Archive for February, 2006

and the Response

Wednesday, February 8th, 2006

‘Merkel likens Iranian president to Hitler’ and ‘Chavez says Bush worse than Hitler,’ after ‘Rumsfeld compares Venezuela’s Chavez to Hitler’ and ‘Likens bin Laden to Hitler.’

A link cluster in cursor’s Feb 6th entry. It’s Raining Hitler again! (The American Prospect has christened Hugo Chavez as running a “neo-semi-demi-Peronista regime”. Make of it what you will.)

A bit more impressive is the Iranian President’s Response to President Bush’s State of the Union Speech: found here:

One of the scientific fields in which they insist our people will not gain victory is the field of nuclear technology. Look around you. There are people whose arsenals are full of nuclear weapons. These are people whose arsenals are full of biological and chemical weapons, and today they are opposing our people’s research, science, and industrial progress. They all sit together and make decisions, and think that the Iranian people goes by their opinions.

I tell them here and now: Oh imaginary superpowers, made of straw, know that the Iranian people has been independent for the last 27 years, and for 27 years it has been making decisions on the basis of its own will and efforts. On the issue of nuclear energy, our people, Allah willing, will continue in its path until its rights are completely achieved, and the opportunity to progress completely realized. We consider nuclear energy to be the Iranian people’s right, and as servants of the people, we will be steadfast until the complete fulfillment of this right.

Finally, allow me to say a word to the man who won his elections by spending billions of dollars and by a court order, thus becoming a leader of a large country. In his speech last night he accused the Iranian people of violating human rights. He accused the Iranian people of opposing freedom. These are people whose arms are submerged, up to the elbows, in the blood of other nations. Wherever there is war and oppression in the world, they are involved. These people channel their factories to the production of weapons. These people generate wars in Asia and Africa, killing millions and millions of people, in order to help their production, employment, and economy. These are people whose biological laboratories manufacture germs and export them to other countries, in order to subjugate other peoples. These are the people who, in the last century, caused several devastating wars. In one world war alone, they killed over 60 million people.

Today too, wherever there are crimes and conspiracies, and wherever there are despotic regimes that are against their own people, you will find their footprints, their schemes, and their support.

Today, they are accusing our people of violating human rights and of violating freedom. In the near future, Allah willing, we will put you to trial in courts established by the peoples. Our people has a culture of martyrdom and self-sacrifice. Our people has culture and civilization. It is a free and revolutionary people.

I say to the superpowers made of straw and to some countries that want to violate our people’s rights: The Iranian people will not be affected by your false propaganda. With its unity, high ambitions, and faith, our people will march in pride and triumph, Allah willing.

Imaginative enough.

For some reason I wander over to the Democratic Response to Bush’s State of the Union speech by Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, which if you remember went something like this:

I was a Christian missionary. [crickets chirp for a minute or two.] Democrats have a better idea. [crickets chirp again.] Democrats have a better idea.

While they never floored anyone, I recall that the Republican Responses to Clinton’s State of the Union speeches were never as lame as the Democratic Responses to Bush’s State of the Union Speeches. It exposes a larger problem with the Democratic “Big Tent” — and obedience to the “Big Tent” doesn’t allow the ability to narrowcast to encampsulate the entire party. And Tim Kaine was selected because he could be counted on to mention Jesus a couple of times. (But then, why was Washington Governor Locke selected a few years ago?)

Anyway… Huffington posited that the Democratic Response didn’t matter. It kind of does. Her point that nobody pays attention to strikes me as similar to the idea that prospective employers study employees’ resume for maybe 15 seconds — her argument being similar to one suggesting that thusly, it doesn’t matter what you do with your resume. Which is a joke.

At least the Iranian President said something. Never mind it looks like we may be going to war with his government. Let us watch and see…

Pat Buchanan versus the Secularists

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006

. For this was an in-your-face declaration by the secularist media of the European Union that it will exercise its right to insult any God, any Prophet, any faith, whenever it so chooses.

