the new Abu Gharib photos
I have seen the new abu Gharib photographs. I was not looking to see them, but enough blogs and websites have posted them that I came upon them through osmosis. I don’t need to tell you that they are gruesome and horrible.
If the Muslim World wants to riot against Western intrasigience, this is what they may justifiably rally against, as it is the shame of our nation — with the further shame being that there is a politically potent part of the nation that are torture apologists and it’s “nothing different that what happens in Skull and Bones!” — and a not insignificant part of our intelligentsia that indulges in mind games of when torture is necessary who are taking their cues from Jack Baer in the tv show “24”. You may not rally against the goddamned images of Mohammad, which I will never apologize for on behalf of whomever I’m supposed to be representing here. I tried to think of the “Cartoon Violence” as a proxy for more meaingful sins on our part, but in the end I’m stuck by the thought that a transgression is being accused of that is not a transgression
One last note:
I think it is safe to “go there”.