Archive for July, 2007

The Pat Tillman story’s unpleasant turn of events

Friday, July 27th, 2007

Well, this is an unpleasant turn of events.

The doctors _ whose names were blacked out _ said that the bullet holes were so close together that it appeared the Army Ranger was cut down by an M-16 fired from a mere 10 yards or so away.

Ultimately, the Pentagon did conduct a criminal investigation, and asked Tillman’s comrades whether he was disliked by his men and whether they had any reason to believe he was deliberately killed. The Pentagon eventually ruled that Tillman’s death at the hands of his comrades was a friendly-fire accident.

_ In his last words moments before he was killed, Tillman snapped at a panicky comrade under fire to shut up and stop “sniveling.”

_ Army attorneys sent each other congratulatory e-mails for keeping criminal investigators at bay as the Army conducted an internal friendly-fire investigation that resulted in administrative, or non-criminal, punishments.

_ The three-star general who kept the truth about Tillman’s death from his family and the public told investigators some 70 times that he had a bad memory and couldn’t recall details of his actions.

_ No evidence at all of enemy fire was found at the scene _ no one was hit by enemy fire, nor was any government equipment struck.

What I had supposed was bad enough — a Friendly fire accident blown out to Hero under Fire for a quick Draft Day Propaganda Play — followed by the necessary dismissal as inconvenient information spouted out.  I have a difficult time wrapping my mind around this, but then again I’ve developed a one-dimensional and not terribly sophisticated view of what happens on the battle-field — comradeship trumps all.
I have a faint feeling that some interesting things would be posted on Free Republic right about now.  The gutteral emotional response for Pat Tillman, and on to the political identity ramifications, are nothing if not a roller-coaster ride and schizophrenic — although to be fair, they’ve solved part of the confusion by simply denying the inconvenient.  (And my first thought on seeing this news release was an image of someone in his brigade telling him to shut up his “defeatocrat” rantings — something I brushed out of mind because — really, what do I know?)  The quickest of searches brings me the comments for the posting of the story Pat Tillman’s Mother Accuses Bush of Hiding Facts (Which, perhaps not Bush himself but his administration, is pretty well a given)

Sounds like she’s about to go Cindy Sheehan all over us.

OR to the article on his brother speaking on the Pentagon:

Pat Tillman’s brother Kevin speaks out against war (Kevin Tillman Goes Cindy Sheehan)

“Follow the money….”Isn’t ESPN owned by ABC, which in turn is owned by Disney, which in turn is very leftist?

I did finally find the posting of the story, under a “Warning: Lefty Smear Campaign Alert”.  A number of gunfire re-enactments to counter the story, and there is a certain amount of haggling over whether item #1 and #4 contradict each other.  Also prisonplanet is a “lefty” site, a notion that will be dispelled during the next Democratic presidency, probably (Or right this minute if you want to read its illegal immigration rhetoric).
All in all I probably should not have gone there.

Ways to look at Franklin Roosevelt

Friday, July 27th, 2007

The two sort of conventional “unconventional claims” on the legacy of Franklin Roosevelt are either contradictory, or weirdly compatible.

I am not speaking of the anti-Roosevelt faction meted out in the occasional George Will column — the conservative actions against Big Government — which lines up to “The New Deal didn’t get us out of the Great Depression”.  I tack to a couple of positions that could be described “progressive”, perhaps a progressivism measured out with conspiranoia, but it aligns itself there nonetheless.

The BBC has recently aired a program, I believe because a new book has just been published (as well the old book has recently been republished) — on “The Fascist Plot to Sieze the White House“.   The key name that has been dropped into this fracas, which was not mentioned in any mention of Smedley Butler’s claims between the 1930s and through — probably until today, but certainly through the 1970s — Prescott Bush.

And thus FDR is the bulwark against Mussolini’s mode of Fascism, as represented by the Bushes — who weaved themselves through the Republican Party and through the Government Apparatus — and which shows itself in the current administration.  Who were, at the time, deafly afraid of the courageous reforms and changes he was bringing to bear on the established order.
If you must.  Everything stems from the question “If they attempted it rather crudely with Smedley Butler, who’s to say they didn’t just keep on going with more sophisticated tactics.”

Any number of CIA experiments come to mind.

Or else you may go to, say, Walter Karp and his book Indispensable Enemies.   FDR kept the old order going, serving as a bulwark against the angry masses — handing “Big Business” every single thing they wanted, beyond even what Herbert Hoover dared grant these Special Interests — all the while making sure to let the Republican Party off the hook and back into the Political Game.  Then he started preaching warfare in 1937, and ended whatever goodness emenated from “The New Deal”.

