a suicide I’m compelled to mention

I have been informed that the man reported in this Washington Post news story about a Suicide off an overpass in beautiful (?I have no way of knowing?) from Leesburg, Virginia was a high level Larouchite.

Naturally I cannot leave that without some sort of comment, but for the life of me I don’t know what that comment is. We run into members of this outer group and react by laughing or perhaps going a bit further. A look at Dennis King’s website (finally got around to that) (customary Disclaimer for any wandering Larouchites who do seem to be reading this: Dennis King once wrote an article that appeared in High Times, which has a different title than the one that Larouche propaganda claims), which contains somehow or other have internal documents from this creepy organization, reveals a Byzantine Operation … high pressure and demeaning control jobs.

So I am left with a few simple thoughts. #1: After a lifetime devoted to this creep, you come to the realization that you wasted your life, robotically programmed into a netherworld of lies and Stalinist rationalizations for — say — the death of Jermiah Duggan, and what do you do then? #2: The paranoid Lyndo — nay, I’ll stick with Lyn Marcus– carries out loyalty tests, and if you fail… Proceed to something similar to the strange case of Alice Weitzman and know that little has changed. It’s not that that happened, so much as Lyn Marcus handed him his walking papers and told him that he was too attached to his mother. (Wait. That’s an inappropriate joke, grasped only by those who knew from elsewhere the reference or have been paying attention. Sorry.)
Hence the following comment: See if the larouche cultists who show up here can give more details of what happened in larouche’s residence the night before and the morning of the suicide.

Sounds like either a call to decency or a throwing of the guantlet.

I was contemplating my theory of Lyn Marcus’s shift to Al Gore and Global Warming, and perhaps a long series of posts corregated at bloglines of mocking nature — my theory being that this is in part a tightening of control, jiggling off some merely semi-committed liberal – minded followers who were attracted to the anti Bush message and thus arriving back at a good core of manageables to march off to the next Crusade from his batch of tricks. But I’m analyzing something that affects my life not a wit here, and won’t think it through. He’s taking credit for some idiot German politician’s call to Ban the nation’s Green Party. (Note to the side the “Projects” list which includes “Destroy Al Gore”. Hardee Har Har.) Which is funny enough, because all reports are that his Germany organization has imploded. (Whereas he appears to have thrived in America for the moment, recovering from a horrid 1990s).

Okay. Now I can return to real politics… something I read in the American Prospect that is worth mentioning… in a post coming up.

2 Responses to “a suicide I’m compelled to mention”

  1. Rachel Holmes Says:

    The Larouche cultists should comment on the “morning briefing” that appeared April 11, the day Kronberg died, and tell us if Larouche dictated that briefing.

  2. Lyn Marcus Says:

    Ms. Holmes.

    The briefing was written by a Larouche sycophant named Tony Papert. The relationship between Papert and Larouche seems odd at times. Papert functions as a sort of “whipping boy” if you will for Larouche. A collective of Larouche flunky sycophants were in Larouche’s 1.3 million dollar rented estate the night before listening to the 12,775th (365 x 35 years) prediction of worldwide economic collapse.

    All of these leaders that night have gone through intensive sessions with Larouche called “Beyond Psychoanalysis”. Larouche knows there teeny weeny secrets of their lives in intimate detail.

    Who knows what lurid secrets he knows about Tony Papert????

    Nothing happens in Laroucheville without Larouche, period.

    The cult will not entertain your request Ms. Holmes as it is busy cruising city streets for fresh young blood to keep Larouche alive.

    Here is the diary of a laroucheVan escapee.

    from: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=61167731&blogID=257839626

    Wednesday, April 25, 2007

    Lyndon LaRouche is a fucking cult leader.

    my background knowledge of LaRouche: kinda nuts political figure – thinks cheney is the devil (totally understandable) distributes whacko pamphlets (not so understandable, but is a fun idea), wants to build a bridge to the moon (wtf? not so sure about that one, even if its true or just anti larouche garbage).

    i was on the ave today getting my paycheck, when i saw the LaRouche table. it had a bunch of signs saying AL GORE WANTS HALF OF ALL AFRICANS TO DIE and some shit about building a train to russia. i am attracted to this.

    start talking to the larouche girl. “i am attracted to your nutty signs and poor tactics, whats this all about?” she starts ranting. i have to tell her to stfu cause i gotta hit the bank in the next 4 minutes. i run off. after i cash my check, i come back, out of pure masochistic curiosity. i engage in a conversation with her, about global warming. she seems nuts, but honest, so i keep at it. shes totally against global warming, thinks its crap invented by the federal bank (honestly, the theory almost kinda makes sense. but, unfortunately for her, its completly demolished by established evidence). i try to explain to her the concept of scientific consensus, which leads me to:

    Exhibit 1: passionate, and deliberate, misunderstanding of the underlying principles of SCIENCE

    presents a standard “but how can you REALLY proove ANYTHING?” argument. 8th grade level ignorance, disguised as philosophy. i press on.

    our argument leads into a comparison of ideal-society type situations. after i present mine (she never got around to hers, with the bitching and all) she started making acusations at me. apparently, im a pro-death anti-progress drone. of course, i continue to argue my points (still trying to be rational. i find her kinda retarded, but funny and honest. i want to help!)