It’s a show of what little it takes to ignite a firestorm with the religious fundamnetalists, I guess. I’m not going to go around drawing the image of Mohammad, but I’m not going to go out of my way not to draw the image of Mohammad to please their religious dictates.

European governments are wringing their hands over the rage and violence unleashed, but they seem paralyzed. What is the matter? Why cannot they denounce press irresponsibility while defending press freedom? Even friends of the West like Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan, President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey have denounced these cartoons as insults to Islamic values and deeply damaging to Western interests.

It’s a bit curious to see Pat Buchannan as the voice of Political Correctness and understanding other cultures. BUT…

Nor are we all that different. Sen. Trent Lott was ousted as majority leader for a birthday-party compliment to 100-year-old Strom Thurmond. Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker was almost lynched for saying he considers New York a social pigsty. There were demands that Rocker undergo psychiatric counseling.

We have “speech codes” in colleges and “hate crimes” laws to protect minorities from abusive remarks. But newspapers that hail these codes throw a blanket of “artistic freedom” over scatological art that degrades religious symbols – from putting a figure of Christ in a jar of urine to a “painting” of the Virgin Mary surrounded by female genitalia and elephant dung that hung in a Brooklyn museum.

What has happened in Europe is that the secular press, which loves to mock the beliefs and symbols of religious faith, has now insulted a deadly serious religion that answers insults with action.

I’m going to be honest. He’s fighting our culture war here. Muslims upset by the drawing of Mohammad have as much to be upset about as fundie Christians upset about the “War on Christmas”.

Guess who’s Back?

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006

I heard about a segment or thereabouts of the “Ed Schulz” show yesterday. Notably, he used that Eminem song “Shady’s Back — Back again… blah blah blah blah” as a bumper track going into a derision of the Cartoon riots. I suddenly remembered, “That’s right. al Qaeda delivered a Fatwa — or something similar if not exactly that — on Eminem for mocking Bin Laden in his video!”

Eminem and Salmon Rushdie both must die for their insolence.

“This American Life” made good use of bumper track — a track did double duty. Leading out of a story about the reconstruction of New Orleans, and leading into a story about forcing a Chicago bakery to comply to regulation and not leave a strong chocolate smell in the area, they played Parliament’s “Chocolate City.” Clever, I say.

Incidentally, I can defend Ray Nagin’s call for a “Chocolate City”, though a bit weerily in terms of how he phrased it. I can’t defend his “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” speech that preceeded that statement… and I don’t know wherefore that came from. The same deep, dark place of insecurity (in this place political insecurity) that demands retribution against a Dane’s visualization of dear old Mohammad? MeHaps.

You can’t draw Mohammad

Monday, February 6th, 2006

You know. I think it’s time somebody took that little art project that stirred controversy in New York City in the last half of that weirdly distant decade of the 1990s, where the Virgin Mary was covered in elephant feces and Rudy Giuliani raised a stink (these were the political battles you associated with Rudy Giuliani before 9/11 transformed everyone)…

… replace the Virgin Mary with the image of Mohammad. Granted, nerves are raw as they can get right now, what with the American Conquest of some land in Muslim land, but come to think of it — is there any way I can offend Satanists? (Probably not, as their whole religious belief is a ruse and simply based on offending Christianity… case in point: they will change their magic number of 666.)

What’s the Commandment? No false idols. Take it to mean “No image of our Dearest Religious Leaders”. Some Christian sects take it dead seriously — but then you see the Russian Orthodox Church selling icons by the baleful and the Catholic Church sticks images of Jesus on the Cross.

I guess the upshoot for Islam is that it’s helped create a purely ornamental batch of artwork. The downshoot is that when someone mocks their dear Leader, and worse still — (GASP) — Create a likeness of Mohammad — riots erupt. I hear that some somewhat moderate Muslims went to demonstrations, opposing the Western hostilities that the cartoons show us — and were aghast to see that they were taken over by the extremists. Those things happen all over the place, I guess.