At a more conspiratorial angle than Walter Karp dares offer, this has FDR looking the other way to, well, in the current political climatology we end up focusing in on Prescott Bush.  But the names have to be rather temporal — even if they are part of the same basket from 1933– based on who on that ledger is up or down.

There’s a bit of “I Want to Believe” in these crevices of the mind.  But the secret sometimes stares a bit closer and clearer in one’s face.
So what was Roosevelt?  Both and neither, I suppose.

How to dissolve a cult Take 3 or thereabouts, and how to regenerate it.

Thursday, July 26th, 2007

(At the end of a string defending myself.) I don’t think Larouche is listening.

— LaRouche is not listening, but believe me, some of the folks in the org are listening. Or reading. (Of course, ex-members read this material voraciously too–just as I am convinced that ex-members account for a very high percentage of the hits on the LPAC website that the org is so proud of.)

— But members still locked in the org are also reading and reading and reading–welcome, one and all (pretty much–except for the members who read FactNet as part of the endless “investigative” work that the org does in “monitoring” its “enemies”).

I posted two paragraphs from Dennis King’s latest, and most noteworthy, article, on the power a cult leader holds in suggesting Suicide — over on the sidebar. Then there’s the final few sentences. The ex-members are outraged, the boomers still inside the organization are upset, and the “yutes” (LaRouche Youth Movement members) are confused. LaRouche, it would appear, has finally opened Pandora’s Box. This may be the end game, folks.

Tap tap tap…
I am certainly not in a position to argue, or to agree for that matter. But I am reminded of the number of times an article in the mainstream media reported on Larouche and suggested that, for example when his Illinois followers won those two Democratic nominations in 1986, “but will the spotlight shined on him be the end of him?”

Though, in a sense, these things did destroy him.  Imagine you kill a zombie. He returns from the dead — at half strength. You kill him again.  And he returns again — once again, at half strength. Posit up any metric you want, and Larouche will fail to measure up to his old standard, except perhaps in terms of his Grandiose Vision of himself which is a constant unchangeable. (Once upon a time he had decent CIA contacts; now he just appears to google.) So comments like this are what we have: Somewhat disappointed that LaRouche is still alive….so conventional of me.

The mindset of the Fantasy Shadow Government, and if I may quibble with this found at the “larouchewatch” blog: If Hillary supports the resolution, and then gets elected, wanna bet LHL will be expecting an invite to sleep in Lincoln’s bedroom? — It’s not so much that Larouche will be expecting anything, as he will claim such a thing. He’s a close adviser to Bill Clinton, you see.
Cut his strengths in half enough times, and eventually it will just Larouche in a strait-jacket, directing world affairs in his own mind.
From an ex-Larouchie at FACTNet:

Things have changed in Leesburg. From what I am picking up, members are challenging, complaining, muttering.
The place leaks like a sieve, because members and non-members fraternize like crazy now–something that never happened in the past to this degree.
The insulation and isolation that was preserved so effectively in the past is eroding beyond repair because so many people in Leesburg, including NEC members, now work. (Everyone who isn’t independently wealthy or running some special scam or VERY IMPORTANT to Lyn is either working or married to someone who’s working.) “Outside” contact–whether ex-member friends, non-member friends, outside jobs–is popping the bubble.

That means that there is potential for constant leaks, uncontrollable, and also for unrest in the ranks.

Again, I can’t argue or agree, and if this spitting out at the wind were a serious enough threat to their own Special Oligarchy I’d receive denials of such. BUT… continuing on with this message, to the other side of the ledger, conflicting with the signs of breakage.

This all pertains to Leesburg. In the regions, the NCs suffer from a 30-year addiction to being absolute dictators, which is reinforced by the communalism imposed on the LYM, and the general attitude associated with the LaRouche Jugend Bewegung.
And back a bit:
The problem however may lie in the fact that it appears that new recruits are subjected to a much more brutal and coercive and isolated existence than even we members from the earlier 70s, 80s and 90s were exposed to.

