Get Out Some Other Vote
Wednesday, October 27th, 2004The LaRouchites stand behind a giant placade saying “Kerry / Edwards 2004” — obtainable at various Democratic and Kerry campaign headquarters, and in front of a sign that says “LaRouche Youth Movement” — and a picture of Lincoln, FDR, and… LaRouche.
One LaRouchite has “Kerry / Edwards” stickers all over himself.
It makes sense. Cults co-opt memes; LaRouche co-opts “Anybody but Bush”. It appeals to the kids.
The Tom DeLay Campaign has claimed that his opponent, Richard Morrison, is using LaRouchites as surrogates, and is intimating that references to his corruption scandals are ipso-facto conspiracy – mongering. The same reason he filed a frivulous lawsuit against Howard Dean, one he has no intention of following through with… tie Morrison in with “East Coast Elite Liberals”, and with “Nutball Conspiracy Theorists”.
(The Dean-founded organization’s ad shows a batch of newspaper headlines, which makes one wonder how to define the word “libel”.)