It Was 25 Years Ago Today
“You say you want a Revolution, we all want to change the world.”
“NO. You have that wrong. It’s ‘We don’t want to change the world.”
I was surprised that my brother said that. “No. It is definitely ‘we all want to change the world’. But with some caveats that he gets to later. ‘When you talk about destruction — don’t you know you can count me out?’ and the other one is, with the song’s protaganist getting annoyed at the would-be revolutionary ‘I’m not following Mao!'”
The Beatles have three ‘Revolution’ titles. There’s this Revolution, Revolution #1, which is the same as Revolution only with a bunch of “doo-wops” tossed in, and the infamous “Revolution #9”.
“Number Nine. Number Nine. Number Nine.”
Or, as the Be-Sharps have it, “Number Eight. [Burp] Number Eight. [Burp.]”
There was a thread on Free Republic a few years ago, where the anti-revolutionaries compiled a list of the Great “Anti-Protest Songs”. Revolution was chief among them. I don’t know whether they grooved to the idea that it was denouncing the percieved excesses of the 60s Counterculture — Mao and Violence in the name of anti-violence, or if they made the mistake of thinking the lyrics were “We don’t want to change the world.” Never mind. The Freepers don’t get to claim this song. Stick to “Bush Is Right” and “The Angry American”