These things are probably now more necessary than ever to maintain an increasingly credulous claim to “World Historic Figure” in this day and age, where one can theoretically be hermetically secluded in an obscure corner of the globe and with an Internet connection still have connections with the outside world. With that in mind, it appears that Larouche has ripped some pages off his websites. Note that the Dennis King website linked page on “Larouche served notice on his Jewish ‘boomers’ in 2005” is no longer there.
I wonder what else has been cut. I always thought one could use any number of examples of Larouche disparaging his boomers — or the equivalent of disparaging boomers in general while praising his Youth. Since this has been the very basis of the past half a dozen years of cult positioning, surely they can’t all be just tossed to the wind. Maybe that particular page wasn’t subtle enough.
So here’s the dirty little secret. “Leaking like a sieve”, internal memos flowing out like an avalanche — and I return to the comment Bettag left on this blog about “those stolen documents”, a misnomer that she didn’t actually believe (but which allowed the acknowledgment of accuracy against an earlier insinuation of “slander”.). Maybe the Leesburg gang cares one iota about that situation, perhaps they don’t. But these things — these Daily Briefings — aren’t really needed to get an overview of the events of Larouche-land. It always manifests itself in the Larouche literature, which — after all — is produced primarily for the consumption of the cult members — and thus reflects what he means to knock into their head. (Secondarily any off-hand random supporter of whatever cause — Damned ye, Al Gore. Damned ye, Dick Cheney).
The Dirty Laundry of Larouche’s organization, and its means of control and its circled wagon, is aired right there in the open, thinly submerged behind lines about Synarchist Plots and a supposed “BAE Scandal” or three — if something is beaten to the ground beyond any comprehension, there is a good bet that the external crisis is hiding an inflamed internal crisis. Just toss in a few old lines about Jeremy Duggan in unrelated treatsies, and I think we can measure that Rorschach Test pretty easily.
But Larouche can get great mileage from blasting away anyone who bothers to read these things and reports back on what they just read.

The sense of lethargacy in the Body Politick

Thursday, July 26th, 2007

The State of the Union, or more properly the Body Politic, is fretted with a sort of lethargacy — we, as a nation, in terms of our government, are waiting for a situation to change itself to something that can be productive, and have resigned ourselves to the fact that nothing is going to be done until 2008. In terms of presidential and Congressional esteem, I compare the situation to the Congressional and Presidential period of 1931 – 1933, the last two years of Hoover’s Administration, with a bare Democratic majority that wasn’t aligned to anything as of the moment — Congress’s approval ratings were lower than Hoover’s.

George W Bush is one point off from Nixon’s low point, and has sustained the depths of presidential approval for a longer time than Truman. And we’ve gone through this sustained bottom-dropping for an awful long time. I remember the moment when it seemed to occur, when I looked up and saw that he was stalled right down into the 30s, and not about to move out of it. I started coming up with ways the nation should be restarted — an “Under 40” rule whereby a president who cannot come to that mark in his second term and through a decent stretch of time should be automatically replaced. Through all this time, any number of pundits have come out and proclaimed that Bush is experiencing, or will shortly experience, a bounce in public esteem — sometimes meted out as Bush rose from 30 percent approval to 33 percent approval, sometimes just simply meaningless. All we can do is watch in bemusement.
“It’s astonishing,” said Pat Caddell, who was President Jimmy Carter’s pollster. “It’s hard to look at the situation today and say the country is absolutely 15 miles down in the hole. The economy’s not that bad — for some people it is, but not overall. Iraq is terribly handled, but it’s not Vietnam; we’re not losing 250 people a week. . . . We don’t have that immediate crisis, yet the anxiety about the future is palpable. And the feeling about him is he’s irrelevant to that. I think they’ve basically given up on him.”

I think there is a feeling that the other shoe is about to drop somehow.
In the meantime, The Weekly Standard published a cover-item on the man less popular than Bush — Dick Cheney. The Weekly Standard being the outlet that would favor such a man. A book has been published. One that posits him as non-hugging, but gives him a… human side. And to that, the Murdoch – owned and rather silly New York Sun gives us this suggestion.

My own guess — okay, hope — is that Mr. Cheney has taken a look at the Republican presidential field and sees an opening.

Sure. I’ve always wanted to see a 50-state electoral landslide. Just imagine the day after Election Day, the headline: OBAMA PULLS 50-STATE VICTORY! Mercy, mercy me.

I mean, even a hypothetical Bush third term attempt, in a hypothetically different Constitution, stalled in the 20s in approval, would bring in Wyoming and Idaho.


Incidentally, I know “lethargacy” is not a word, but a google search shows that I am number one with that word, so I will use it with a sense of impunity.

