the Hillary Clinton matter

I read this debate in the American Prospect over the desiribility, from a liberal Democratic prospective, of both a Hillary Clinton nomination and a Hillary Clinton presidency. Obviously I’m more inclined to the “con” side than the “pro” side, the pro side I at times can’t make heads or tails from, the politics of seeming to come out of a strange inside the beltway consensus. Example in waiting, which is sliced in the “con side”: Perhaps the biggest misperceptions Hillary Clinton will have to overcome are that she is more liberal than she actually is on domestic issues (even though she is not the most liberal candidate in the field) and that she is too liberal to win a general election.… presumably it’s a problem that can be solved by eschewing the problem and going to the other candidate’s problems.

Here is the “Hillary Clinton Problem”, the sentence that sum up her problem:

she is, on the merits, the least progressive of the major Democratic candidates in the race, and also the one with the least appeal to moderate and independent voters — the exact reverse, in short, of what liberals should be looking for in a nominee.

(BTW: Why is there an ad on the sidebar of the American Prospect website to a Rudy Giuliani fund-raising website?)

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