Gregg Schumacher: Martyr

This is fairly shallow, and people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, but Gregg Shumacher is pretty creepy looking.

The concluding chapters of the Schumacher Furrier story are now being written, reporting into the Oregonian and any other local news outlet that is interested.  Gregg Schumacher is not coming off too well.

Gregg Schumacher is a Drama Queen whose persecution complex is building him a small world of delusion and martydom.

It’s not that the protesters haven’t been hounding him, and clearly and quite verifiably on any number of occasions they’ve crossed over the line in doing so.  But his belief of a coordinated an particularly strong campaign of intimidation directed at the two malls that might have him are startling not believable.

#1, From the Protesters, agenda – driven though they may be — though they’re not too shy in sharing credit for the closure of the thing, so it’s hard to double-loop their agenda back to this place: Rossell denied that the group mounted an organized campaign to stop Schumacher from moving into a mall. “If there was a campaign, I would have certainly known about it.”

#2, the mall owners: Dye confirmed that mall managers met with Schumacher, but says there was nothing close to an agreement. The handful of e-mails were mostly polite — ranging from “educational” to rhetorical to support for Schumacher — but didn’t come into play. “We decided that at this point and time that it was not a good fit,” he said.

Running counter with Schumacher: McWilliams says Schumacher has documents proving mall managers received threatening e-mails and phone calls from “people who clearly support the protesters.” McWilliams said he didn’t have copies of the documents.

The credibility of whom is hurt with, and on a jury I would slide my “preponderance of the evidence against” due to:  Monday afternoon, Schumacher, who has announced his intent to sue the city, referred phone calls to McWilliams & Co., a Portland public relations firm. But his announcement, titled “Furrier Forced Out of Business By Violent Eco-Terrorist Protests,” showed that he wasn’t surrendering gently.

Which is his vision of the hordes, who can easily be transferable to a meager pile of comments inflated to apocalyptic scenarios.

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