Read any good books lately? Or somewhere in your lifespan?

Okay. A request to any reader or lurker of this here blog.

Recommend for me a book that I ought to read. Preferably a book that dovetails a bit with any number of themes I’ve tried to have with this blog, or suggesting that I should try to have with this blog. Preferably not a tome. Preferably not a dissertation or pure polemic. (Semi – polemical is okay.) Fiction or non-fiction.

I’ll see if this request gets me anywhere.

3 Responses to “Read any good books lately? Or somewhere in your lifespan?”

  1. Jeff Says:

    Arabia by Jonathan Raban ~ Raban’s first travel book (if Soft City isn’t a travel book), a five month trip around the Arab world in the ’70s. There’s no in-print US edition, but it’s not terribly hard to find used (2 copies listed on the Powells website).

    The Clear Cut Future ~ A broad selection of stories and essays from Oregon’s Clear Cut Press. One of the stand-outs is a memoir of a low-level Enron executive.

    Nervous People and Other Satires by Mikhail Zoshchenko ~ Short stories and satirical profiles of Soviet life. Apparently one of Chris’s favorites.

    I’ll also mention something odd that I haven’t read that I just picked up for Using Books inventory:
    How to Read Donald Duck: Imperialist Ideology in the Disney Comic ~ It’s a Marxist critique of Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge comics.

  2. Justin Says:

    I have indeed read “How to Read Donald Duck”.

  3. Jeff Says:

    I have a vague recollection that I may have recommended one or more of those books to you at some point in the past.

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