Lyndon LaRouche versus the Lyndon LaRouche Moment.
Okay. I may as well bump this over from the brief sidebar glance I gave the article, and flesh out a few things.
Here it is: Lyndon LaRouche remarks on the RNC and Ken Mehlman’s reference to him to attack Harry Reid:
“I guess,” LaRouche continued, “the bottom line is this: The Republicans are really hurting after Tuesday’s election losses, and many of them are fearful of my political influence. Some Republicans are terrified of my political capabilities. Especially, now, with the Democratic Party on a winning track, if they stick to what they did in the run-up to Tuesday’s elections.
“There are some Republicans,” LaRouche concluded, “who have been obsessed with me for decades, particularly since they observed, up close, my collaboration with the late President Ronald Reagan, in devising what came to be known as the Strategic Defense Initiative. For some Republicans—and they know who they are; I don’t have to name names—my SDI work with President Reagan has been a point of absolute obsession ever since.”
And thus we have the Lyndon LaRouche take on history, and for that matter history from the vantage point of 2008. I’m not sure “what they [the Democrats] did in the run up to Tuesday’s elections.” Jon Corzine ran a tv commercial that Doug Forrester might have run 3 or 4 years ago (and that realization was pointed out by Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show) with the line “Doug Forrester is George Bush’s Choice. Is He Yours?”. (And Doug Forrester now blames George Bush for his defeat.) Tim Kaine pointed out to a nauseating degree that he was a deeply religious man. (And the punditry immediately claimed this as a defeat for George Bush, because Bush actively campaigned for Kilgore.) I don’t know what to say about Arnold Schwarzeggar. Where Lyndon LaRouche fits into any of these Democratic victories, I do not know.
But he is setting himself up for his 2008 run for President, his Zombie-supporters in hand. 2006 looks to be, one way or another — and at worst by default — a big year for Democrats. LaRouche will take credit, and the readers of “Executive Intelligence Review” will believe that this came about by the grass-roots efforts of those young fellows handing out pamphlets, and then demanding $5 if you happen to take it from their hands.
I want to know who these Republicans are who are obsessed with Lyndon LaRouche. I know that the LaRouche history of events has it that his prison sentence was a political vendetta (I guess for his work with Reagan on SDI?)… is this James Baker and some of those Bush I-istas who float in and out and around and about Bush II’s administration?