List of Organizations the Portland Police Kept Files on During the 1970s.

Targets of Survelliance

Abalone Alliance Group • African Liberation Day • African People’s Socialist Party/African National Prison Organization • Agape Community • Agents of Matriarchy • Alamo Christian Foundation • Al-Daawa Islamic Party • Alert for Latin America • Al Fajr • Al Fatah • All African People’s Revolutionary Party • All People’s Congress • Alliance for Social Change • Alternative Media Conference • American Absurdo-Anarchist Alliance • American-Arab Affairs Council • American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee • American Civil Liberties Union • American Educational Trust • American Federation of Ramallah • American Foundation for the Handicapped • American Freeman Association • American Friends of Revolutionary Iran • American Friends Service Committee • American Indian Movement • American Indian Political Power Movement • American Nationalist Party • American Revolutionary Army • American Russian Institute • American Soviet Friendship Committee • Americans Concerned About Corporate Power • Americans Concerned for Middle East Peace • Americans for Peace • Americans for Peace and Unity in Lebanon • Amnesty International • Ananda Marga cult • Anarchism Symposium • Anarchist Black Dragon • April 6th Liberation Movement • Aquarian Foundation • Arab Women’s Council • Armed Resistance Unit • Armenian Revolutionary Democratic Movement • Artistas Indigena • Aryan Brotherhood • Aryan Nations • Assassin magazine • Association of Arab-American University Graduates • Atlantic Life Community • August Seventh Guerrilla Movement • Bahai faith • Bethlehem Peace Pilgrims • Beyond War • Bicycle Repair Collective • Black Berets • Black Community Survival Conference • Black Guerrilla Family • Black Hebrews • Black Justice Committee • Black Liberation Army • Black Muslims • Black Panthers • Black Panthers Breakfast Program • Black United Front • Black United Fund • Blacks – anti • Brahma Kumaris World Spirituality University • Brandywine Peace Community • Brown Berets • Burnside Community Council • C-9 • California Homemakers Association • California Rangers • Calvin Dow Defense Committee • Campaign for Economic Democracy • Campaign for Peace With Justice in Central America • Campaign for Political Rights • Catholic Worker newspaper • Centenary Wilbur Methodist Church • Center for Constitutional Rights • Center for Defense Information • Center for National Security Studies • Center for Third World Organizing • Center for Truth • Central America Study and Action • CETA (Comprehensive Employment and Training Act) • Cheryl James Defense Committee • Children of the Valley of Life • Children’s Club • Children’s Defense Fund • Christ Brotherhood • Christ Family • Christ Miracle Healing Center Church • Christian Conservative Churches of America • Christian Defense League • Christian Educational Association • Christian National Socialist White People’s Liberation Army • Christian Nationalist White People’s Party • Church of the New Song • Church Universal and Triumphant • Churches – Red • Circle (anti-nuclear group) • Citizen Action for Lasting Security • Citizen Labor Energy Coalition • Citizens Allied for Responsible Energy • Citizens’ Bar Association • Citizens for Safe Power • Citizens Party • Citizens Organization for a Sane World • Civil Liberties Action Security Project • Clamshell Alliance • Clergy and Laity Concerned • Coalition Against Domestic Violence • Coalition for Battered Women • Coalition for Safe Power • Coalition of Conscience • Coalition of Labor Union Women • Coalition on Government Spying • Colegio Cesar Chavez • Columbia River Fellowship for Peace • Committee Against Racism • Committee for a Revolutionary Socialist Party • Committee for Artistic and Intellectual Freedom in Iran • Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy • Committee for Portland’s Children • Committee for U.S. Veterans of Hiroshima and Nagasaki • Committee in Defense of the Palestinian and Lebanese Peoples • Committee in Solidarity With the People of El Salvador • Committee of Ten Million • Committee to Defend James Daniels • Committee to End Corporate Fascism • Committee to Investigate Fraudulent Law Enforcement • Common Capital Fund • Common Cause • Communist Party – Marxist/Leninist “October League” • Communist Party – USA • Communist Workers Party • Community Defense Fund • Community for Creative Non-Violence • Community Law Project • Concerned Americans for Peace • Congress of Racial Equality • Consumer Power League • Cornucopia Institute • Council for a Livable World (Peace PAC) • Council for American Soviet Friendship • Covenant for Peace • Crips gang • Critical Mass Energy Project • Croatians • Crusade for Justice • Da Free John • De Mau Mau • Defenders of the Republic • Democratic Socialists of America • Democratic Socialists Organizing Committee • Direct Action Canada • Direct Action Eugene • Disarmament Media Network • Diversity Alliance • Draft Action • Drawn Swords Visionaries • Duck Book • Earth First • Earth People’s Park Group • Eckankar • Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon • Elliot Energy House • Emergency Response Network • Emissary of the Guiding Light • Energy Action Coalition • Environmental Life Force • Environmentalists – misc. • Espionage – local suspects • Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church • Eugene Coalition • Evangelical Church of Christ • Evangelicals for Social Action • Fadayee • Fair Share • Fallen Angel Choir • FALN (Puerto Rican nationalist group) • The Family • Family Circus Theater • FBI • Federation for Progress • Fellowship of Reconciliation • Forelaws on Board • Foundation for Middle East Peace • Fourth International • Free People’s Party • Free Speech Movement • Freedom International • Freedom League • Freedom Socialist Party • Friction gallery • Friends of Sisters on the Street • Friends of the Earth • Gandhi World Peace University • Gays – misc. • General Union of Palestinian Students • General Zero • Generations for Peace • Gentiles United for Zionist Aims • George Jackson Brigade • German-American Bund • Global Tomorrow Coalition • Golden Mean Society • Good Faith Township • Good Shepherd Tabernacle Church • Goose Hollow Committee • Go Ye Into All the World Christian Fellowship Inc. • Gray Panthers • Great Atlantic Radio Conspiracy • Green Party • Greenpeace • Ground Zero • Ground Zero Cities Pairing Project • Guardian Angels • Guardian weekly newspaper • Gulf Palestine Support Committee • Hanafi Muslims • Hanford Conversion Project • Hanford Oversight Committee • Hapotoc Collective • Hare Krishna • High School Collective • Hiroshima Day • Hispanic Commission • Hispanic Political Action Committee • Hoedads • House of Judah Health and Energy Institute • Immoral Minority • Identity Churches • Independence National • Indians – misc. • Indo-China Peace Campaign • Industrial Areas Foundation • International Workers of the World • Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies • Institute for Peace and Justice • Institute for Policy Studies • Institute for World Order • Instructor of Light • Intercollective • Interdependence Day • International Committee Against Racism • International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace • International Socialist Party • International Women’s Day • Iranian American Friendship Committee • Iranian Guerrillas in America • Iranian Students Association • Iranians – misc. • Irish Republican Army • Japanese Red Army • Jews – anti • Jews for Jesus • Jobs for Peace • Jobs or Income Now • John Brown Anti-Klan Committee • John Reed Bookstore • Kent State • KBOO • KGB • KKK • Klanwatch • Kol Ha Shofar • La Comunidad Unida Para Justicia • Law Enforcement Research Publications • Lawyers Alliance for Nuclear Arms Control • Lawyers Committee Against U.S. Intervention in Central America • League of Conservation Voters • League of United Latin American Citizens • Learning Exchange of Oregon • Lebanon Relief • Left Bank Collective • Life Spring • Light of Life Ltd. • Lincoln County protest • Live Without Trident • Livermore Action Group • Lord’s Covenant Church • Macheteros • Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field • Main Street Gathering • Manson Family • Mantell Club • Marxist Leninist League • Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee • Marxist-Leninist Party of the USA • May 19th Communist Organization • McKenzie River Gathering • Medical Aid for El Salvador • Mendocino Whale War • Metro Cafe Collective • Mexican Mafia • Ministry of Restoration • Minority Contractors Inc. • Minutemen • Mission for World Peace • Mobilization for Survival • Mojahedin • Mom’s Garage • Monthly Review • Moslem Brotherhood • Moslem Student Association • Moslem Student Society • Mother Jones magazine • Mountain Moving Cafe • Move • National Alliance • National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression • National Anti-Klan Network • National Anti-Racist Organizing Committee • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People • National Association for the Advancement of White People • National Association for White Preservation • National Association of Arab Americans • National Committee Against Repressive Legislation • National Committee for Independent Political Action • National Committee to Honor the 14th Centennial of Islam • National Conference of Black Lawyers • National Democratic Policy Committee • National Emergency Committee on Lebanon • National Lawyers Guild • National Network for Direct Action • National Organization for Women • National Party of America • National Resistance Committee • National Socialist Alliance • National Socialist Liberation Front • National Socialist Party • National Socialist White People’s Party • National States Party • National Student Coalition Against Racism • National Students Association • National Unemployed-Welfare Rights Organization • Nazis • Nehemiah Township • Nerve Gas Task Force • Nestle Boycott • Networks • New Age Foundation Inc. • New America Movement • New Dawn Collective • New Jewish Agenda • New Options • New Order Legion • New Patriot Alliance • New World Liberation Front • Non-Violent Preparers Collective • North American Congress on Latin America • North Star Network • Northwest Action for Disarmament • Northwest Arc • Northwest Area Foundation • Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides • Northwest Conservation Act Coalition • Northwest Direct Action Network • Northwest Fund for Justice • Northwest Liberation Front • Northwest Oregon Voter Registration Project • Northwest Seasonal Workers Association • November 29 Coalition • Nuclear Control Institute • Nuclear Free Pacific • Nuclear Information and Resource Service • Nuclear power – anti • Nuclear Weapons Freeze Coalition • Nudepeace Society • Nuestra Familia • Nukewatch • October Anti-War Coalition • Omega 7 • Operation Outrage Inc. • Operation PUSH • Oregon Anti-Conspiracy Committee • Oregon Citizen/Labor Energy Coalition • Oregon Coalition Against the Draft • Oregon Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights • Oregon Coalition to Defeat the Bakke Decision • Oregon Committee to Stop the M-X • Oregon Council for Women’s Equality • Oregon Farm Worker Support Committee • Oregon Human Rights Coalition • Oregon Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign • Oregon Progressive Agenda • Organization of Arab Students • Organization of Democratic Youth and Students of Iran • Pacific Life Community • Pacific News Service • Pacific Northwest Labor College • Pacifica Network • Pairing Project • Palestine American Congress • Palestine Arab Fund • Palestine Congress of North America • Palestine Human Rights Campaign • Palestine Information Office • Palestine Liberation Organization • Palestine Solidarity Committee • Patriot Party • Pax Christi • Peace Academy • Peace Action Coalition • Peace and Freedom Party • Peace House/Ashland, Ore. • Peace Links – Women Against Nuclear War • Peace Pastoral Task Force • Peace Research Group • Peace Research Program • Pedro Luis Boitel Commando Group • People for the American Way • People Preventing War • People’s Alliance • People’s Army Jamboree • People’s Food Store • People’s Temple • People’s Test Ban Clearinghouse • People’s Translation Service • Performing Artists for Nuclear Disarmament • Peter Watkins Project • Physicians for Social Change • Physicians for Social Responsibility • Planned Parenthood • Plant Closure Organizing Committee • Plebiscite Crusades • Polar Bear Party • Police – anti • Poor People’s Conference • Poor People’s Network • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine • Portland Central American Solidarity Committee • Portland Citizens Against Racism • Portland Committee for Unemployment Action • Portland Community Warehouse Inc. • Portland Freeze Coalition • Portland Gay People’s Alliance • Portland International