The Use of Imagery
Leaving aside Chief Foxworth’s Erotic Porn and the Scandal that has broken out in City Government due to the his sexual dalliances with an employee. Leaving aside Mayor Tom Potter’s eventual response to place him on administrative leave to let the Investigation proceed.
There is something iconic in the photographs that popped up in the Portland Tribune. You have Tom Potter giving that “scratching the chin” look. You have Chief Foxworth with an “Uh Oh” face.
All that is needed is an “Under Fire” graphic to wrap the storyline up in. But perhaps that is the province of television news.
Leaving aside the information being parlayed on the screen, I have to ask this question: What is the point? Somewhere there’s a commitee of “creatives” in the back-room putting together Power Point images. My geography is off, but I do know that the map on the top translucent cube — the one next to what would presumably be data of information such that one would get from the CIA Fact-book — is Iraq. I do not know what nation is on the bottom translucent-cube — Iran, perhaps? Why does it not deserve the tiny, tiny, unreadable images evoking CIA Fact-book information. Meanwhile, the map of the Earth is spread out — in a manner that shows that the map is going away from us in 3 Dimensional Space. And the Bush photo is of the “Bush: Under Fire” variety.
One last image for your consideration, placed in the “Bush: Under Fire” sphere. Maybe you heard about Harry Taylor? The man who was sitting at one of Bush’s “Town Hall Meetings”, those exercises where Bush packs the hall full of his fans, and through both subtle and strong-armed measures shoos most dissidents away, and lets the audience ask him questions. He was eventually called on, and he went through a bit of a diatribe, that to his credit Bush let through while the audience of Bush fans murmured and groaned. I already saw that guy and that event one time… somewhere in my Civics book.