    Exhibit 2: Irrational exagurations about other’s points of view. Demonisation of other’s points of view.

    she says i should come to a LaRouche meeting with her tonight. im concerned that im just being used, but agree anyways. i mean, why the fuck not? at worst, it would be an awkward social train wreck, and really, thats how most people describe their daily life, so it cant be that bad. she says she’ll drive me there in the larouche van, and drive me home whenever i want. fuck it, why not!

    have a weird drifting conversation. she thinks the baby boomers generation are the worst thing since cholora. agrees with me about religion. agrees that barak obama is the best major democratic candidate. thinks he is owned by the “chicago city bank” ??? the also in the van with us, also a larouchette, attemps to engage in conversation but ends up saying shit like ” i mean GLOBAL warming? what the hell?” and “economics is the reason, for all the, yaknow, all this shit” so i pretty much ignore her. she is way too stupid to waste my time on.

    oh yea, this other guy is with us. he was kinda fucking with the larouchettes the same time i showed up. majoring in something relating to cybernetics. ultra smart. not as into coming along, but i pressured him. no way i was getting into that van without backup

    the main almost smart girl mentions a couple times ‘oh some people say we’re a cult.’ i say “oh youre just a political group. you arnte a cult!”

    Exhibit 3: Defending against cult status, without provocation.

    get to LaRouche headquarters. its a regular storefront location on 145th and lake city way. the same place where my last blog/story thing occured. seriously, avoid 145th and lake city way. bad scene

    the place is kinda empty, a bunch of chairs, white board, laptop/speakers, coat rack. and a dinner for everyone. some ppl make weird remarks when i decide not to eat due to the use of chicken in every dish conflicting with my vegetarian status. they are all listening to a live broadcast (some kind of radio, maybe CB, but defiinitly not AM/FM) of a LaRouche reporter. mentions some current events specific bills in the senate/house, growing anti al gore polls.

    Exhibit 4: Crowd gathering around a disembodied voice, soaking up whatever it told them.

    Heres where my memory starts getting shaky. I’ll compile a list of things i remember:

    – one person making a weird backhanded statement either equating environmentalists to nazis, or saying environmentalists were TOOLS of the nazis
    – lots of discussion of what tactics worked that day in gathering money/recruits
    – discussion of a “school” they were having this weekend
    – someone ridiculing the 2nd law of thermodynamics (i had to confirm this one w/ the other guy that came with me to the meeting. he couldnt believe it either)
    – a long lecture/discussion of Kepler (famous old school astronomer). ranged from basic kindergarden shit like WHY DO WE HAVE AN ECLIPSE? to crazy person shit like HOW DOES THE ZODIAC INFLUENCE OUR SOCIETY?

    the guy next to me leans over and whispers “this is a weird cult”

    everyone there except for a handful of more mid-adult types is around my age, and the whole place has this total christian youth group vibe. there is no discussion, just agreement.

    at some point the passenger extra-girl sits next to me. i try to casually (as if you can questions someone elses core beliefs casually) just wtf they were trying to say about the 2nd law of thermodynamics. i’ll attempt to transcribe as acurately as possible what she said:

    “so kepler was like, right, and so because, like, he know what the hell, we know that things are connected. the orbits dont just happen, right. cause what the hell, how can an orbit just HAPPEN? were just trying to figure out what the hell. yaknow?”

    after an attempt to dig a little deeper, she gets up and goes to talk to another LaRouche person. i chat with some other people. i mention that i work with music, and they start questioning me. their theory was something like

    kepler figured out how the orbits of the planets work
    the vocal registers while singing are split at specific notes
    kepler tried to find and illustrate the specific balance of the solar system’s bodies
    the balance is a kind of musical harmony
    therfor, the bodies of the solar system (planets, asteroid belt) align specificly to the changes in vocal register. regular singing, and falsetto, for example.

    this is totally nuts, if you havnt realized. i try to break it down into corollation and causation. just cause 2 things kinda almost not really align or resemble each other, does not indicate a solid connection. next i learn what exhibit 5 is:

    Exhibit 5: surrounding anyone who disagrees with you, and talking constantly and ignoreing everything they say and preventing them from leaving

    i get very frustrated, and totally give up. i just want to leave, so i ask the girl who gave me a ride to leave. she takes forever to get the keys, and the guy with me sorta gives up and im left talking to these tools.

    cut to the end cause im getting bored writing this

    driving in a larouche van back to my place. the guy that was with me is taking the bus, and this other dick comes with myself and the original girl in the van. the would make little laughs and comments whenever i said something, and when i confronted him, hed play it off like i wouldnt understand anyways. by the time we pulled up at my house, we were practicly in a yelling match. the girl tried to get my phone number while the guy told me my science was no better then any religion, then told me to do the research (isnt doing research antithetical to the anti science crowd?). being totally done with this weakass one sided argument, i hopped out, told him i wasnt down with his kool aid drinking youth group, in not so clean, curse-word-less terms, and slammed the door

    thats it

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