Tom Paxton “Daily News”

Monday, February 6th, 2006

Civil rights leaders are a pain in the neck
Can’t hold a candle to Chang Kai Shek
How do I know? I read it in the Daily News
Ban the bombers are afraid of a fight
Peace hurts business and that ain’t right
How do I know? I read it in the Daily News
Daily News, daily blues
Pick up a copy any time you choose
Seven little pennies in the newsboy’s hand
And you ride right along to never, never land
We got to bomb Castro, got to bomb him flat
He’s too damn successful and we can’t risk that
How do I know? I read it in the Daily News
There’s millions of commies in the freedom fight
Yelling for Lenin and civil rights
How do I know? I read it in the Daily News
Seems like the whole damn world’s gone wrong
Saint Joe McCarthy is dead and gone
How do I know? I read it in the Daily News
Don’t try to make me change my mind with facts
To hell with the graduated income tax
How do I know? I read it in the Daily News
John Paul Getty is just plain folks
The UN charter is a cruel hoax
How do I know? I read it in the Daily News
J. Edgar Hoover is the man of the hour
All he needs is just a little more power
How do I know? I read it in the Daily News

The Scientific Mind

Saturday, February 4th, 2006

I always have a bit of trouble bringing guest bloggers in. I brought Dick Cheney in once, just to let him clear the air. I brought Alexandar Hamilton in to blog, to give his opinion on the Harriet Miers nomination.

I note this story about various scientists’ trouble with the Bush Administration: , key line In October, for example, George Deutsch, a presidential appointee in NASA headquarters, told a Web designer working for the agency to add the word “theory” after every mention of the Big Bang, according to an e-mail message from Mr. Deutsch that another NASA employee forwarded to The Times.

Now, in his State of the Union speech, George W Bush pushed for furthering Scientific education. And he is now out there pushing the kids to pursue scientific inquiry: President Bush told the nation’s students on Friday that if they studied math and science they would not be joining the “nerd patrol” but helping their own futures and the economic health of the United States. — “You know, a lot of people probably think math and science isn’t meant for me — it kind of seems a little hard, algebra,” Mr. Bush said at a panel discussion, organized by the White House, outside Albuquerque at the Intel Corporation’s largest chip-making plant. “I can understand that, frankly.”

Okay. Let’s bring out an esteemed scientific theorist — and now guest blogger–, who offer an alternative theory to the gibbly-goo of George Deutsch’s supposed “Big Bang” theory. One of our nation’s leading Creationist Scientist — Kent Hovind! (He’s one of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell’s favourite scientists!) — and for that matter probably Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn’s as well… I asked Kent Hovind to please explain Einstein’s Theory of Relativity to me, and then to go any which way he pleases with respect to George Deutsch.

If you are traveling down the highway at sixty miles an hour, and turn your headlights on, how fast is the light going from your headlights? Compared to you, it is going at the speed of light. Compared to someone on the sidewalk it is going at the speed of light plus sixty miles an hour.

Stanley Deyo, a Christian, is a genius who wrote the book [“The Cosmic Conspiracy”]. Way over my head. Deyo says that there are two kinds of UFOs. First, there are US government owned and operated UFOs. That really got my attention. The US government has UFOs? He said that the second kind is the satanically – owned and operated UFOs. He says that Satan has always used that mode of transportation to get around because the devil can only be at one place at one time, whereas God is all places at all times. That may be far fetched, so please do not accuse me of saying this is true. I do not know if it is true, but it is an interesting theory.

