers.
Now then. Deep breath. How about another rock song? Okay. A goofy send-up of one of William Shatner’s sillier moments?
A rather simple dynamic popped into my head while seeing this dichotomy in play in such sharp relief, something which I suppose I would have realized if I had thought about for a moment based on what I already knew by way of outsider accounts of the “Cadre Schools”. The baby-boomers in that cult (and I have the history down: it all starts in the late 1960s — the coming of age of the baby-boomers) must really be being treated like absolute crap! It looks to all the world, mind you — the message is inherent in this stupid collection of propaganda, no insider information needed — as though they have been deemed disposable waste by Larouche.
And that was where I sat when Ken Kronberg, a man I never knew who had involved himself with a man I harbored a disgust toward, committed suicide. I received word by pursuing the FACTNet board, name either not mentioned or registering with me. And I did not know what I was supposed to do with that. I had slid myself into a fairly strange spot with this blog — tied into Larouche just enough that I had to acknowledge something just happened, but having nothing much to say about it. At the same time, I had that gut reminder of my observation from the month earlier — when I learned to read their literature from the vantage point of stuff meant for the consumption of their membership.
There is nothing more dangerous than a little knowledge, and that is what I possessed with regards to a man I did not even know the name of in what was clearly a cult, one which I did not really know the mechanics for.
So I drum forward with ramblings on Ken Kronberg, regardless. Ken Kronberg’s family lists my blog on their memorial website. I make various stabs on understanding his life and what he was all about. And the background of Larouche’s Internal Memos — leaked to King, leaked to xlcer, leaked to Benton, absurdly referenced by a Larouchian here as at first “not credible” and then on to “stolen documents” with another Larouchian citing them as “I don’t see what’s wrong with them” — confirmed that observation from a month earlier. For that matter Larouche’s published materials on Kronberg
managed the same thing.
I found the situation haunting. And there was this thought that crosses my mind “So. What are you going to do about it?” Occasionally I have vivid enough dreams that I wake up in the morning and the meaning of the dream, that which my psyche is telling me, makes itself clear as a brick on the head. More often than not, the message boils down to “Drop It”. I had a dream which centered on Larouche, the only such dream I have ever had. The message was the opposite — “Don’t drop it.” My conscience was not going to allow me to gingerly wander away from this.
Should I proceed with the story? Or should we all watch an ancient movie?
There was this moment in which I felt I had done my due diligence, in which I could severe ties to the affair. But then Larouche himself egged me on. That would be the “Wall Street Fascist John Train” “gutter outlet” reference, which so far as I could make out — since it pertained to “blogs” and since the number of such blogs was, roughly, two, meant ME, baby.
King and others who know nothing about the financial relationship between the LaRouche political movement and PMR claim that the movement “looted” PMR to ruin. As usual, bullshit spews from John Train’s overpaid plagiarist.
In the interest of dispelling such bullshit circulating among gossip circles internationally, some simple facts are provided here for internal informational purposes.
I had assumed a somewhat simple and straight-forward equation of what happened with PMR even before encountering the “official story” from the “anti-Larouche” grapevine. But it strikes me that I could easily lose myself in the thickets with this, and be diverted from some even simpler equations. Consult your Larouche literature, and such stuff as this will pepper the end-printed run of every publication, (perhaps with the possible exception of Fidelio?), from the pens of the LYMers, and from their newly transplanted mind from Larouche:
Aren’t you tired of wanting to die? Wallowing, wasting away here on Earth, until you run out of breath? That’s how Baby Boomers now live.
My understanding of the situation springs from THAT wellspring. Presumably the financial dealing of PMR have been investigated — and we will get to the bottom of the “fictitious capital”, the details will coming out shortly. Presumably the boiler room or basement of headquarters in Loudon will stick to their story — a story that, at any rate, if taken at face value would still leave them in between a rock and a hard place in terms of encroaching Investigations. Flash before me a shiny object, and I still see what is behind that shiny object. So I can skip a few items from the memo and go directly to:
b~~~~Simple Fact: The same AFF Factnet website which now stars Dennis King, the pathetic sexually obsessed Paul Kacprzak, and a host of LaRouche haters claiming that they represent Ken Kronberg’s legacy, targeted PMR for financial warfare destruction in 2004, claiming that by destroying the company, the LaRouche political movement would be destroyed.