Alberto Gonzales redone

Wednesday, July 25th, 2007

Arlen Specter, who looks a tad older than I last remember, has been getting all of the press regarding the Alberto Gonzales hearings. It follows into line of the beloved “Even members of his own party” storyline — so much so that Fox News did their usual thing of “accidentally” identifying him as a Democrat. And because this line drips with nervous dread.

Specter: Do you think constitutional government in the United States can survive if the president has the unilateral authority to reject congressional inquiries?
Gonzalez: I’m not going to answer this question.

But Sheldon Whitehouse, a Freshman Senator you probably don’t know — someone I checked off last midterm election as “R to D” and didn’t think much beyond that, to me served as sort of the mean average response. Go to the split screen of Whitehouse and Gonzales, and the contempt manifests on his face, as he looks incredulously onto Gonzales.

Gonzales arrived at a novel line about the infamous meeting to Ashcroft’s infimary bedside — the attempted circumvension of acting Attorney General Comey not signing off on extending the wire-tapping program — which, for everything else in what due to the nature of politics can be obfuscated into complexities into “a tempest in a teapot” and drubbed into the donkey versus elephant narrative– is therefor the most straight-forward Dramatic and bold part of the story. Gonzales says that Congress did it. The closed bi-partisan group of 8, and by that he pretty much would emphasize the Democrats. The meeting with the infirmed Ashcroft was no big deal — Comey’s testimony notwithstanding — and he just wanted to tell Ashcroft the urgency of what was needed.

But nobody believes him, and those that say they believe him are lying to either us or themselves.

On a purely political front in terms of the Donkey – Elephant War — fully apart from the meaning of actual governance and pretending as though scandal were just part of the sport which the two sides bob and weave with, there seems to be a certain malaise in the body politic — a fatigue. I don’t think it is possible for Congress to have a high approval rating in an environment like this one — Congress’s and the President’s approval ratings tend to be tied to one another because the government is seen either moving forward or not moving forward — since the Presidency is all powerful, the Democratic Congress’s ratings don’t much mattter. If the Democrats wonder why they can’t get any real traction in the American public’s psyche about, quote-in-quote “Attorney Gate”, it may just be because the jig is up, and they’ve already registered their displeasure to Mr. 26%, and fully understand what he is all about, at least in broad terms — drumming up specifics ends up being an act of redundancy and a few too many extra thoughts.

Phrases overheard on one end of a cell phone conversation

Tuesday, July 24th, 2007

(on public trasnsportation)

“… friends with benefits, you know.  Won’t handle anything more right now.”
“Tough life with mistakes made during my 36 years.  But I kicked my habit.  The Penitentary helped with that.”
“Laying low.  My job opportunities are improving slightly.”
“Oh man.  I’ve been seeing my 16 year old a bit lately.  He’s been making some of the same mistakes I had.  It just doesn’t make sense.”
“I’m going to have to get a Paternity Test for that one.  He sure looks like me, but I need to make sure, y’know?”
“Yeah.  I’ll go see her.  I’ll call back later tonight for a Booty Call.  Got that?”

And then he got off the Max.

The Censure and the Impeachment

Tuesday, July 24th, 2007

Russ Feingold has come out for “Censoring” the President. This is a relatively interesting slap on the wrist, and I note it as a sort of fatigue of what it is that entails the implausible task of Impeachment — and the sobriety that such a thing ideally entails, but still itemizes it for the record. (Which, in the end, is all Impeachment really does — short of the next step of the “guilty” verdict in the Senate, that which did not hit Clinton. Hey! We have that itemized notation for Clinton. What the itemization was, history will just have to scratch its head and decide for itself.)

