Things that make you go “Hm”

Where do people vote?


What was the news item about terrorism yesterday?

Vague premonitions of vague threats to vague American schools.

What was the news item about terrorism today?

Iraqi insurgents looking at websites with floorplans of specific American schools.

Where are these schools?

Georgia, Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, Oregon and California.

New Jersey is supposedly the heart of “Security Mom” land…

Not that I’m suggesting anything.

Just curious, can someone point me to a website showing the architectural floor-plans of a K-12 school anywhere? Just curious.

2 Responses to “Things that make you go “Hm””

  1. Simon Cursitor Says:

    Re floorplans, try

    But don’t tell the terrorists

  2. Justin Says:

    Interesting. I was sort of expecting something else, but now that I think about it that would probably suffice.

    Of course:
    The Department of Homeland Security official said the material was associated with a person in Iraq, and it could not be established that this person had any ties to terrorism. He did have a connection to civic groups doing planning for schools in Iraq, the official said.

    Hm indeed.

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