Plame reignited
Unfortunately, I heard a bit of Sean Hannity today. It happened when the Rick Emerson show stopped broadcasting for about ten minutes and the two stations on both sides of the dial bled through. It was a bit disorienting, the oldies station that blew Rick Emerson away a year ago faintly coming through, a spanish station chiming in, sports, and — slightly stronger than these three — Sean Hannity’s insights on Robert Novak’s revelatory new column about his side of the Vallerie Plame Affair. Oh boy oh boy oh boy has the Liberal Media gotten everything wrong about this story, and oh boy oh boy oh boy have the Wilsons been exposed as…
as what precisely, I do not know. I suppose I should be more on top of the arguments, as minituae has developed over the course of time. I’m still stuck on what was the last iteration of these things. With Rove we’re in the realm of technicalities, and I guess there’s nothing too much wrong with that. With Vallerie Wilson, the attack against her always seemed to me to boil down to the fact that her job description does not match that which we have learned about the world of spies from James Bond movies. And as for Joseph Wilson, those words in the State of the Union Speech, “Uranium from Niger”, is meaningless because don’t you know that Clinton said there were weapons of mass destruction?
Beside which, why isn’t the Liberal Media covering Rick Santorum’s press conference alerting everyone that the Weapons of Mass Destruction have been found? The answer to that question might simply be that the media doesn’t want to expose actual elected officials as being complete idiots, which would then embarrass the public that elected these idiots.
Before my brain could explode, Rick Emerson returned to the air, saving me from Sean Hannity, and that was that.