Dick Cheney’s Energy Meeting

The revelations of the minutes of Dick Cheney’s Energy Meetings would have been an anti-climax. I say this on the heels of the court decision to proffer up Closed Government. To figure out who he met with, it’s pretty much a matter of looking at who the Energy Bill, and any Bush-Administration legislation dealing with Energy matters, benefits and who pumped money into Bush-Cheney. The corporate coffers write the laws. We all know that. (We also know, thanks to documents uncovered by the Principaled Conservative Outfit Judicial Watch, that they were looking at maps of Iraqi Oil Fields.)

But, to make lemonade out of our Closed Government, I say everyone oughta speculate to the nth degree on the most outrageous of scandal mongering. Who did Dick Cheney meet with? Forget Enron officials and Saudi Princes. Dick Cheney met with Osama Bin Laden to flesh out the final stages of 9/11. Also at the meeting was Saddam Hussein, to go over the plans of the American Invasion and Saddam’s theatrical disappearance, and uncovering in a hole 9 months later (part one of the real goal: Iran.) Also meeting with Dick Cheney was Dick Clarke, for reasons that elude me but will likely be uncovered as time goes by.

There you go. Closed Governments must serve some purpose.

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