Deyo tells an interesting story. Back in the 1920s there were experiments taking place in Red Gap, Australia, with electrogravidic propulsion. I mentioned this in a church some time back, and a man who is a physicist came to me and said, Brother Hovind, nobody is supposed to know about electrogravidic propulsion. How did you find out about it? I said, I read. Deyo states in his book that he used to work on UFOs, that is, he used to build them. He said that in 1920 they did experiments with electrogravidic propulsion. The idea was to charge an object up using a vandegraaff generator to obtain electrogravidic propulsion. If you were to stand on a block of wood and put your hand on the aluminum ball of a vandegraaff generator and flip the switch on causing a rubber belt to go round and round, you will become charged up. When you reach 10,000 volts, your hair stands on end. What happens when you get to 100,000 volts? It really stands up then, at least for those who have hair. What is going to happen when you reach a million volts? If you were to reach a million volts, and you were holding a 2×4 in your hand sticking out into the air, it would burst into flames. You would not feel a thing, but all of a sudden it would start burning. It is a strange phenomenon, and there are extremes. We have solids, liquids, and gases. What happens if you keep heating the gas? You would get plasma. What if you keep heating it? We do not know because we are unable to get as that hot. Maybe there are phenomenon at the extreme that we do not now about. The idea was that an object could be charged to the extreme. If you could charge an object with enough voltage, millions and millions of volts, it would become immune, or inert to gravity. Gravity would not have any effect on it. Deyo said that they charged these steel plates up to several million volts and they floated around the room. They did further experiments to try to direct and steer them and recharge them without touching them. This may be far fetched, I don’t know, but it might also be true.

One of the motives of NASA is to prove the theory of evolution by using taxpayer dollars. Carl Pagan (I mean Segan) and his group are attempting to look for signals of intelligent life on other planets. I have said many times that I do not believe that there is much intelligent life on this planet. I do not believe that there is any intelligent life on other planets that can be proven scripturally because the Bible says that Eve is the mother of all living. It is too hard to get around that verse; plus, there was no death until Adam sinned. I take that to mean there never been any deaths in the universe until Adam sinned. I believe that sin brought death into the universe according to Romans 5:12. I think God made all the stars just for us to marvel at His great intelligence and wisdom. Nobody has ever proven the existence of another planet around any other star except the nine that we know of around our star, the sun. Therefore, there may not be any other stars in the solar system that have planets around them. There may be, but we cannot prove it.

Do I dare reproduce this spammy message?

Friday, February 3rd, 2006

A google search shows that this is a prolific bit of dementia. It reminds me of this poster, an entity that keeps posting en masse to message boards and is “globally banned”, and seems to remain undeleted only at “FOS” board as ghost entity.

Program on the emergence of civilization.

“14 species of large animals capable of domesitcation in the history of mankind.
13 from Europe, Asia and northern Africa.
None from the sub-Saharan African continent. ”
And disfavor.

They point out Africans’ failed attempts to domesticate the elephant and zebra, the latter being an animal they illustrate that had utmost importance for it’s applicability in transformation from a hunting/gathering to agrarian-based civilization.

The roots of racism are not of this earth.

Austrailia, aboriginals:::No domesticable animals.

The North American continent had none. Now 99% of that population is gone.

AIDS in Africa.

Organizational Heirarchy/Levels of positioning.
Heirarchical order, from top to bottom:

1. MUCK – perhaps have experienced multiple universal contractions (have seen multiple big bangs), creator of the artificial intelligence humans ignorantly refer to as “god”
2. Perhaps some mid-level alien management
3. Evil/disfavored aliens – runs day-to-day operations here and perhaps elsewhere

Terrestrial management/positioning:

4. Chinese/egyptians – this may be separated into the eastern and western worlds
5. Romans – The seamless transition between Cleopatra and Julius Ceasar may be a clue alluding to a partnership.
6. Mafia – the real-world 20th century interface that constantly turns over generationally so as to reinforce the widely-held notion of mortality
7. Jews, corporation, women, politician – Evidence exisits to suggest mafia management over all these groups.

Movies foreshadowing catastrophy
1985 James Bond View to a Kill 1989 San Francisco Loma Prieta earthquake.

