A quick peak at North Korean Media.
Members of the Korean Democratic Women’s Union met in front of the statue of President Kim Il Sung on Mansu Hill on Friday to vow to uphold the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il faithfully as instructed by the President. Pak Sun Hui, chairperson of the KDWU Central Committee, made a report at the meeting to be followed by speeches.
The reporter and speakers said that the President, basing himself on the immortal Juche idea, set forth the unique line of attaching importance to arms and military affairs that the victory of revolution and independence and sovereignty and prosperity of the country and nation are ensured by arms. And he led the Korean revolution to victory and glory, putting forward the women as the pillars driving one of the two wheels of revolution.
The destiny of the country, the final victory of the Juche cause and the bright future of building a great prosperous powerful nation are guaranteed by the Songun policy, they said, expressing their firm determination to become the devoted standard-bearers remaining intensely loyal to the policy pursued by Kim Jong Il.
Present at the meeting were Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, and women’s union officials in Pyongyang.
You gotta love North Korean state media! My favourite flavour of story is where world leaders bow before and honor either the current Dear Leader or the Previous Dear Leader. This is followed in line by such stories as the one above, where North Koreans bow down before one or the other Dear Leader.
The vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front issued a statement on July 8, the 12th anniversary of demise of President Kim Il Sung, according to Internet site Kuguk Jonson. The statement said that Kim Il Sung is the distinguished leader unprecedented in history and the great revolutionary, outstanding statesman and peerlessly great sage who enjoyed profound respect and praises from all people for his feats and high prestige.
Kim Il Sung was highly lauded as a veteran statesman in the world and the greatest man representing the 20th century as he made undying contributions to the human cause of independence through his energetic external activities all his life, it noted, and went on:
The Juche cause, the Songun revolutionary cause started by Kim Il Sung in Mt. Paektu has been successfully carried forward by Kim Jong Il, the sun of the 21st century and the peerless Songun brilliant commander.
Kim Il Sung will always live in the hearts of the Korean nation and humankind as the sun of Juche thanks to Kim Jong Il possessed of intense loyalty to Kim Il Sung and extraordinary political ability.
The Korean people will further glorify the undying feats performed by Kim Il Sung in accomplishing the cause of national reunification and give further spurs to the nationwide grand march for reunification under the uplifted banner of “By our nation itself” and thus bring earlier the day of reunification without fail when all the fellow countrymen will live together after putting an end to the U.S. colonial domination and military occupation.
I hear this whispering hope about one of his sons, who loves Western Culture and travels around to various world ski resorts to soak stuff in. The hope is that maybe this will seep in a bit, and when Kim Jong Il dies, maybe he will open up the state a bit. This forgets that Kim Jong Il loves vast swarths of Western Culture hisownself, in his own inimitable manner. He has a film studio where he had a kidnapped director make him movies. And he has a vast Swedish Porn collection, a fact that always puts his infatuation with Madeline Albright into a curious perspective.