Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton

Take One: “Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton,” he said, referring to how Bill Clinton had followed his father, and Hillary Clinton could follow him.

And then we can end up with Jeb for Bush after Clinton. For Clinton, it all hinges on Chelsea. Does she have it in her to suck as much as Hillary sucks, thus leaving the state of the United States in a rutuous climate of Bushing Clintonism and Clintonian Bushianity?

Take Two: I Will Not Support Hillary Clinton for President … by Molly Ivins

There’s a reason I have the “Russ Feingold for President” bit on the sidebar. Case in point: Hillary supports a flag burning amendment, small in and of itself but emblematic of larger problems.

Take three: George Bush I’s favourite people “me and President Clinton.” It’s a joke, you see.

Down with half-hearted joking competition and political dynastism masking a one and a half party state!

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