Mickey Mouse runs against Earl Blumenauer

The news reports are that “Earl Blumenauer’s primary victory — the standard 90% to 10% victory against the standard repeat candidate John Sweeney, amounts to a general election victory” due to the fact that nobody ran in the Republican primary.

(Quick note: Earl Blumenauer is the safest Democrat in the safest seat for the House of Representatives in Oregon. His predecessor was a Democrat; his successor will be a Democrat.)

When this “Congratulations. No opponent” was brought up to Earl Bluemenauer on the local Thom Hartmann Program, Earl Bluemenauer demurred a bit, saying “Well, don’t believe everything you read. There are write-ins that have to be factored.”

Hm. Write-ins. Was there a concerted effort in the Third Congressional District of Oregon by a Republican to write his or her name in? Would Earl Blumenauer care to let us in on anything he may or may not know? Failing that, I suppose these things have to be done: you have to sort through the write in votes, and should somebody peak through, they win.

Mickey Mouse is the Republican candidate for the Third Congressional district of Oregon! Should Mickey Mouse be disqualified — not an Oregon resident, for starters, and not human, and not alive, and even in terms of where he resides — cartoonland — not used very often but for Iconic purposes — you go down the list until you find somebody. Who, I presume, never had any intention on running.

Never mind. In the past I’ve seen Socialists running… actually the Socialist Party candidate for President was not on the ballot for Oregon’s President slot, saying that he wanted to run for this seat in Oregon. (You cannot run for two seats in Oregon — which, if you look to the Lieberman rule, is one of many reasons that an Oregonian will never be President or Vice-President.)

At any rate, I gather Earl Blumenauer is wistful and desires a token opponent. You need an excuse to do stuff and then do other stuff. He’s supposedly running for the Senate in 2008.

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