I think he’s “riding the rails” or something like that
“The cops here are nice here. The cops in Texas are mean. That’s because this is a Union state. Texas is Bush Country.
The people in Oregon aren’t open. They’re all in their own little world. Texas is different — I say ‘hey!’ They say ‘hey’. Here, everyone just avoids you, hands in pocket, shoulders shrugged.
I think I’m going to become a male stripper, or a Jigalo. My name will be ‘Rusty Bones’. ‘Hey! My name is ‘Rusty Bones’. Chick-a-lick-lick boom cha!
I’m an anarchist. But I’m not like these other anarchists. They all form into an Anarchist Army, and when you do that, somebody ends up at the head of the Anarchist Army, and who’s this leader? A goddamned dictator! Supposed anarchy. I’m not like them. I even voted for Bush. I voted for Bush because he’s the best chance of completely destroying this country. I wish I could vote for him again for a third term. Actually the person I want most is Reagan. Reagan. Now there’s a guy who can destroy a nation!!”
I would suggest that his professed views make him not an anarchist but instead nihilist.