the price of living in a free society is that we walk around amongst people with holes in their brain

Katie Couric just can’t catch a break. When deranged mass murderers want to send their schizophrenic babblings out, they think NBC News. Perhaps that could be a promo?

The basic problem with this news story, which is that it says less about us as a culture than we seem to think it does. The effect to find such leads to the strange Rambo-esque demands by a few right wing pundits demeaning the “lack of manliness” on the part of the students for allowing him to kill them and not being like those “Let’s Roll” guys on the plane that crashed down into Pennsylvania on 9/11.

Likewise the thought that something could have been done about it, which is to say the bars could have put up airtight to stop every senseless act of violence anywhere within the borders of the United States, is audacious. Sure, we notice the “cracks” of the hole he fell through, but that is 20/20 hindsight.  Otherwise we have the great national debate on whether to abridge the first amendment or the second amendment.
Add it together, and there’s no reason for “National healing”, because there’s no reason for anyone without connections to the victim or within the vicinity of Virginia Tech to be horribly psychologically scarred, or worried about your mortality for the coming days. I really probably should not mention this again on this blog here.
My only thought on hearing his screeds last night was “This guy was insane.” That is not terribly deep insight or analysis of his particular psychosis or where it came from. As though that wasn’t established already by the fact that he killed 32 people and himself. Reading his works of fiction, the consensus — this is just juvenile — about sums it up — I probably penned similar things when I was in seventh grade or thereabouts — not auspicious work for a college kid of any mental proclivity. I feel like re-writing his two plays, leaving the same premises, and at least improving their status from ‘juvenile” to “sophomoric”.

One Response to “the price of living in a free society is that we walk around amongst people with holes in their brain”

  1. Mom of Three Says:

    This sounds so much like the entry I wrote! I couldn’t agree with you more.

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