Cindy Sheehan is going to run her sort of stunt campaign for Nancy Pelosi’s seat because she will not pursue Impeachment of the President. We have come aways on that front from the days when it was bounded and hawked as a petition from “As far out of the political mainstream as you can get without being imprisoned” Ramsey Clarke, but seem unlikely to go any further. I remember what a novelty it was when a national polling company first touched on the issue of impeachment, and remember thinking “DUH!” when polls showed more support for such an idea than at any time during the Clinton administration. Today you can shift around and find a poll that shows the number up to a somewhat staggering 46 percent, though I do not quite know how the question was worded.
As it is, I am not entirely sure Feingold captured the right items for his “Censure” motion. The list? For overstating the case that Saddam Hussein had WMDs, particularly nuclear weapons, and falsely implying a relationship with al Qaeda and links to 9/11; for failing to plan for the civil conflict and humanitarian problems that the intelligence community predicted; for over-stretching the Army, Marine Corps and Guard with prolonged deployments and for justifying U.S. military involvement in Iraq by repeatedly distorting the situation on the ground there. A second resolution would censure the administration for approving the illegal NSA warrantless wiretapping program, for promoting extreme policies on torture, the Geneva Conventions, and detainees at Guantanamo; and for refusing to recognize legitimate congressional oversight into the improper firings of U.S. Attorneys. A few things on the list may as well be brought back retroactively to past presidents. But there are things out there that we can not play the “BUT CLINTON” game with — and I note the recent Jonah Goldberg editorial which attempted, badly, to do the “Pox on Both their houses. Heh heh.” appeal — the conservative commentator’s last refuge surveying the landscape, going for some higher broad historical sweeping ground of shifting political positions right as the Bush – Cheney administration just made one sweeping executive privilege claim, folding in the Justice Department. Oh, Janet Reno, where are you now — right when we need you the most?
I have to tap the shoulders on Bob Barr to get a somewhat more grounded anti-Clinton appeal — insofar as Barr recognizes Bush as worst in these arenas as Clinton and does with that what he must — something Goldberg’s appeal is incapable of.  The thing is that Impeachment and Censure are not measures designed for the current president, but for subsequent presidents.  It is a tough road — I fear the Giuliani President for the reasons that the latest words on Giuliani from sources like Harpers magazine are floating at us.
So “Censure” is as off the table as “Impeachment”, somehow conflated as having the same starkness of partisan fury. Maybe that is just as well, “Censure” being this weird measure that does have the effect of a no-confidence vote toward the president, and as Nixon said in his farewell address, he will resign because he no longer has a sufficient base within the Congress with which to work with. (Bush will always have 40, with a handful more feigning against him but seeming to slide right in for him.) It does strike me as that weird pooh-poohing of the “Censible*” that always seems to crush anything of any sanity.

* misspelling on purpose — combine “centrist” with “sensible”.

21st Century Science and Technology, and what it tells us.

Tuesday, July 24th, 2007

I have a much simpler, more straightforward explanation for why LL et al., substitutes the fake spelling “Jeremy” for “Jeremiah”:
The search string, “Jeremy Duggan” yields very little in Google (for example), whereas “Jeremiah Duggan” produces a vast amount of extremely damaging information.
People who are unfamiliar with the tragedy (Yutes, new recruits, etc) might perform a search and, seeing little, might not delve further.

Well Golly gee. Things that I must do: go through every reference I have made to Jeremiah Duggan, stick the misname right after the name, and link Jeremy Duggan to JusticeforJeremiah. Like so. Jeremy Duggan. His actual name was Jeremiah. So don’t call him Jeremy Duggan.

So I leafed through the final 13 issues of “21st Century Science and Technology”. And one thing hit me like an anvil.

I assume they are the final 13 issues, or final 13 printed issues — the printing choice of Larouche Inc having been bankrupted through lack of payment, of course, the company PMR — headed by the baby-boomer aged Ken Kronberg, who was, in case you missed the news, suicided. Maybe the magazine continues in some vague form online.

There was a shift of focus. A rather quick and sudden shift of editorial direction. One issue — the Winter 2002/03 issue, there was no mention of the Larouch Youth Movement — just a pack of articles whose chief editorial direction seemed to be to incoporate the name “Larouche” every fourth paragraph somehow. The next issue, there the Larouche Youth Movement were. And the issue after that, the LYM were the whole show — indeed, taking over articles completely unrelated the Larouche Youth Movement — as seemingly every technological and scientific advance in human history were the product of a Youth Movement, usually with an elder Guru — for example: Benjamin Franklin’s Youth Movement. The image of which bearing striking relation to this omnipresent image of Larouche sitting in conversation with a bunch of Larouche Youth. Or how about that one famous image of those very jovial nuclear scientists en route to creating the Atomic Bomb — (“how a youth movement in science in 1945 fought the Establishment to win civilian control of nuclear power”. How very convenient.) which bears a striking resemblance to the photographs that this newest direction of 21st Century Science and Technology has with all those photographs of those jovial LYMers. The propaganda is laid rather thickly.

