Dennis Hastert

I think the various media outlets pretty much have the political orbituary typed out, and ready for one click of a “Publish” button, for Dennis Hastert.

What can be said about Dennis Hastert? He was never the leader of his party. Newt Gingrich had his political implosion in the year 1998, and sans Bob Livingstone — the political vacuum had to be filled with seemingly whoever wandered by at the correct time.

What is interesting is that at that precise moment, in that precise vacuum, the Republican Party was about to prepare a minimal and half-hearted pursual of the investigation into Bill Clinton’s sexual pecadillos. But sans Bob Livingstone, and absent any real leadership — leadership that was never filled by this empty suit that is Dennis Hastert but was even more absent at that time — the Republicans in charge fell to the likes of Tom DeLay and Tom DeLay beings. And thus the investigation and the Impeachment went on full bore.

I remember watching on the woeful McNews entity that is Channel One a stupid interview with the new Speaker of the House. It was inane, as everything on Channel One is (chopped up next to deodorant and Mountain Dew commercials to this captive teenage audience). I shouldn’t make too much of it, but it really was my first impression of the man who I doubt many Americans know a damned thing about. He’s a former High School Wrestling Coach. The inane hosts of Channel One made much of that fact. I’d make more of the fact that Dennis Hastert had few political reasons for being Speaker of the House.

Ah. Bring me back Tom Foley. Or bring me Nancy Pelosi, I suppose.

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