Archive for January, 2007


Friday, January 5th, 2007

I say Po-tay-to, you say po-tah-to… and I will be correct in my pronunciation, and you will be wrong.

The plan is being called SURGE AND ACCELERATE: take control over violence in Baghdad, then speed up the handover of territory to Iraqi forces.  […]  Administration officials tell NBC News it will involve sending some 20,000 additional U.S. troops to Iraq.

You say “surge and accelerate”, I say “Escalation”.

Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off!

In 2004, that was roughly John Kerry’s stated position on Iraq.  Which always seemed liable to change if he could get away with a certain shift in public opinion.  “Surge”.  The term hadn’t been concocted yet, but now that it is being used in political discourse, all I can suggest is that one ought to mentally cross out the word “surge” and replace it with “escalate”.  As in:


Congratulations to the Iraq Study Group, I suppose.  I’m sure the surge escalation strategy was right there, amongst the menu items that made up their report.

Michael Savage’s “She-ocracy” commences

Friday, January 5th, 2007

Caller:  The bible says shows that a nation ruled by women is what occurs when God punishes us.

Michael Savage:  We’re running out of time and coming up to a commercial break, but I know the passage well.

[And it’s something about how the Babe equivocates — the babe in Savage’s estimation being George Bush — and is thus taken over by a women — the women in Savage’s estimation being Nancy Pelosi — and the nation goes to Hell.]

Does that sound FAMILIAR?  Huh?  We’ll be right back.


Some things about Nancy Pelosi’s pomp and circumstances — she “cut in line” and broke not the “glass ceiling” but the “marble ceiling” — and a few of her pronouncements — one of which she either said or did not say (and I cannot quite trace it) “I am the most powerful woman in America” — bring to mind a FDR late – October 1936 campaign speech, which goes:

“I should like to have it said of my first administration that in it the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match;  I would like to have it said of my second administration that in it these forces met their master.”

Actually, FDR had to stop the applause after “match”, waving out “Wait a minute”.  The reaction from critics of FDR was that this was over the top, and he received a bit of flack for it.  Not that he cared much — what, was New Hampshire going to be swayed over to Alfred Landon at the last minute?

Pelosi.  2 heartbeats away from the Presidency.  A poor public speaker.  I think it’s time to go back and re-read the New Republic’s 2002 editorials warning about Democratic doom when she took over Democratic leadership.

And. So. It. Goes.

Loose ends.

Thursday, January 4th, 2007

One can do whatever they must with these pages. Hell, I don’t care, you have free will… if you read it and decide “Wow! This LaRouche guy looks like a Genius!”, by all means — sign up today!

I have enjoyed piecing this together, and would not have pieced it together had I not. There is something in me that enjoys both the type of flimsy excavation research necessary to piece together that series of LaRouche posts, as well as enjoying this type of topic at hand.

I have not paid enough attention to allegations that LaRouchites killed enemies’ kittens.


I have access to Lyn Marcus’s Dialectical Economics, published in 1975 by DC Heath and Company — likely LaRouche himself, interestingly enough placed right next to some of Karl Marx’s work (Marcus followed by Marx). Its 400 pages look just as dry and dull as it sounds. It is this type of book that I cannot possibly imagine ever having possessed a dust jacket, lest it lose its anonymous place is a row of books in a musky selling used book store, which is its proper place for perpetuity. I cannot imagine anyone having read it or checked it out of the library in quite a while, though I suppose it has had to have been — there are enough LaRouchites out there, right?

Leafing through it, and after finding the dedication page bemusing (“To my opponents, who made this book necessary.”), and generally a bit confused as a passage here and there don’t strike me as particularly Marxist, I see that somebody has written three rather cryptic inscriptions. “best book in the library 1970 – 1980 Bucephalus Blue Award”. This is a LaRouchite reaching back to antiquity to toss out a reference, I presume. When? I cannot say.

On page 215, we find the “best 2 paragraphs of the decade 1970 – 1980 B. Blue Award”. Wow! How lucky of us that the Buceplus Blue Award has directed us to the two paragraphs of wisdom to found in all the books from the 1970s available at the public library! Here then they are:

Does the increasing productivity of labor as we know it signify that the need for human productive activity will vanish? Will humanity become a daisy-clad mass of strolling Lotus-eaters? Quite the contrary. At first we will have escaped one predicament to encounter one more awesome and demanding. To one who views the matter from that standpoint, we freely concede that man is increasingly to become a prisoner of the effort to meet his new needs for existence. However, from a human point of view, the significance of this fact is at precise odds with that attributed to it by the bestialized hippy of present-day advanced capitalist culture. What human being would wish to become a dog before the hearth? Only the view of oneself as a beast could inspire the hope of freedom from labor. There is no need to worry that man would persist long in the state of bestialization desired by the Mansion Family. He would soon cease to exist. To be human is to locate one’s identity for society in the activity of perfection; to rise to a condition in which that perfection is advancing at a more rapid rate, in which more human quality is demanded of one, in which one increasingly gains social identity because of one’s human powers, is to fulfill everything thant an actually human person could desire.At this point we should recognize that we have struck upon evidence that socialist society is not the final, perfected form of human society. It is merely the beginning of a series of human societies distinct from the bestialized forms from which we now have the potential to emerge. The fact that material existence upon socialist society must have a mediated form, even though that mediation is a classwide institution, is a contradiction within that form. The relationship between universal and cooperative labor also involve a contradiction which is a different facet of the same difficulty. Under socialist society, man has not yet achieved the realization of universal labor-for-itself. We are therefore considering the process by which universal labor as a productive category — as the supercession of cooperative forms of the labor process today — emerges as universal labor-for-itself.

