Russia, also to a democracy

OH Looky here! Another example from the “America just can’t lose” department, (which I first began to notice as a trend when I read the back cover of A Patriot’s History of the United States. I hope each and every person in each and every nation America has chosen to bomb is grateful for what we’ve done for them… if they’re not, well… I guess we can just bomb them.:

The history of American involvement in foreign wars has all been positive in the long run. Although many on the left [opposed] the Vietnam War, the situation in that country is much better for the people now than before the war. Look at Japan after World War II; it now is a friendly democracy. Russia is now changing its form of government, also to a democracy, after the Cold War. Germany is a free country with a well-organized government.

Those who oppose the Iraq war may think they have the upper hand, but history has proved that America fights for what is right in the long run. Future generations will come to appreciate what America has done for them in foreign lands.

Mike P. Brink Gresham

May I just interject that I am not sure what “Russia is now changing its form of government, also to a democracy, after the Cold War.” is supposed to mean some decade and a half after the fall of Communism.

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