Conference on Human Rights • Portland Peace Investors • Portland Planetary Investors • Portland Tenants’ Union • Portland Town Council • Portlanders Organized for Southern African Freedom • Positive Action Center • Posse Comitatus • Prairie Fire Organizing Committee • Progressive Labor Party • Progressive magazine • Pro-Pac • Provisional Revolutionary Committee • Public utility district coalitions • Radical Activists for Sexual Minorities • Radical America • Radical Education Project • Radical Women • Rain Community Resource Center • Rainbow Family • Rajneesh • Rape Relief Hotline • New World Liberation Front • Rastafarians • Ratepayers Union • Rebel Woman • Red Rose School • Refuse the Cruise Coalition • Responsible Urban Neighborhood Technology • Revolutionary Action Movement • Revolutionary Communist Party • Revolutionary Education Project • Revolutionary Fighting Group • Revolutionary Socialist Party • Revolutionary Union • Rose City Ratepayers Association • Rose Festival Peace Committee • Ryan Environmental Enterprises • Salvadorean Humanitarian Aid, Research and Education Foundation • Sam Melville-Jonathan Jackson Unit • San Francisco Mime Troupe • Sanctuary Coalition • Sanity • Save Our Liveable Downtown • Scientology • Scribe newspaper • Seattle Liberation Front • Seattle Ordinance • Serve the People • Shadow Project • Sierra Club • Sikhs • Silvershirts • Sisters of the Road Cafe • Slate student group • Socialist Labor Party • Socialist Review • Socialist Workers Party • Society for New Action Politics • South Africa (anti-USA) • Southern Christian Leadership Conference • Spartacist League • Spectrum Inc. • Sports Acres • SS Action Group • Strangers Collective • Student Alliance for Nuclear Awareness • Student Mobilization Committee • Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee • Students for a Democratic Society • Students in Solidarity With the Central American People • Students Together Against Nuclear Destruction • Sufi mysticism • Sun Fighters • Supporters of Silkwood • Survivalists • Symbionese Liberation Army • Synanon Foundation • Syrian Social Nationalist Party • Teamsters for a Democratic Union • Technical Assistance for Community Services • Terrorism – training • Tolstoy Foundation Inc. • TransAfrica • Transformation Times • Tribal Thumb • Tridentine Latin Rite Church “Fatima Crusaders” • Trojan (protests against the Trojan Nuclear Power Plant) • Trojan bombing • Trojan Decommissioning Alliance • Trust Jesus • Tudeh Party – Iran • Uhuru • Unaffiliated Christians • Unification Church – Moonies • Union for Radical Political Economies • Union of Concerned Scientists • Unions • United Farm Workers • United Feminists Against the Right • United Freedom Front • United Front Bookstore • United Indian Fish Committee Inc. • United Indian Women • United Minority Workers Inc. • United Nations • United Palestinian Appeal • USSR • Us Inc. • U.S.-China People’s Friendship Association • U.S. Labor Party • U.S. Prostitutes Collective (U.S. Pros) • U.S. Soviet Friendship Council • United Way • Universal Life Church • Uranium Resistance Coalition • Urban Guerrilla • Utility Action Center • Valley Migrant League • Vancouver Island Network for Disarmament • Vandenberg Action Coalition • Venceremos Brigade • Venceremos Organization • Vietnam Vets Against the War • War Resisters League • War Tax Resistance • Way International • Weathermen • Weaver-Jackson Power Bill Hearings • Well Springs Commune • Western Front • Western Socialist Conference • White Alliance • White Panthers • White Train (anti-nuclear weapon protests) • Willamette Bridge newspaper • Women — misc. • Women for Racial and Economic Equality • Women of All Red Nations • Women Strike for Peace • Women’s Action for Nuclear Disarmament • Women’s Initiative for Peace • Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom • Women’s Night Watch • Women’s Peace Alliance • Women’s Rights Coalition • Women’s Solidarity Committee • Workers Viewpoint Organization • Working Papers • World Citizens for Peace • World Concern • World Council of Churches • World Peace Council • World Peace Tax Fund • World Peacemakers • World Service • World Without War Council of Portland • Yesh G’Vul • Young Communist League • Youth International Party (Yippies)

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