Bush’s Watch Stolen

Bush’s watch was stolen by Albanians.

That is story number two coming out of Bush’s Blockbuster Trip to Albania, the only place in the world Bush can travel and be greeted as a Liberator.  Oh yes.  The news coverage about Bush’s trip to Albania has been comically hyper-ventilating, and maybe a little condescending to the Albanians.

The reason Bush is Huge in Albania is because they love Woodrow Wilson and Bill Clinton — Wilson for “liberating” them in the process of World War I, Clinton for saving ethnic Albanians from Milosevic’s slaughter.  I understand that George’s father is beloved and highly respected in Turkey — where they call the chickens they eat “Bush-wings” because of a trade deal made during the Bush the Better administration, which I guess legitimizes any crowd chanting toward Bush the Better into Turkey.  But Bush the Lesser’s foray into Albania is a queasy example of afterglow from previous administrations.
I have to wonder something about a comment found in that Washington Monthly blog post, though.

Who, how, and why notices this stuff?

Not to say it isn’t good schadenfreude, if indeed Bush got robbed, but how would Bush’s watch become a focal point from a youtube clip?

No, really.  What world of the Minutiae Loving Internet Media has he been paying attention to?  THIS IS THE STUFF THAT THE INTERNET IS MADE FOR.

Story number three… Bush.  Putin.  Albania as focal point of … er… differences of opinion.  Probably more important than a stolen watch, but far less entertaining.

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