Youtube’s Campaign

Taking a look at the latest Presidential campaign Youtube spots.

#1: Mike Gravel. Minimalistic, I suppose. I have no explanation.

#1a: Mike Gravel has offered an explanation. It’s a couple of art school students’ art project? I think Gravel overloaded the meaning.

#2: Hillary Clinton. For a second you think she selected Foreigner’s “Don’t Stop Believing”. I can not possibly see Bill Clinton, or for that matter anyone, saying “My money’s on Smash Mouth”. There is no way the voters could have possibly picked that not fully known Celion Deion song, and that is probably as good a metaphor as any.

#3: Barack Obama. Cute. Maybe one of the second or third tier candidates can get desperate and do a video full of strippers.

#4: Mitt Romney. 15 minutes of nausea. The question of “Why?” comes to mind. They eat a Christmas Dinner. It’s a big family. They say “Jesus” a lot. Why do we want tape of Mit Romney’s Christmas dinner?

#5: Ron Paul. Actually, seeing this video, screening at Paul’s campaign website, I am mildly freaked out by the Ron Paul supporters. A bit more freakish is to scan the videos at youtube, and see that they are all bulked up by the same spam-istic messages. Even as I admire Ron Paul, and have for some time, I would not want to be on any email list connected with him.

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