We Got a Debate.

What did we Learn?

Bob Schieffer was the big loser of the debate.

And that is, will our children and grandchildren ever live in a world as safe and secure as the world in which we grew up?

I’m not sure how old Schieffer is. I believe Kerry would’ve been in Junior High during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I’m sure he did the whole “Duck and Cover” routine at his New England Prep school. Bush, a few years younger than Kerry, likely did the same in his New England Prep school.

We are talking about protecting ourselves from the unexpected, but the flu season is suddenly upon us. Flu kills thousands of people every year.

Suddenly we find ourselves with a severe shortage of flu vaccine. How did that happen?

While we’re at it, What are you gonna do about the pothole on State Street? Clinton often seemed as though he were campaigning and operating as Mayor of America. I thought the 90s were over.

Bush’s answer was a little odd. Canada is good for flu vaccines, but not for prescription drugs in the main? Kerry used the question to riff on Health Care.

SCHIEFFER: You were asked before the invasion, or after the invasion, of Iraq if you’d checked with your dad. And I believe, I don’t remember the quote exactly, but I believe you said you had checked with a higher authority.

I would like to ask you, what part does your faith play on your policy decisions?

NOTHING substantive can possibly come out of that question.

SCHIEFFER: We’ve come, gentlemen, to our last question. And it occurred to me as I came to this debate tonight that the three of us share something. All three of us are surrounded by very strong women. We’re all married to strong women. Each of us have two daughters that make us very proud.

I’d like to ask each of you, what is the most important thing you’ve learned from these strong women?

What is this… Oprah?

I’m tempted to put the “Kerry — Catholic” question in the same category, but I’ll give it a bye because I’m feeling generous in regards to what makes a legitimate question for the presidential wannabes.

Other than that:

BUSH: Gosh, I just don’t think I ever said I’m not worried about Osama bin Laden. It’s kind of one of those exaggerations.

Thank you, Bush. Now the programs where the blabbering classes congregate have an excuse to replay that clip over and over and over and over again.

And since that’s probably the line that’s going to be repeated and reverberated in the nation’s conciousness… Kerry wins.

If you want to know what the right-wing radio talk shows are going to plow over and reverberate: well, beyond Kerry the Liberal, and what a low blow it was to play the Lesbian daughter card.

Other bullshit moments exist. John Marshal’s opinion is pretty accurate in regards to In all due respect, I’m not so sure it’s credible to quote leading news organizations about — oh, never mind… “ooh, he just whipped CBS”… seems to be a lagging example of the “Bubble Effect.” Most notably, one laughs at loud here:

BUSH: Actually, I made my intentions — made my views clear. I did think we ought to extend the assault weapons ban, and was told the fact that the bill was never going to move, because Republicans and Democrats were against the assault weapon ban, people of both parties

Don’t try to analyze the words or explain them. Just mock them.

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