Guess who’s Back?
I heard about a segment or thereabouts of the “Ed Schulz” show yesterday. Notably, he used that Eminem song “Shady’s Back — Back again… blah blah blah blah” as a bumper track going into a derision of the Cartoon riots. I suddenly remembered, “That’s right. al Qaeda delivered a Fatwa — or something similar if not exactly that — on Eminem for mocking Bin Laden in his video!”
Eminem and Salmon Rushdie both must die for their insolence.
“This American Life” made good use of bumper track — a track did double duty. Leading out of a story about the reconstruction of New Orleans, and leading into a story about forcing a Chicago bakery to comply to regulation and not leave a strong chocolate smell in the area, they played Parliament’s “Chocolate City.” Clever, I say.
Incidentally, I can defend Ray Nagin’s call for a “Chocolate City”, though a bit weerily in terms of how he phrased it. I can’t defend his “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” speech that preceeded that statement… and I don’t know wherefore that came from. The same deep, dark place of insecurity (in this place political insecurity) that demands retribution against a Dane’s visualization of dear old Mohammad? MeHaps.