So we begin. “We present this piece as a contribution to the pedegogical effort of the Larouche Youth Movement, which is presently struggling to master the paradox of the Pythagorean Comma. Their crucial, related purpose is to attempt to revive the aging intellects of the Baby Boomer generation, who have denied these youth a future by their immoral abandonment of the principle of truth.
And then the next issue. The cover is The Larouche Youth Movement. And the focus deepens. “You won’t read about it in Science or Nature, but the big news in Science today is the growth of a youth movement, commited to the principle of discovering the truth. […] We have now around us, in a social-political and intellectual process that has chosen to call itself the Larouche Youth Movement [So… um… What were the runner-ups in that naming contest?] , a core grouping of several hundreds of very serious young people in the 18 to 26 age bracket. Around this rapidly expanding core is a very much larger circle of university – age youth [That be you, Mr. and Ms. University Student], debating the ideas which are being forcibly presented to them by the dedicated cadre of thinkers.

The “Burn the Textbooks” article is now sort of legendary — because of that other youth movement that burned textbooks it can’t help but evoke, and because the author of the piece was a recruiter for Jeremiah Duggan — aka (falsely) Jeremy Duggan. And then we get to the “guest editorial from a LYMer. Tell me that this doesn’t represent a disturbing attitude toward the generation of this young chap’s parents. And… other things. Aren’t you tired of wanting to die? Wallowing, wasting away here on Earth, until you run out of breath? That’s how Baby Boomers now live. And we, the youth generation today, will we imitate our bored, shrivelling parents, following in their stinky, pleasure – fouled path? Awake! Pleasure can be entertaining, momentarily, but look around. A muscle bound monkey-man, speaking English in the style of a professional wrestler, directed by a stable of financier criminals, threatens to become Governor of California. The President can’t read, and his minister of Vice Dick Cheney wants to murder human beings with nuclear weapons. There is no economy. There are no jobs. Rave dances and pot parties spatter the social environment. People don’t read. There’s no technological progress, no discovery, no culture. Is this the result of the ‘I’m so free because I do whatever I want’ Baby Boomer counter-culture?
Why don’t we stop lying to ourselves and admit, this culture stinks. We need a Renaissance, a rebirth of creative discovery in the social process, which makes us human, — not animals, but human beings, much superior to any beast on the planet.

Oh, mercy me. The eternal hook, tried on me right here on this stupid blog. I imagine them all shouting in unison: “ARE WE NOT MEN????” (Before getting around to discussing plans for a sort of “Master Race” of sorts?) Meanwhile, through 40 years of drubbing into his followers about the death of Scientific and Technological Development, scientists are advancing science and technology, and here I am on a keyboard — at a personal computer which is far behind the latest consumer products — with a network that had been set up methodically — and I note for the record that I can look up where the scientists — not quite a part of a Human Renaisance but we can still all be productive in something less than utopian (after all, we have Bush / Cheney in the White House and Schwarzenegger in the Governor’s Mansion, but I guess we’ll just have to push on through that, won’t we?) — at this moment in mapping the human genome. But that’s just for example.
Now let us Double the Square! We appear to have found something that lies beyond the infinite: all those fractions (an infinite number of them) and none of them makes the magnitude we are looking for? This so-called “squre root of 2” appears a “hole” in our number line, a discontinuity in what we before thought to be completely continuous. Now you know what the synarchists are confronted with in Larouche!

Incidentally, try this photo montage: Bertrund Russel 91872 – 1970), Norbert Wiener (1874 – 1964), John Von Neumann (1903 – 1957), Issac Newton (1642 – 1727), Johanes Kepler (1571 – 1630), Nicholas of Cusa (1401 – 1464), Gottfried Leibniz (1646 – 1716), and Lyndon Lar… Too bad those other individuals have passed on. I guess they’re stuck with that last one in their intellectual tradition, right?

Which brings us, conceptually, to the LYM – penned essay (the LYM have taken over the magazine from the baby-boomers) “From Lincoln to Larouche’s Land Bridge”.

And The stupidest science experiment ever. Two LYMers make orange juice out of an orange — one uses a juicer device; the other is stuck using his bare hands. The jucicer makes the orange juice in a much more efficient and quicker manner than the bare hands — which is the “ape-like rival” of the juicer-user. The lesson, in case you need clarification: Scientists who espouse the theory of Global Warming are luddites.

It is enlightening non-reading, and one can pin-point the precise moment that the cult was handed over in spirit to the “Youth”, because somehow they have a lot to teach the baby-boomers in the org, and deserve to be cut right in line before them. Oh well. Cults are a pursuit best fit for the young, it would seem. Full of energy to be drained out of them.
I suppose this is all old news by now. But it dove-tails as part of the backstory for the death of Ken Kronberg.