Now I guess you never have to read or wallow through this goddamned book again or ever. It is done and complete for you.And then there is an Ezra Pound quote the “Bucephalus Blue Award” giver throws at us. “All things are flowing sage Heraclitus says. Yet a tawdry cheapness will outlive our days.” Indeed.

Democrats take control of something today

Thursday, January 4th, 2007

Today, the Democrats take control of two branches of Congress.  Considering the license the President takes with a so-called “Unitary Executive”, I’m always a little unsure how much it matters, but nonetheless there’s a shift somewhere or other.  We all know, because Sean Hannity and the like told us, to be wary of Speaker Pelosi (DOOM DOOM DOOM) and her “San Franscisco Values” (DOOM DOOM DOOM).  Less spoken of is Senate Majority Harry Reid (DOOM DOOM DOOM) and his … wait, let me go check to see where he’s from… okay, got it… “Searchlight, Nevada Values”  (DOOM DOOM DOOM).  Will America be able to stomache Harry Reid and his Searchlight, Nevada values, and once they know the truth about just what these Searchlight, Nevada values are, will they run– not walk — back to the Republicans?  We shall see.

Pat Robertson Rides Again

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007

In what has become an annual tradition of prognostications, religious broadcaster Pat Robertson predicted Tuesday that a terrorist attack on the United States would result in “mass killing” late in 2007.

“I’m not necessarily saying it’s going to be nuclear,” he said during his news-and-talk television show “The 700 Club” on the Christian Broadcasting Network. “The Lord didn’t say nuclear. But I do believe it will be something like that.”

Robertson said God told him during a recent prayer retreat that major cities and possibly millions of people will be affected by the attack, which should take place sometime after September.

Robertson said God also told him that the U.S. only feigns friendship with Israel and that U.S. policies are pushing Israel toward “national suicide.”

Why does Satan keep talking to Pat Robertson, and why does Pat Robertson keep thinking Satan is God?

Now can I finish the LaRoach talk?

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007

xlcr4life Says: Find the discussion page and you will see over 2K posts about the cult with loads of info.

Indeed.  Over 2,000.  It looks like this:

LaRouche xlcr4life 401  1  1-01-07  8:24 am
Updates, What is going on in the World of Larouche Today? dave72 122  1  10-17-06  11:58 am
My friend wants to get out BUT swedish_lyn_watcher 8  1  6-18-06  1:03 pm
The very long thread, continued sancho 90  1  3-30-06  7:56 pm
LaRouche Part III sancho 400  1  2-18-06  5:03 am
LaRouche Part II stevengrendon 500  1  8-26-05  6:25 am
LaRouche Part I borisbad 500  1  6-03-04  11:20 am

Which means you start up a topic about … um… Lyn Marcus and keep going on that same thread for 500 posts.  I can only hope that that college newspaper reporter found her way there, as I hope everything else about that worked out well.  I think I wound up there, in search of “scott’s current email address, (along with a few others) but I can’t quite tell.
At any rate, this site is insane.  Go over and read the posts to garner some information about the mechanics of how the beast works.  There is nothing like the fervor of an ex-cult member, save a current cult member, to the topic at hand — which makes total sense, of course.
I appear to have hazarded correct guesses about a few matters, or have hazarded the same guesses as people who have more of a reason to know.  Example:  Why is he not running for president in 2008?  Well, the old route to money of running for president isn’t working well enough anymore, so it’s time for a script change.

Slice of boring life

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007

I was at a mall I rarely go to, and needed to use the restroom and relieve my bowels.  So I hurried up some escalators, and into the restroom.  I was alone in the room, and there was something a bit off that I could not quite put my finger on, but I did not dwell on it.

Sitting in the stalls, I became annoyed by the voice of someone who had walked in, talking on a cell-phone.  It was a whiny, teenage girl’s voice, seemed typical of a sort.  For a second I dwelled on that, and then something more profound hit me: whiny teenage girl.

I sat there, embarrassed, thinking if I wait just long enough I could make a gracious and unnoticed break.  I noticed under the stall a woman linger in front of my stall, and my hyper-conciousness imagined her looking askew at my worn shoes — nothing particularly notable about them, but I can’t imagine a woman wearing them.

I knew there was a woman standing in the sink area, and I knew that there would be no gracious exit.  So I just upped and ran, figuring that from a distance I’ve been identified as female before (long hair), so perhaps I’ll be fine.

I sped from the inoffensive light pink walls of the woman’s room to the inoffensive light blue walls of the men’s room to wash my hands.  And it was there that I identified the “bit off” of my restroom experience.  As well the fact that there were more stalls in the ladies’ room.