Storm Troopers
“Every Mexican in America is an American of of a job. FUCK BUSH!!”
What that graffiti was supposed to say was “out of a job”, but whoever scrawled it into that store restroom was evidentally in a hurry — and I imagine racists defacing property are paranoid about being caught anyway.
The other day as I hurry across the street to cross the MAX train, I hear some assholes in a car shouting at a black man waiting for the train “Fucking Nigger!”, and to me “Yeah! You better run!” I turned back, smiled, and waved for no particular reason, before they turned to the next random person on the street. I don’t know what their deal was, though I suspect less racism per se (there is nobody whiter than I) so much as nihilism.
Which brings me to this event on Portland’s socio-political horizon. Chunk that one into the garbage category, and move on.