I will now recreate a post that was wiped out last night
Ron is our last hope. They want to take away any possiblity of resisting there agenda. We must do something before we cannot even DEFEND our selves. We the people….NEVER FORGET.
This sounds strangely familiar.
Actually I am almost wondering if I ought not reconsider my statement Ron Paul is not a cult leader, which was a blog entry spurred off of a blog that compared Ron Paul with Lyndon Larouche, or more patently the supporters of Lyndon Larouche with the supporters of Ron Paul. Granted, the half a dozen comments that were sent my way were mostly okay (I get the feeling I probably would have had a couple more had this website not gone down for the night), and I can only really say I have this problem with one and a half of them. But those one and a half are indicative of something.
Generally I’ve found that the Paul admirers at Reason are more realistic in their admiration than the supproters at Lewrockwell. But this is probably something of an ideological putsch of sorts.
Again, Ron Paul is not a cult leader, and to say he is is to make statements of hyperbole and/or demogaugery. Lyndon Larouche is. (By the way, have I mentioned yet that Lyndon Larouche called this blog a “gutter outlet” of “Wall Street Fascist John Train”?) However, something in the realm of the politics they espouse somehow does bring a strange synthesis. Over the years, Lyndon Larouche has been referred to as a “libertarian”, and self-described Libertarians slapped silly with assumptions of Larouchian nature. While Larouche is the opposite of Libertarian, but the basic assumption comes with this idea that Libertarians are espousing a pallete of wild and kooky political ideas.
I observe, for instance, this. James Butler, a 25 year old student from New Jersey, has this misguided desire for Lyndon Larouche to toss some credence to his favorite poltical figure and presidential candidate, Ron Paul. A Larouche endorsement, which is physically impossible because it does not advance Lyndon Larouche’s meglomaniac agenda one iota, is about the worst thing that Ron Paul — already suspect for mainstream credentials and travelling the by-ways of fringey politics– could possibly obtain. If you think connections and support from 9/11 Truth and the Alex Joneses swirl uneasily with the mainstream electorate (both of which the person I am about to mention is a proponent of), Larouche is just poison. And Larouche responds as one would figure he would.
Ron does stand up on some important matters, but none of the candidates of which I know, including Ron, has yet to express himself effectively on the issues which will determine whether or not our republic still exists in its present constitutional form when January 2009 arrives.
Crack the code, and Larouche is running for president after pretending he’s not, with a draft-movement by his Cult kicking into high gear. He goes through the list of the party he is infiltrating (to rescue it from Howard Dean, who has sold it out to the ‘syncharists’ — also known as the International Jewish Bankers’ Conspiracy).
Some of James Butler’s comments are unintentionally spot on. Such as:
It is time to leave this fake, phony liberal/conservative paradigm in the past because it is dead.
Travelling the high-ways from Trotskyist associations with the SDS on to the anti-semitic Liberty Lobby, and feigning his way through the electoral political spectrum from there. Yes. He has certainly moved beyond the “phony liberal/conservative paradigm”.
Apparently, Mr. LaRouche believes that the US will be in a state of total anarchy in less than 2 years. Scary stuff here, folks.
More “scary ha ha” than “scary uh oh”. It’s been an article of faith for Larouche for the past 40 years. Don’t pay any mind to it.
Now do you understand why I posted that Ron Paul supporter comment on “last hope”? Help me Obe Won Kenobi. It’s a thin line; be weary of it.
May 24th, 2007 at 9:15 am
All candidates, and a few non-candidates, have some supporters with cultish attributes. I’ve seen quite a few sites and blogs attempting to defame Paul supporters by posting a few offbeat emails and using it to characterize all of them. Not only is that dishonest, it shows that certain folks fear the more educated and rational supporters and the ideas of Dr. Paul himself.
At least a lot of Paul supporters are people that are willing to try something different for a change. Our recent generations have never tasted freedom in the way intended by our Founding Fathers. A true sign of mental illness, often associated with cult-like mentalities, is to keep doing something over and over and over again despite negative results. When taking that fact into consideration, maybe you should write a piece on the cultish mentality of those who support the other candidates whom partake in petty partisan pugilism that has consistently been ineffective if not downright damaging to this country.