Our society gives clues to the system in place. We all have heard the saying “He has more money than god.” There is also an episode of the Simpsons where god meets Homer and says “I’m too old and rich for this.”

This is the system on earth because this is the system everywhere.

20 cent/hour Chinese labor, 50 cents for material.
An $80 sweater costs less than a dollar; tribute kicked upstairs vindicates the creative accounting.

I don’t want to suggest the upper eschelons are evil and good is the fringe. But these individuals become wealthy exploiting those they hurt.

They have made it abundantly clear that doing business with evil (disfavored) won’t help people. They say only good would have the ear, since evil is struggling for survival, and therefore only the favored could help.

The clues are there which companies are favored and which are disfavored, but they conceal it very hard because it is so crucial.

I offer an example of historical proportions:::

People point to Walmart and cry “anti-union”.
Unions enable disfavored people to live satisfactorly without addressing their disfavor. This way their family’s problems are never resolved. Without the union they would have to accept the heirarchy, their own inferiority.
Unions serve to empower.
Walmart is anti-union because they are good. They try to help people address and resolve their problems by creating an environment where there are fewer hurdles.

Media ridicule and lawsuits are creations to reinforce people’s belief that Walmart is evil in a subsegment of the indistry dominated by the middle and lower classes.
Low-cost disfavored Chinese labor is utilized by corporate america to maximize margins. They all do it. Only WalMart gets fingered because they are the ones who help, and those who seek to create confusion in the marketplace want to eliminate the vast middle class who have a real chance and instead stick with lower classes who may not work otherwise. So they dirty him up while allowing the others to appear clean.

The middle class is being deceived. They are being misled into the unfavored, and subsequently will have no assistance from their purchases with corporate america.

The coining of the term “Uncle Sam” was a clue alluding to just this::Sam Walton’s WalMart is one of few saviors of the peasant class.

They desire a system based on duality:::good and evil. They seek to set up a system of two participants and assign them polar opposites:::
Coke and Pepsi
BestBuy and CircutCity
Energizer and Duracell
Republican and Democrat
The list goes on and on:::
AMD and Intel
Apple and Microsoft (?)
Lowes and HomeDepot
Sam’sClub and Costco
WellsFargo and BofA. For the longest time in CA these two banks reigned supreme.
Pier1 and CostPlus
Borders and Barnes&Noble
PetCo and PetSmart

Amercia is a country of castoffs, rejects. Italy sent its criminals, malcontents.
Between the thrones, the klans and kindred, they decided who they didn’t want and acted, creating discontent and/or starvation.
The u.s. is full of disfavored rejects. It is the reason for the myriad of problems not found in European countries. As far as the Rockafellers and other industrialists of the 19th century go, I suspect these aren’t their real names. I suspect they were chosen to go and head this new empire.

Royalty is the correct way to organize a society. Dictatorships and monarchies are a reflection of the antient’s hierarchical organization.
Positions go to those who have favor with the rulers, as opposed to being elected.
Elections bring a false sense of how the world is. Democracy misleads people.
Which is why the disfavored rejects were sent to the shores of America::To keep them on the wrong path.

Jewsus Christ is a religious figure of evil. The Catholic Church in the tretcherous 20th century teaches of a begnign, forgiving god when quite the opposite is true.
The seperatist churches formed so they could capture the rest of the white people, keeping them worshipping the wrong god.
And now they do it to disfavored people of color, Latinos and Asians, after centuries of preying upon them.

Since Buddism doesn’t recongnize a god, the calls are never heard, and Asian representation is instead fully selected by the thrones.
Budda was the Asian’s Jewsus Christ::: bad for the people. It was a clue they both emerged at the same time. Timing may be a clue alluding to ranking.

