David Vitter again

Any number of professional prostitutes have gone on record to the effect that their weirdest clients — the ones who need to get dressed up in chicken suits, and so forth — are prominent people in politics.

Probably not a Pinkwater passage he would ever figure would be quoted in much of any context, but what are you going to do?  It is stuff like that that explains why that particular book’s has been allowed to lapse into “out of print” status, FSR not letting it into the 5 Novels compendium.  But I am sure somebody else somewhere made that point just as succinctly on paper, that just happens to be the most immediate source for a quotation like that I have available.  (I would think Kurt Vonnegut would have had to have written as much.)
But the word on the street is that David Vitter, Senator from the great state of Louisiana, wore diapers during his stays to one of two brothels.
I wonder what is wrong with me that an ad campaign which makes prominent use of a politician’s family repels me, while apparently not repelling significant proportion of the (ever dwindling) electorate.   But then again, I live in a state where a candidate that uses the phrase “[State of Origin] Values” does not wash — a phenomenon most common below the Mason Dixon, but also common throughout the midwest.  Oh, they’ll use their family, which is interesting because it flies in the face of the rule that in any legal proceeding a family member is not considered a reliable character witness — for obvious reasons — so why should I pay attention to this man’s goddanged children?
The New Orleans Madam has gone on record that David Vitter was a great client, treated his sex workers well, and it would be a shame if the electorate of Louisiana puts this against him.  But the New Orleans Madam should not be speaking and broaching the privacy of her clients.  She doesn’t even have the reason the DC Madam did so — which was an attempt at blackmail to stop the legal proceedings against her — release the records to show up powerful individuals.  (And shorten Larry Flynt’s investigative process, as the case turns out to be.)

I wish there were a magic wand that could be waved with this phone number cache, which would automatically remove all the numbers of figures out of public eye, and those figures in the public eye who make no political hay out of “Family Values”.

One more thing: a primary opponent apparently made the claim that Vitter had relations with a prostitute.  It was dismissed as a slur.  I think Vitter should resign and be replaced in the interim by that primary opponent of his (Treen, I guess his name was), who — what do you know — was basically correct.  (Or, reading that article, his surrogate was.)

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