Carter and Gore

I heard that Jimmy Carter has been annoying Al Gore by nagging him to run for president, and did so before the 2004 election.  Which I suppose means that should Al Gore choose to run, he will hae the full muscle of the Jimmy Carter electoral machine behind him — which I suspect is worth slightly more than whatever Evan Bayh will have.

Indications are that Al Gore is not running.  But there are more indications that he is running than that Condolezza Rice is running, and a race involving Condoleeza Rice was the subject of a book, the subject of a book because Dick Morris is the type of man who falls in love with notions, the book falling into the category of something that may bemuse a person if they find themselves with an hour to kill — much the same as any of Hal Lindsey’s books of prophecy.  I am thinking of writing a book on the upcoming Al Gore — Mike Huckabee race.  It is sure to sell like hot cakes!

Jimmy Carter and Al Gore share a few things in popular.  For one thing, they are more popular out of office than they were in office and during their national campaigns.  Al Gore’s 1988 presidential bid was as something of the uber-Southerner — positioning himself for Super Tuesday’s batch of southern primary states; Jimmy Carter’s 1976 campaign essentially had us electing the Beverly Hillbillies as a family unit (oh, that kooky mother!).  And they are also distinctively more liberal in their post-election stages than they were during their presidency or vice-presidency or political campaigns.  I suppose those things happen when one is unencumbered of cautious calculations in navigating shifting electoral winds and the combination of corporate and public interests that define it.  Bill Clinton probably can’t shift in any direction, as any shift would be a modest attack on his governing legacy.

Carter is out and about on the media circuits pushing his book on the Palestine — Israel conflict.  He is a prolific author, though somehow I visualize most of his books as books to have in hand for autograph purposes (much as the spate of quasi-campaign books that always come out just as a presidential aspirant tests the waters — I just can’t wait for Evan Bayh’s new book!).  A while ago, I noticed a quickie-book from Carter and a child with Muscular dystrophy on the shelves, with a strangely Hallmark card or Kitchen Soup for the Soul twinge.  Maybe I shouldn’t be too hard on it.  You slide that in Carter’s authorship somewhere between that Palestine — Israel book and the “Our Endangered Values” thing, or forget it, or consider it a public service, or something.

One Response to “Carter and Gore”

  1. eric Says:

    Wow, what hate mail you wrote here. Have you read any Carter book? If you had, maybe you’d find that he is a moral, thought provoking, careful and caring christian man. Someone who is certainly walking closer to the actions of Jesus, than the current Bush is.

    His words, his peace efforts, his humanitarian aid will have long lasting positive effects around the world for the positive. And your words seem to be words of hurt and vindictiveness.

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