Dennis King has posted … maybe twice … or thrice. One of them to try to gin up the cause for affecting wikipedia articles, something which seems to have fallen on deaf ears. If Paul Kacprzak (a google search reveals he provided a highly quotable quote for the Washington Post “NO Joke” article of a few years’ back) is around themsparts, he is safely behind a psuedonym, and I don’t much care. But I know what posts they are referring to, gleaned when I looked over the vast message board. The answer is a sort of “yes and no”. The conspiracy starts and ends with the never-followed-up suggestion to “alert the other clients” that they are dealing with a business with stronger ties to Larouche.
Say… Looky here, the nefarious Dennis King provided us with it in quick short-hand … which disappoints me, because it means that our boiler-room cabal probably did not do any work to arrive at this bullet point.
And, naturally, that thicket obscures the larger story.
August 5th, 2007 at 8:29 am
Boy those stats say it all! The only reason they mentioned me, I believe, is to intimidate me. Won’t work. I have been jousting with Beltran’s fangirlz who desperately believe that his association with Larouche is meaningless and I am a mean nasty Klingon for talking about it. So of course I am Teh Evahl!!!
I enjoy reading your blog. Evidently a lot of folks do
August 5th, 2007 at 9:08 am
Intimidation is all they have left, but soon enough, they won’t even have that. If rumors of Klein’s article are true, a number of senior members may be facing jail time. I can’t provide the details, sorry! –professional courtesy and all that. But I also hear that at least one senior member has already hired a private attorney. Jeff Steinberg, if he knows about it, can’t be very happy. Conspiracy is in the air, and he’s going to need an attorney too.
August 6th, 2007 at 9:18 am
I imagine they’re will be some dissections of that absurd internal memo on FactNet before long–and if no one else does it, I’ll do it myself.
In the meantime: The memo touches all LaRouche’s obsession points–obviously dictated in effect by him, or thoroughly discussed with him.
Among the buzzwords: scatalogy and a thing about sewers; vituperation about sexual obsession from the man who is a Champion Sexual Obsesser who loathes women (and men only slightly less); favorite concepts like plagiarism–Dennis King now joins the ranks of Isaac Newton, Galileo, Ptolomy, etc.–and of course the ubiguitous John Train–who, a glance at his curriculum vitae will tell you, doesn’t have time for riffraff like LaRouche.
Among the obsession points:
Uwe Friesecke and Linda de Hoyos, sources of all evil
The “commercial account” that destroyed the world (bilge)
“other events” where the LaRouche org stepped in to bail PMR out….
And of course the fact that: Without Ken Kronberg and PMR, our printing costs are less (of course, half of what they used to print no longer gets printed at all).
August 6th, 2007 at 11:47 am
By the way, “Motherskadi”/ Kleris/ Robert Beltran Star Trek Fan:
You have joined the ranks of the CIA, KGB, Cuban Frogmen, Henry Kissinger, Nelson Rockefellar, Bush, Cheney, various Jewish named investment bankers, and on and on in terms of who the Internal Daily Briefing posits as ready to destroy Lyndon Larouche.
But the other way of looking at it is that we, as part of the conspiracy somehow or other, are successfully accomplishing that which the CIA, KGB, and Cuban Frogmen were never able to accomplish.
August 6th, 2007 at 1:37 pm
I am loving it, I do admit it. Any word on Klein’s article? I’ll be back in DC in a couple of weeks, but I’d like to find it before I go. Want to be all prepped for the next card table shrine.
August 7th, 2007 at 4:32 pm
Uh Oh. The Scooby Doo ending of “And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids” is coming to mind.
Oh No! That whole “Baby Boomer” / “Youth” thing.is being proven right! Ironic?
August 22nd, 2007 at 12:47 am
Some interesting videos there, but man, you are dull. I lost interest in what you had to say about LaRouche, because you need lessons in how to write. I do agree with the musical interludes. they were good breaks from reading a most dull article. keep up checking out youtube. Maybe use some family guy clips next time. Do you recommend going to the original source ever?
August 22nd, 2007 at 10:25 am
The Family Guy is a horrible television show.