The Scientific Mind

I always have a bit of trouble bringing guest bloggers in. I brought Dick Cheney in once, just to let him clear the air. I brought Alexandar Hamilton in to blog, to give his opinion on the Harriet Miers nomination.

I note this story about various scientists’ trouble with the Bush Administration: , key line In October, for example, George Deutsch, a presidential appointee in NASA headquarters, told a Web designer working for the agency to add the word “theory” after every mention of the Big Bang, according to an e-mail message from Mr. Deutsch that another NASA employee forwarded to The Times.

Now, in his State of the Union speech, George W Bush pushed for furthering Scientific education. And he is now out there pushing the kids to pursue scientific inquiry: President Bush told the nation’s students on Friday that if they studied math and science they would not be joining the “nerd patrol” but helping their own futures and the economic health of the United States. — “You know, a lot of people probably think math and science isn’t meant for me — it kind of seems a little hard, algebra,” Mr. Bush said at a panel discussion, organized by the White House, outside Albuquerque at the Intel Corporation’s largest chip-making plant. “I can understand that, frankly.”

Okay. Let’s bring out an esteemed scientific theorist — and now guest blogger–, who offer an alternative theory to the gibbly-goo of George Deutsch’s supposed “Big Bang” theory. One of our nation’s leading Creationist Scientist — Kent Hovind! (He’s one of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell’s favourite scientists!) — and for that matter probably Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn’s as well… I asked Kent Hovind to please explain Einstein’s Theory of Relativity to me, and then to go any which way he pleases with respect to George Deutsch.

If you are traveling down the highway at sixty miles an hour, and turn your headlights on, how fast is the light going from your headlights? Compared to you, it is going at the speed of light. Compared to someone on the sidewalk it is going at the speed of light plus sixty miles an hour.

Stanley Deyo, a Christian, is a genius who wrote the book [“The Cosmic Conspiracy”]. Way over my head. Deyo says that there are two kinds of UFOs. First, there are US government owned and operated UFOs. That really got my attention. The US government has UFOs? He said that the second kind is the satanically – owned and operated UFOs. He says that Satan has always used that mode of transportation to get around because the devil can only be at one place at one time, whereas God is all places at all times. That may be far fetched, so please do not accuse me of saying this is true. I do not know if it is true, but it is an interesting theory.

Deyo tells an interesting story. Back in the 1920s there were experiments taking place in Red Gap, Australia, with electrogravidic propulsion. I mentioned this in a church some time back, and a man who is a physicist came to me and said, Brother Hovind, nobody is supposed to know about electrogravidic propulsion. How did you find out about it? I said, I read. Deyo states in his book that he used to work on UFOs, that is, he used to build them. He said that in 1920 they did experiments with electrogravidic propulsion. The idea was to charge an object up using a vandegraaff generator to obtain electrogravidic propulsion. If you were to stand on a block of wood and put your hand on the aluminum ball of a vandegraaff generator and flip the switch on causing a rubber belt to go round and round, you will become charged up. When you reach 10,000 volts, your hair stands on end. What happens when you get to 100,000 volts? It really stands up then, at least for those who have hair. What is going to happen when you reach a million volts? If you were to reach a million volts, and you were holding a 2×4 in your hand sticking out into the air, it would burst into flames. You would not feel a thing, but all of a sudden it would start burning. It is a strange phenomenon, and there are extremes. We have solids, liquids, and gases. What happens if you keep heating the gas? You would get plasma. What if you keep heating it? We do not know because we are unable to get as that hot. Maybe there are phenomenon at the extreme that we do not now about. The idea was that an object could be charged to the extreme. If you could charge an object with enough voltage, millions and millions of volts, it would become immune, or inert to gravity. Gravity would not have any effect on it. Deyo said that they charged these steel plates up to several million volts and they floated around the room. They did further experiments to try to direct and steer them and recharge them without touching them. This may be far fetched, I don’t know, but it might also be true.

One of the motives of NASA is to prove the theory of evolution by using taxpayer dollars. Carl Pagan (I mean Segan) and his group are attempting to look for signals of intelligent life on other planets. I have said many times that I do not believe that there is much intelligent life on this planet. I do not believe that there is any intelligent life on other planets that can be proven scripturally because the Bible says that Eve is the mother of all living. It is too hard to get around that verse; plus, there was no death until Adam sinned. I take that to mean there never been any deaths in the universe until Adam sinned. I believe that sin brought death into the universe according to Romans 5:12. I think God made all the stars just for us to marvel at His great intelligence and wisdom. Nobody has ever proven the existence of another planet around any other star except the nine that we know of around our star, the sun. Therefore, there may not be any other stars in the solar system that have planets around them. There may be, but we cannot prove it.

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