Savage Nation

At first I think he’s Hispanic, but a slightly closer examination and I have to say he’s just a fairly well tanned white guy. Early to mid 20s. Walking through the MAX Train with to stand next to a door…

… wearing a hat that says “Savage Nation.”

Any doubt I have that it is tied to radio personality, the most extreme of the right-wing radio hosts (Mr. “I hope you get AIDS and die. Go choke on a sausage!”) is destroyed by a large American flag image on the back of the cap.

It’s a new hat. He takes it off and looks at it with great admiration before putting it back on, thus destroying any chance that he likes the hat for any other reason than its tie-into Mike Savage. I’m watching through a reflection in the mirror, because, in the end, it is rude to stare at strangers directly…

… even Michael Savage fans deserve some respect.

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