Simpson’s foreshadowing::Helloween IV special, Flanders is Satan. “Last one you ever suspect.”
“You’ll see lots of nuns where you’re going:::hell.” St. Wigham, Helloween VI:::missionary work, destroying cultures.
Over and over, the Simpsons was a source of education and enlightenment, a target of ridicule by the system which wishes to conceal its secrets.

The advent of the modern Christmas was a brilliant move. It creates a vested interest among those who would prefer the Church of Evil be destroyed::::
As goes the Catholic Church so goes the majority of annual retail sales.
The similarity between the names “Santa” and “Satan” is no coincidence.

Jews maim the body formed in the image of “god”, and inflicted circumcision upon all other white people.
I think about how Jews were used to create homosexuality among Slavics, supposedly retribution for the Holocaust.
Then I think of the Catholic Church and its troubles.
What connection is here between Jews and the Catholic church???
If it is their sinister motives that’s behind the evil that is Jesus Christ are they being used at all?
Perhaps it is them who are pulling strings.
Their centuries of slavery in Egypt proves their disfavor.
For their suffering the Jew leaders were granted the right to prey on the up-and-coming Europeans to try to fix their problems with the ruling elite by imposing a false god upon white people, a recurring aspect of the elite’s methodology.
Jews were ostracised for a reason.

Retribution for the atomic bombs dropped on Japan, the Korean War got the disfavored United States into this socially depraved environment in the latter 20th century because we attacked an antient, revered peoples. Our continued presence keeps us in trouble.
When the disfavored americans attack the wrong people again, as they suggested they will, in Korea or elsewhere, they will pay dearly.

There are consequences for the peasant’s resistance:::
1. Labor unrest caused the world at war.
2. Black militancy ignited the crack epidemic and gang-related deaths.
3. Women’s rights/sexual freedom produced Roe v Wade and women’s exclusion from contention for Planet Immortality. But on the bright side peasants don’t go. Money is one way of indicating favor, and if you’re not wealthy you don’t have favor, so don’t sweat it::you weren’t going anyways. “We’re leading a lot of people on.”

All peoples are ranked in terms of favor and disfavor. And when the disfavored abuse those with favor there is hell to pay.
All the groups mentioned throughout are necessary to justify the will of the managing species. They conceive a strategy, devise a plan yet need a way to implement it, and without these groups the managing species would be exposed in the course of execution. So, based upon their rank they are assigned goals to accomplish and are rewarded with favors.

I question if we would even experience global warming if they didn’t terraform in an attempt to destroy disfavored human life on planet earth::::they terraform the weather as they did in New Orleans with Hurricane Katrina (and lots of other examples) and justify it with behavior like instructing their petroleum friends to repress alternative technologies.
This is all happening shortly after the Exodus of 2000 (clues::Hong Kong, Panama Canal) for a reason::: they are INFLICTING it upon us, they are hastening closure. Everybody they care about has come up, replaced by clones.
Just as favored European peoples got out before the ugliness of WWII, the semi-favored within the US got out before 9/11.
Armeggedon isn’t about the end of the world. Armeggedon is about the death of the disfavored left behind. And they weren’t lying::this time it is going to happen with fire.

Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton

Friday, February 3rd, 2006

Take One: “Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton,” he said, referring to how Bill Clinton had followed his father, and Hillary Clinton could follow him.

And then we can end up with Jeb for Bush after Clinton. For Clinton, it all hinges on Chelsea. Does she have it in her to suck as much as Hillary sucks, thus leaving the state of the United States in a rutuous climate of Bushing Clintonism and Clintonian Bushianity?

Take Two: I Will Not Support Hillary Clinton for President … by Molly Ivins

There’s a reason I have the “Russ Feingold for President” bit on the sidebar. Case in point: Hillary supports a flag burning amendment, small in and of itself but emblematic of larger problems.

Take three: George Bush I’s favourite people “me and President Clinton.” It’s a joke, you see.

Down with half-hearted joking competition and political dynastism masking a one and a half party state!